(a) Beginning 90 days after the effective date of this article, no person shall place or maintain any advertising bench on or over the public way except as permitted under this article.
(b) The commissioner may grant authority for the use of the public way for the placement of advertising benches within the city or within a defined portion of the city, in the manner provided in this article.
(c) The authority to place advertising benches on the public way in any territory within the city shall be awarded by contract pursuant to the competitive bidding procedures set forth in Division ten of Article 8 of the Illinois Municipal Code and Chapter 2-92 of the Municipal Code of Chicago.
(d) Before accepting bids for any such contract, the department shall, by rule or regulation, define the territory or territories in which the authority to place advertising benches will be granted.
(e) Any person awarded a contract under this section must:
(1) Place advertising benches on the public way only as permitted by this article;
(2) Remove, at the direction of the department, advertising benches illegally situated on the public way within the territory, in accordance with a schedule developed by the department and incorporated into the contract;
(3) Pay the city a monthly rental fee for each advertising bench placed or maintained on the public way by the contractor. Such fee shall be the amount that is bid in the competitive bidding process.
(f) A contract awarded pursuant to this section shall be in effect for a period of three years unless terminated pursuant to this chapter or pursuant to the terms of the contract. A contract may be extended by mutual agreement for a period of one year or less, but may not be so extended more than three times.
(g) A contract awarded pursuant to this section may contain such penalties, rewards or other inducements as the commissioner or the corporation counsel considers necessary to further the purposes of this article, and may provide for arbitration as a means for settling disputes arising under the contract. The contract may also provide that the city will in whole or in part indemnify the contractor against liability arising from the exercise of the contractor's duties pursuant to the contract.
(h) Any advertising bench on the public way authorized pursuant to this section shall not require the issuance of a public way use permit pursuant to Section 10-28-010.
(Added Coun. J. 12-19-90, p. 28705; Amend Coun. J. 1-13-10, p. 83228, § 1)
(a) Applications for permits to place advertising benches at particular locations shall be made by the contractor to the commissioner on forms provided by him for such purpose. Each application shall contain the proposed location of the advertising bench, a brief description of the size and shape of the bench and a drawing showing the exact proposed placement of the bench at the location. The application shall be reviewed by the department to insure that the proposed location and placement are in conformity with this article and with rules and regulations governing the placement of such benches in the public way promulgated pursuant to Section 10-28-690. Within ten business days of receiving any application, the commissioner shall notify the alderman of the ward in which the bench is proposed to be placed, who shall respond in writing with his specific objections, if any, within 15 days of receiving such a notice.
(b) If the commissioner determines that the proposed location of the advertising bench is in compliance with this article and all rules and regulations adopted pursuant thereto, he shall issue a permit to the contractor for the bench. A permit shall be valid for the duration of the contract unless the permit is terminated by the commissioner for any violation of this article or for any other reason specified in this article. Permits shall be nontransferable, and any attempt to transfer such a permit shall result in the immediate expiration of the permit. The monthly fee for placing or maintaining an advertising bench on the public way shall apply from the first day of the month following the month in which the permit is issued. The fee shall be paid each month or on such other periodic basis that the commissioner may establish by rule.
(c) Each contractor shall provide proof to the commissioner that such contractor has obtained commercial general liability insurance with limit of not less than $300,000.00 per occurrence for bodily injury, personal injury and property damage in connection with all of the contractor's advertising benches, naming the City of Chicago as additional insured on a primary, noncontributory basis for any liability arising directly or indirectly from the permittee's operations. The aggregate amount of the insurance shall be an amount determined by the city comptroller, office of risk management, to be sufficient to cover all potential liability arising from the placement of the advertising benches.
No insurance policy shall be subject to cancellation except upon 30 days' prior written notice to the commissioner. A contractor shall maintain his insurance coverage so long as he keeps any advertising bench upon a public way. The term of any such policy shall be at least for the duration of any permit for any advertising bench issued to the contractor. Upon the termination or lapse of the contractor's insurance coverage, any permit issued to him shall expire.
(d) A contractor who applies for one or more permits shall post a cash bond with the city comptroller in an amount specified in the contract for the purpose (1) of assuring the prompt removal of any advertising bench upon expiration and nonrenewal of its permit or whenever ordered or required to remove an advertising bench pursuant to any provisions of this Code or the contract, and (2) of repairing any damage to the public way caused by the presence of any advertising bench placed by the contractor. The cost to the city of removing any such bench or making such repairs shall be deducted from the contractor's bond.
