14A-4-413.3 Approval of working drawings.
All working drawings which are used in the construction of buildings or structures must be either made or checked by the registered design professional or Illinois-licensed professional engineer responsible for the building design. The registered design professional or Illinois-licensed professional engineer must mark each working drawing to certify that such drawings conform to the permitted construction documents. This certification must cover the size of wood or concrete members, the size and weight of structural steel members, and the size, length, and bending of concrete reinforcement, together with the adequacy of all connections.
14A-4-413.4 Issuance based on deceptive or materially false information.
A permit issued based on deceptive or materially false information provided to the building official by the applicant or the applicant’s agent is void from the outset, and any fee paid in connection with the permit application or void permit is forfeited to the City.
(Amend Coun. J. 1-24-24, p. 8634, Art. III, § 3)
14A-4-413.4.1 Alteration of forms.
It is unlawful and inherently deceptive to alter or add to any written or printed form prepared by the building official so as to change the original meaning without the written permission of the building official.
14A-4-413.5 Duty to correct false or inaccurate information.
A permit holder or trade license holder who becomes aware that false or inaccurate information was provided to the building official as part of a permit application must, within 7 days, notify the building official in writing by specifying the permit application number and describing the false or inaccurate information.
14A-4-413.6 Use of permit issued to another.
It is unlawful for a person to perform work for which the licensing provisions of the Municipal Code require a license if the person does not have such a license. It is unlawful for a trade license holder to perform work under a permit if the trade license holder’s name and license or registration number was not provided to the building official, as required, as part of the permit application or a supplemental permit application.
(Amend Coun. J. 1-24-24, p. 8634, Art. III, § 3)
14A-4-413.7 Permit for person not entitled to perform work.
It is unlawful for a trade license holder to knowingly or recklessly assist in securing a permit when work under the permit will be performed a person* not authorized to perform such work under the licensing provisions of the Municipal Code. A permit procured for such use is void from the outset and any fee paid in connection with the permit application or void permit is forfeited to the City.
(Amend Coun. J. 1-24-24, p. 8634, Art. III, § 3)
* Editor’s note – As set forth in Coun. J. 1-24-24, p. 8634, Art. III, § 3. Correct phrase likely should be “...will be performed by a person....” Future legislation will correct if needed.
14A-4-413.8 Revocation.
The building official may revoke a permit that is neither void from the outset nor expired based on a finding that the permit applicant, permit holder, or a trade license holder performing work under the permit has failed to comply with any provision of the Chicago Construction Codes. The building official must adopt and follow procedural rules for the revocation of permits that are neither void from the outset nor expired, consistent with due process of law.
14A-4-413.8.1 Work in violation of the Chicago Construction Codes.
If work in, upon, or about any building or structure is performed in violation of the Chicago Construction Codes, any permit in connection with which such violation has taken place is voidable and subject to revocation.
14A-4-413.8.2 Permit issued in error.
Any City official who believes that a permit has been issued in error must notify the building official, who will review the application for permit and relevant portions of the Municipal Code to determine whether the permit was issued in error. If the building official determines that a permit was issued in error, the permit is voidable and subject to revocation. The building official must notify the permit holder of the error, revoke the permit, and allow the permit holder to revise the related application and construction documents to conform to the applicable provisions of the Municipal Code.
14A-4-413.8.3 Effect of revocation.
It is unlawful, after the revocation of a permit, to proceed with building or wrecking operations until the permit is reinstated or reissued by the building official. Any amount paid to the City in connection with the permit application or permit is nonrefundable. Except where this Code provides such payments are forfeited, the full amount paid to the City in connection with a revoked permit must be credited toward any amount due for reissuance of the permit within one year of revocation.