The fees imposed by this title do not apply to permits issued to the City, to any City department or agency established under Title 2 of the Municipal Code, or to a contractor performing work for the City or one of its departments or agencies on a structure intended for public or governmental use or for work undertaken for governmental purposes.
Exception: Work paid for from a grant or enterprise fund or as directed by the Comptroller.
(Amend Coun. J. 6-25-21, p. 32180, Art. I, § 7)
The fees imposed by this chapter do not apply to a contractor applying for a permit for a City digital sign identified in a coordinated City digital sign program agreement entered into pursuant to Section 10-28-046 of the Municipal Code or identified in an amendment to such a program agreement approved by the city council.
The issuance or granting of a permit does not authorize or allow work that would violate any provision of the Chicago Construction Codes or of the Municipal Code. A permit which attempts to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of the Chicago Construction Codes or of the Municipal Code is void from the outset to the extent it attempts to do so.
All working drawings which are used in the construction of buildings or structures must be either made or checked by the registered design professional or Illinois-licensed professional engineer responsible for the building design. The registered design professional or Illinois-licensed professional engineer must mark each working drawing to certify that such drawings conform to the permitted construction documents. This certification must cover the size of wood or concrete members, the size and weight of structural steel members, and the size, length, and bending of concrete reinforcement, together with the adequacy of all connections.