Whenever the commissioner assesses a cost against a contractor's bond, he shall provide him at least ten days' advance notice and inform him of his right to appeal and the manner of appealing the assessment in a public hearing in accordance with rules and regulations promulgated pursuant to Section 10-28-690. A contractor shall restore any amounts properly deducted from his bond within ten days after the deduction is made. Bonds shall remain with the comptroller for 90 days after the contractor certifies to the commissioner that all advertising benches maintained by the contractor have been removed following the expiration or relinquishment of the contractor's last permit. Any balance remaining shall thereafter be promptly refunded.
(e) Each advertising bench shall exhibit the permit issued for that location in permanently painted characters of at least one inch in height with one-fourth inch stroke in a contrasting color. Any bench failing to exhibit such information in the appropriate form may be removed pursuant to this article.
(f) Whenever any advertising bench placed lawfully upon the public way by the contractor endangers public safety or property or becomes a public nuisance, or whenever construction or a change in the configuration of the public way necessitates the removal or relocation of such bench, or whenever the condition or placement of such bench is not in compliance with this article, the commissioner shall order the contractor to remove or relocate the bench at the contractor's expense, or shall cause the bench to be removed at the contractor's expense after giving the contractor ten days' written notice.
(Added Coun. J. 12-19-90, p. 28705; Amend Coun. J. 10-28-15, p. 11951, Art. VI, § 36; Amend Coun. J. 11-16-16, p. 37901, Art. II, § 36)
Each advertising bench must be situated adjacent to that portion of the roadway that is reserved for use as a Chicago Transit Authority bus stop. No more than one advertising bench may be situated at any such location. All benches are expressly prohibited in the following places:
(a) In any alley or fire lane;
(b) At any location where placement of a bench would impede the free and orderly flow of pedestrian traffic or would impede access to the public way or public transportation by disabled persons; and
(c) At any location:
(1) Where the remaining width of the sidewalk would be less than four feet,
(2) Within 30 inches of any curbline,
(3) Within 50 feet of the property line of property is zoned R3 or lower or on which a designated landmark building is located,
(4) Within five feet of any loading zone, driveway, fire lane or alley,
(5) Within 15 feet of any fire hydrant or standpipe,
(6) Within three feet of any pedestrian crosswalk,
(7) In line with and within 20 feet of any doorway or entranceway to any private property or in a position that would otherwise interfere with or impede exit from or entrance to private property,
(8) On median strips in the roadway.
(d) Further, advertising benches are prohibited:
(1) Within any bus shelter,
(2) Within three feet of a posted Chicago Transit Authority bus stop sign,
(3) Within any area designated an historic district pursuant to this Code; within a public park; or within any other area designated by ordinance adopted prior to advertising for bids as an advertising bench "restricted zone".
(Added Coun. J. 12-19-90, p. 28705; Amend Coun. J. 11-14-18, p. 90308, Art. III, § 1)
(a) After receiving considerable input from members of the public, representatives of community groups from businesses, and city planners, the city council of the City of Chicago has determined that the placement of advertising benches on the public way is not appropriate in certain areas and at certain intersections within the city. The city council has therefore provided for the designation of advertising bench "restricted zones" in which no advertising benches will be permitted. The designations of such restricted zones, which are described in subsection (b), are based upon the following considerations: (1) the aesthetic, historic or other distinguishing character of the areas so designated or their surrounding neighborhoods; (2) the safety of the public; and/or (3) the desire to avoid a proliferation of advertising benches in certain areas for reasons of aesthetics and public safety.
(b) The following areas are hereby designated advertising bench "restricted zones" pursuant to Section 10-28-670:
(1) That portion of the city bounded as follows:
Beginning at the intersection of Lake Michigan and Goethe Street extended; thence west on Goethe Street extended and Goethe Street to Dearborn Street; thence north on Dearborn Street to North Avenue; thence west on North Avenue to the North Branch of the Chicago River; thence generally southerly and southeasterly along the North Branch of the Chicago River to the Chicago River; thence generally easterly along the Chicago River to Lake Michigan; thence generally north along Lake Michigan to the place of beginning; excepting therefrom only the following:
All locations adjacent to either side of Clark Street between Chicago Avenue and Ohio Street.
All locations adjacent to either side of Dearborn Street between Ontario Street and Kinzie Street.
All locations adjacent to either side of LaSalle Street, Wells Street and Orleans Street between Chicago Avenue and Kinzie Street.
(2) All corner locations adjacent to the following intersections:
South Hyde Park Boulevard and East 54th Street;
South Hyde Park Boulevard and East 55th Street;
South Hyde Park Boulevard and East 56th Street;
South Jeffrey Boulevard and East 71st Street;
South Jeffrey Boulevard and East 73rd Street;
South Stony Island Avenue and East 57th Street;
South Stony Island Avenue and East 59th Street;
East 71st Street and South Exchange Avenue;
East 71st Street and South Yates Boulevard;
East 55th Street and South Cornell Avenue.
All corner locations adjacent to the east side of the following intersections:
South Stony Island Avenue and East 71st Street;
South Stony Island Avenue and East 75th Street;
All corner locations adjacent to the south side of the intersection of South Hyde Park Boulevard and East 53rd Street.
All corner locations adjacent to the east and northwest sides of the intersection of South Jeffrey Boulevard and East 75th Street.
All corner locations adjacent to the southwest corners of the following intersections:
East 55th Street and South Lake Park Avenue;
East 75th Street and South Yates Boulevard.
All locations adjacent to the south side of East 53rd Street between South Lake Park Avenue and Lake Michigan.
All locations adjacent to either side of South Shore Drive between East 67th Street and East 71st Street.
All locations adjacent to the Illinois Central Railroad tracks at the intersection of East 71st Street and South Yates Boulevard.
(3) All locations adjacent to either side of West Diversey Avenue between North California Avenue and North Maplewood Avenue.
All locations adjacent to either side of West Belmont Avenue between North Avondale Avenue and North Albany Avenue.
All locations adjacent to either side of West Fullerton Avenue between the centerline of the Kennedy Expressway and Western Avenue.
All corner locations adjacent to the intersection of West Addison Street and North Kedzie Avenue.
All corner locations adjacent to the intersection of West Addison Street and North California Avenue.
(4) All locations adjacent to either side of Halsted Street: between 104th Street and 106th Street, between 108th Street and 110th Street, between 112th Street and 114th Street, between 116th Street and 118th Street, and between 120th Street and 122nd Street.
All locations adjacent to either side of South State Street and Wentworth Avenue: between 104th Street and 110th Street, between 112th Street and 114th Street, and between 116th Street and 118th Street.
All locations adjacent to the east side of South Vincennes Avenue between 104th Street and 106th Street.
All locations adjacent to either side of South Vincennes Avenue: between 108th Street and 109th Street, between 113th Street and 114th Street, and between 117th Street and 118th Street.
All locations adjacent to the south side of West 103rd Street: between Perry Avenue and Union Avenue, and between Peoria Street and South Vincennes Avenue.
All locations adjacent to either side of West 107th Street between South State Street and Church Street.
All locations adjacent to either side of West 111th Street: between Wentworth Avenue and Union Avenue, and between Peoria Street and Ashland Avenue.
All locations adjacent to either side of West 115th Street: between Perry Avenue and Union Avenue, between Peoria Street and Aberdeen Street, and between Throop Street and Wood Street.
All locations adjacent to the north side of West 119th Street between Perry Avenue and Stewart Avenue.
All locations adjacent to either side of West 119th Street between Stewart Avenue and Wood Street.
All locations adjacent to either side of South Ashland Avenue between West 119th Street and West 123rd Street.
(5) All locations adjacent to either side of West Foster Avenue between California Avenue and Kedzie Avenue.
All locations adjacent to either side of West Lawrence Avenue between Western Avenue and Kedzie Avenue.
All locations adjacent to either side of West Montrose Avenue between California Avenue and Kedzie Avenue.
All locations adjacent to the east side of North Kedzie Avenue between Montrose Avenue and Bryn Mawr Avenue.
(6) All locations adjacent to the north side of East 93rd Street between South State Street and South Cottage Grove Avenue.
All locations adjacent to the west side of South Cottage Grove Avenue between East 93rd Street and East 71st Street.
All locations adjacent to the south side of East 71st Street between South Cottage Grove Avenue and South State Street.
All locations adjacent to either side of South State Street between East 71st Street and East 93rd Street.
(7) All that portion of the city bounded as follows: Beginning at the intersection of East 103rd Street and South Cottage Grove Avenue; thence northerly on South Cottage Grove Avenue to East 95th Street; thence west on East 95th Street to South Cottage Grove Avenue; thence north on South Cottage Grove Avenue to East 79th Street; thence east on East 79th Street to South Stony Island Avenue; thence north on South Stony Island Avenue to East 75th Street; thence east on East 75th Street to South Luella Avenue; thence south on South Luella Avenue to East 78th Street; thence east on East 78th Street to South Yates Boulevard; thence south on South Yates Boulevard to East 89th Street; thence west on East 89th Street to South Merrill Avenue; thence south on South Merrill Avenue to East 92nd Street; thence west on East 92nd Street to South Clyde Avenue; thence south on South Clyde Avenue to East 93rd Street; thence east on East 93rd Street to South Merrill Avenue; thence south on South Merrill Avenue to East 94th Street; thence east on East 94th Street to South Paxton Avenue; thence south on South Paxton Avenue to the Chicago Rock Island and Pacific Railroad; thence west on the Chicago Rock Island and Pacific Railroad to South Clyde Avenue; thence south on South Clyde Avenue to the Chicago Rock Island and Pacific Railroad; thence west on the Chicago Rock Island and Pacific Railroad to South Jeffery Avenue; thence south on South Jeffery Avenue to East 95th Street; thence west on East 95th Street to South Stony Island Avenue extension; thence south on South Stony Island Avenue extension to East 103rd Street; thence west on East 103rd Street to point of beginning.
(8) That portion of the city bounded as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the North Shore Channel and West Devon Avenue (City Limits); thence northwesterly on the northern City Limits to the C.M. St. P. & P.R.R.; thence southeasterly on C.M. St. P. & P.R.R. to the North Branch Chicago River; thence southeasterly on the North Branch Chicago River to Cicero Avenue; thence south on Cicero Avenue to Lawrence Avenue; thence east on Lawrence Avenue to Kostner Avenue; thence south on Kostner Avenue to Elston Avenue; thence southeasterly on Elston Avenue to Montrose Avenue; thence east on Montrose Avenue to Spaulding Avenue; thence north on Spaulding Avenue to Sunnyside Avenue; thence east on Sunnyside Avenue to Kedzie Avenue; thence north on Kedzie Avenue to Bryn Mawr Avenue; thence west on Bryn Mawr Avenue to Spaulding Avenue; thence north on Spaulding Avenue to Hollywood Avenue; thence east on Hollywood Avenue to Jersey Avenue; thence north on Jersey Avenue to Glenlake Avenue; thence west on Glenlake Avenue to Christiana Avenue; thence north on Christiana Avenue to Lincoln Avenue; thence southeast on Lincoln Avenue to the North Shore Channel; thence north on the North Shore Channel to the place of beginning.
(9) All that portion of the city bounded as follows: Beginning at the intersection of East 103rd Street and the Stony Island extension of the Calumet Expressway; thence west on 103rd Street to State Street; thence south on State Street to 119th Street; thence west on 119th Street to Stewart Avenue; thence south on Stewart Avenue to I.C. R.R. (121st Street); thence west on I.C. R.R. (121st Street) to Halsted Street; thence south on Halsted Street to 127th Street (City Limits); thence follow City Limits west, south, and east to Calumet Expressway and 138th Street; thence northwesterly on Calumet Expressway to 130th Street; thence east on 130th Street to the east line of Section 26, Township 37 North, Range 14 East of the Third Principal Meridian (centerline of Stony Island Avenue) to the southerly shore of Lake Calumet; thence northerly in a straight line through Lake Calumet to the place of beginning.
(10) All locations adjacent to either side of West Lawrence Avenue, between North Kilbourn Avenue and North Lowell Avenue.
All locations adjacent to either side of North Elston Avenue, between West Kilbourn Avenue and West Kostner Avenue.
All locations adjacent to either side of West Irving Park Road, between North Lavergne Avenue and North Clover Street.
All locations adjacent to either side of North Milwaukee Avenue, between West Hutchinson Street and West Berenice Avenue, and between West Devon and West Wilson Avenue.
All locations adjacent to either side of North Cicero Avenue, between West Hutchinson Street and West Berenice Avenue.
All locations adjacent to either side of West Lawrence Avenue, between the Kennedy Expressway and North Major Avenue.
All locations adjacent to either side of West Higgins Avenue, between North Major Avenue and North Milwaukee Avenue.
All locations adjacent to either side of North Central Avenue, between West Giddings Street and West Berwyn Avenue and from the 6200 block north to the 6500 block north.
All locations adjacent to either side of North Northwest Highway, between North Menard Avenue and North Milwaukee Avenue.
All locations adjacent to either side of West Devon Avenue, from the 5300 block west to the 5600 block west.
All locations adjacent to either side of North Caldwell Avenue, from the 6200 block north to the 6500 block north.
(11) All that portion of the city bounded as follows: Beginning at the intersection of West 87th Street and the right-of-way of the P.C.C. & St. L. Ry.; thence west on 87th Street to Western Avenue (City Limits); thence follow south along the City Limits to 119th Street; thence east on 119th Street to Vincennes Avenue; thence northeasterly on Vincennes Avenue to 117th Street; thence east on 117th Street and 117th Street extended to Wood Street; thence north on Wood Street to 115th Street; thence west on 115th Street to Vincennes Avenue; thence northeasterly on Vincennes Avenue to 111th Street; thence east on 111th Street to Ashland Avenue; thence north on Ashland Avenue to 108th Place; thence east on 108th Place to Church Street; thence north on Church Street to 107th Street; thence east on 107th Street to C.R.I. & P.R.R.; thence northeasterly on C.R.I. & P.R.R. to 103rd Street; thence west on 103rd Street to the P.C.C. & St. L. Ry.; thence northwesterly on the P.C.C. & St. L. Ry. to the place of beginning; except tract bounded by West 107th Street, West 111th Street, G.T.W.R.R. and South California Avenue (Mt. Greenwood Cemetery) not in the City of Chicago; and excepting therefrom the following locations:
The location at the northwest corner of the intersection of 111th Street and Kedzie Avenue.
The location at the northwest corner of the intersection of 115th Street and Pulaski Road.
The location at the southeast corner of the intersection of 103rd Street and Pulaski Road.
The location at the southwest corner of the intersection of 103rd Street and Kedzie Avenue.
The location adjacent to the bus turnaround immediately east of the intersection of 111th Street and Pulaski Road.
All corner locations adjacent to the following intersections: 103rd Street and Western Avenue.
All corner locations adjacent to the following intersections: 111th Street and Western Avenue.
(12) All locations adjacent to either side of Belmont Avenue between Long Avenue and Austin Avenue.
All locations adjacent to either side of Central Avenue between Henderson Street and Wellington Avenue.
(13) All that portion of the city bounded as follows: Beginning at the intersection of North Nagle Avenue and West Foster Avenue; thence north on North Nagle Avenue and North Nagle Avenue extended to West Devon Avenue; thence east on West Devon Avenue to the centerline of the North Branch of the Chicago River; thence southeasterly following the centerline of the North Branch of the Chicago River to the easterly right- of-way line of the Northwest Illinois Rail Corporation (METRA); thence northwesterly on the easterly right- of-way line of the Northwest Illinois Rail Corporation (METRA) and following the City Limit Line to West Touhy Avenue: thence west on West Touhy Avenue and continuing to follow the City Limit Line to North Harlem Avenue; thence north on North Harlem Avenue and continuing to follow the City Limit Line along West Howard Street, North Ozanam Avenue, West Higgins Road, the DesPlaines River and west to the boundary line of Chicago O'Hare International Airport; thence northerly following the City Limit Line as said City Limit Line circumscribes Chicago O'Hare International Airport to West Foster Avenue; thence east on West Foster Avenue (City Limit Line) and said line extended to the DesPlaines River: thence southerly along the DesPlaines River (City Limit Line) to West Lawrence Avenue; thence east on West Lawrence Avenue to the east line of North East River Road (City Limit Line); thence north on the east line of North East River Road and following the City Limit Line to North Nashville Avenue: thence north on North Nashville Avenue to West Argyle Street; thence west on West Argyle Street to North Natoma Avenue; thence north on North Natoma Avenue to West Foster Avenue; thence east on West Foster Avenue to the place of beginning (except that part thereof in unincorporated Cook County); notwithstanding the foregoing, benches shall be allowed at the following locations:
On Belmont Avenue at the northeast corner of Belmont Avenue and Central Avenue;
On Belmont Avenue at the northeast corner of Belmont Avenue and Austin Avenue;
On Irving Park Road at the northeast corner of Irving Park Road and Narragansett Avenue;
On Irving Park Road at the southwest corner of Irving Park Road and Narragansett Avenue;
On Irving Park Road at the northeast corner of Irving Park Road and Austin Avenue;
On Irving Park Road at the southwest corner of Irving Park Road and Austin Avenue;
On Montrose Avenue at the northeast corner of Montrose Avenue and Austin Avenue;
On Narragansett Avenue at the northwest corner of Narragansett Avenue and Addison Street;
On Austin Avenue at the northwest corner of Austin Avenue and Montrose Avenue;
On Central Avenue at the northeast corner of Central Avenue and Addison Street;
On Central Avenue at the southwest corner of Central Avenue and Addison Street;
On Central Avenue at the northwest corner of Central Avenue and Belmont Avenue.
(14) All that portion of the city bounded as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the centerline of the North Branch of the Chicago River and West North Avenue; thence northerly on the centerline of the North Branch of the Chicago River to West Cortland Street; thence east on West Cortland Street to North Southport Avenue; thence north on North Southport Avenue to West Fullerton Avenue; thence east on West Fullerton Avenue to North Racine Avenue; thence north on North Racine Avenue to West Lill Avenue; thence east on West Lill Avenue to North Seminary Avenue; thence north on North Seminary Avenue to West Wrightwood Avenue; thence east on West Wrightwood Avenue to North Lincoln Avenue; thence northwesterly on North Lincoln Avenue to North Seminary Avenue; thence northeasterly and north on North Seminary Avenue to West Diversey Parkway; thence east on West Diversey Parkway and West Diversey Parkway extended to the shore of Lake Michigan; thence southerly following the shore of Lake Michigan to East Goethe Street extended east; thence west on East Goethe Street extended and East Goethe Street to North Astor Street; thence north on North Astor Street to East Schiller Street; thence east on East Schiller Street to North Astor Street: thence north on North Astor Street to East Burton Place; thence west on East Burton Place to North State Parkway; thence north on North State Parkway to West North Boulevard; thence west on West North Boulevard and West North Avenue to the place of beginning.
(15) All locations adjacent to either side of South Ashland Avenue between 79th Street and 82nd Street.
(16) That portion of the city bounded as follows: Beginning at the intersection of Lake Michigan and Ida B. Wells Drive extended; thence west on Ida B. Wells Drive extended and Ida B. Wells Drive to the South Branch of the Chicago River; thence north on the South Branch of the Chicago River to the Chicago River; thence generally easterly along the Chicago River to Lake Michigan; thence generally south along Lake Michigan to the place of beginning.
(17) All corner locations adjacent to the following intersections:
67th Street and State Street;
67th Street and Lafayette Avenue;
67th Street and Wentworth Avenue;
69th Street and Wentworth Avenue;
69th Street and Normal Avenue;
69th Street and Halsted Street;
69th Street and State Street;
69th Street and Lafayette Avenue;
71st Street and Halsted Street;
71st Street and Ashland Avenue;
71st Street and Morgan Street;
71st Street and Racine Avenue;
71st Street and Lafayette Avenue;
73rd Street and Halsted Street;
74th Street and Halsted Street;
74th Street and Ashland Avenue;
74th Street and Racine Avenue;
75th Street and Halsted Street;
75th Street and Vincennes Avenue;
75th Street and Lafayette Avenue;
75th Street and Loomis Street;
75th Street and Halstead Street;
76th Street and Halstead Street;
76th Street and Vincennes Avenue;
76th Street and Lafayette Avenue;
76th Street and Racine Avenue;
76th Street and Loomis Avenue;
76th Street and Ashland Avenue;
79th Street and Ashland Avenue;
79th Street and Wood Street;
79th Street and Loomis Street;
79th Street and Racine Avenue;
79th Street and Vincennes Avenue;
79th Street and Morgan Street;
79th Street and Lafayette Avenue;
79th Street and Halsted Street;
81st Street and Halsted Street; and
83rd Street and Halsted Street.
(18) [Reserved.]
(19) All that portion of the city bounded as follows: From the intersection of 31st Street (both sides) and State Street; thence south on State Street (both sides) to 35th Street (north side only); from the intersection of 31st Street and State Street; thence east on 31st Street (both sides) to Michigan Avenue; thence south on Michigan Avenue (both sides) to 33rd Street and from the intersection of 35th Street and Michigan Avenue; thence east on 35th Street (both sides) to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Drive (both sides).
(20) All that portion of the city bounded as follows: Beginning at the intersection of South May Street and West 52nd Street; thence north on South May Street to West 51st Street; thence west on West 51st Street to South Loomis Street; thence north on South Loomis Street to West 50th Street; thence east on West 50th Street to South Throop Street; thence north on South Throop Street to West 49th Place; thence west on West 49th Place to South Loomis Street; thence north on South Loomis Street to West 47th Street; thence east on West 47th Street to South Halsted Street; thence south on South Halsted Street to West 49th Street; thence east on West 49th Street to South Wallace Street; thence north on South Wallace Street to West 47th Street; thence east on West 47th Street to the Chicago and Western Indiana Railroad; thence northwest on the Chicago and Western Indiana Railroad to West 46th Street; thence east on West 46th Street to South Stewart Avenue; thence north on South Stewart Avenue to West 43rd Place; thence west on West 43rd Place extended to the Chicago and Western Indiana Railroad; thence north on the Chicago and Western Indiana Railroad to West 43rd Street; thence west on West 43rd Street to the Chicago and Western Indiana Railroad; thence northeast and north on the Chicago and Western Indiana Railroad to West 42nd Street; thence east on West 42nd Street to the Chicago and Western Indiana Railroad; thence north on the Chicago and Western Indiana Railroad to West Pershing Road; thence east on West Pershing Road to South Wentworth Avenue; thence north on South Wentworth Avenue to West 35th Street; thence east on West 35th Street to South State Street; thence south on South State Street to East 36th Place; thence east on East 36th Place to the right-of-way of the Chicago Transit Authority; thence north on the right-of-way of the Chicago Transit Authority to East 35th Street; thence east on East 35th Street to South Wabash Avenue; thence south on South Wabash Avenue to East 36th Place; thence east on East 36th Place to South Michigan Avenue; thence north on South Michigan Avenue to East 35th Street; thence east on East 35th Street to South Indiana Avenue; thence south on South Indiana Avenue to East 37th Street; thence east on East 37th Street to South Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Drive; thence south on Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Drive to East Pershing Road; thence east on East Pershing Road to South Vincennes Avenue; thence southwesterly and south on South Vincennes Avenue to East 44th Street; thence east on East 44th Street to South St. Lawrence Avenue; thence south on South St. Lawrence Avenue to East 47th Street; thence west on East 47th Street to South Forrestville Avenue; thence south on South Forrestville Avenue to East 49th Street; thence west on East 49th Street to South Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Drive; thence south on South Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Drive to East 51st Street; thence west on East 51st Street to South State Street; thence south on South State Street to West Garfield Boulevard; thence west on West Garfield Boulevard to the centerline of the right-of-way of the Chicago and Western Indiana Railroad; thence south on the centerline of the right-of-way of the Chicago and Western Indiana Railroad to West 49th Street; thence west on West 59th Street to South Halsted Street; thence north on South Halsted Street to West Garfield Boulevard; thence west on West Garfield Boulevard to South Morgan Street; thence north on South Morgan Street to West 52nd Street; thence west on West 52nd Street to the point of beginning.
(21) All that portion of the city bounded as follows: Beginning at the intersection of South Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Drive and East Garfield Boulevard; thence north on South Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Drive to East 49th Street; thence east on East 49th Street to South Forrestville Avenue; thence north on South Forrestville Avenue to East 47th Street; thence east on East 47th Street to South St. Lawrence Avenue; thence north on South St. Lawrence Avenue to East 44th Street; thence west on East 44th Street to South Vincennes Avenue; thence north on South Vincennes Avenue to East Pershing Road; thence west on East Pershing Road to South Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Drive; thence north on South Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Drive to East 37th Street; thence east on East 37th Street to South Rhodes Avenue; thence north on South Rhodes Avenue to East 35th Street; thence east on East 35th Street to South Rhodes Avenue; thence north on South Rhodes Avenue to East 33rd Place; thence west on East 33rd Place to South Rhodes Avenue; thence north on South Rhodes Avenue to East 33rd Street; thence east on East 33rd Street to South Rhodes Avenue; thence north on South Rhodes Avenue to East 31st Street; thence east on East 31st Street, East 31st Drive and East 31st Drive extended to the shore of Lake Michigan; thence southerly following the shore of Lake Michigan to East 53rd Drive extended; thence west on East 53rd Drive extended, East 53rd Drive and East 53rd Street to the west right-of-way line of the Illinois Central Gulf Railroad; thence south on the west right-of-way line of the Illinois Central Gulf Railroad to East 55th Street; thence west on East 55th Street; East 55th Place, East 55th Street and East 55th Drive to South Payne Drive; thence north on South Payne Drive to East 53rd Street extended west; thence west on East 53rd Street extended west to South Ellsworth Drive; thence south on South Ellsworth Drive to East Garfield Drive; thence west on East Garfield Drive to the place of beginning.
(22) All that portion of the city bounded as follows:
East 75th Street on the north (including locations adjacent to both sides of that street).
South State Street on the west (including locations adjacent to both sides of that street).
East 95th Street on the south (including locations adjacent to both sides of that street).
South Cottage Grove Avenue on the east (including locations adjacent to the west side of that avenue).
In addition, all locations adjacent to the intersection of East 79th Street and South Wabash Avenue.
(23) All that portion of the city bounded as follows: Beginning at the intersection of South Parnell Avenue extended south and the City Limit Line (Little Calumet River); thence north on South Parnell Avenue extended and South Parnell Avenue to West 129th Place; thence west on West 129th Place to South Union Avenue; thence north on South Union Avenue to West 125th Street; thence east on West 125th Street to South Wallace Street; thence north on South Wallace Street to the westerly right-of-way line of ConRail; thence northwesterly on the westerly right-of-way line of ConRail to West 124th Street; thence east on West 124th Street to South Parnell Avenue; thence south on South Parnell Avenue to West 125th Street; thence east on West 125th Street to South Princeton Avenue; thence north on South Princeton Avenue to West 122nd Street; thence east on West 122nd Street to South Wentworth Avenue; thence north on South Wentworth Avenue to West 119th Street; thence east on West 119th Street to South State Street; thence north on South State Street to West 103rd Street; thence west on West 103rd Street to South Lowe Avenue; thence north on South Lowe Avenue to West 99th Street; thence east on West 99th Street to South Parnell Avenue; thence north on South Parnell Avenue to the west leg of the Dan Ryan Expressway (I-57); thence east on the west leg of the Dan Ryan Expressway (I-57) to the centerline of the right-of-way of the Chicago and Western Indiana Railroad; thence south on the centerline of the right-of- way of the Chicago and Western Indiana Railroad to West 99th Street; thence east on West 99th Street to South Perry Avenue; thence south on South Perry Avenue to West 100th Street; thence east on West 100th Street and East 100th Street to South Michigan Avenue; thence north on South Michigan Avenue to the Calumet Expressway (I-94); thence east on the Calumet Expressway (I-94) to South Cottage Grove Avenue; thence southwesterly on South Cottage Grove Avenue to East 103rd Street; thence east on East 103rd Street to the former Chicago Rock Island and Pacific Railroad; thence southwesterly on the former Chicago Rock Island and Pacific Railroad to East 111th Street; thence west on East 111th Street to South Langley Avenue; thence south on South Langley Avenue to East 114th Street; thence west on East 114th Street to South St. Lawrence Avenue, thence south on South St. Lawrence Avenue to East 115th Street; thence west on East 115th Street to South Cottage Grove Avenue; thence southerly on South Cottage Grove Avenue to East 124th Street; thence southwesterly on East 124th Street to South Cottage Grove Avenue; thence southeasterly on South Cottage Grove Avenue to South Cottage Grove Avenue extended to East 130th Street; thence east on East 130th Street to the Penn Central Railroad; thence southeasterly on the Penn Central Railroad to the City Limit Line (East 138th Street extended); thence west on City Limit Line (East 138th Street extended) and East 138th Street to South Indiana Avenue (City Limit Line); thence north on South Indiana Avenue (City Limit Line) to the Little Calumet River; thence west, northerly and westerly following the City Limit Line to South Union Avenue, extended south, being the place of beginning.
(24) All that portion of the city bounded as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the shore of Lake Michigan and the southeasterly line of the South District Filtration Plant; thence southwesterly to the southwesterly line of the South District Filtration Plant; thence northwesterly to East Cheltenham Place extended northeasterly; thence southwesterly on East Cheltenham Place extended to the southwesterly line of Rainbow Park; thence southerly along the southwesterly line of Rainbow Park to East 79th Street; thence east on East 79th Street to South Brandon Avenue; thence south on South Brandon Avenue to East 83rd Place; thence west on East 83rd Place to South Bond Avenue; thence south and southwesterly on South Bond Avenue to the northeasterly right-of-way line of Northwest Illinois Rail Corporation (METRA); thence southeasterly on the northeasterly right-of-way line of Northwest Illinois Rail Corporation (METRA) and said line extended to South Burley Avenue; thence south on South Burley Avenue to East 87th Street; thence west on East 87th Street to South Burley Avenue; thence south on South Burley Avenue to East 89th Street; thence west on East 89th Street and East 89th Street extended to South Baltimore Avenue; thence north on South Baltimore Avenue to East 88th Street; thence east on East 88th Street and East 88th Street extended to the former Baltimore and Ohio Railroad; thence north on the former Baltimore and Ohio Railroad to East 87th Street; thence west on East 87th Street to South Baltimore Avenue; thence northwesterly on South Baltimore Avenue to East 85th Street; thence west on East 85th Street to South Commercial Avenue; thence south on South Commercial Avenue to East 86th Street; thence west on East 86th Street to South Exchange Avenue; thence north on South Exchange Avenue to East 85th Street; thence west on East 85th Street to South Escanaba Avenue; thence south on South Escanaba Avenue to East 86th Street; thence west on East 86th Street to South Muskegon Avenue; thence south on South Muskegon Avenue to East 87th Street; thence west on East 87th Street to South Muskegon Avenue; thence south on South Muskegon Avenue to East 91st Street; thence east on East 91st Street to South Exchange Avenue; thence south on South Exchange Avenue to South South Chicago Avenue; thence southeasterly on South South Chicago Avenue to East 93rd Street; thence west on East 93rd Street to South Commercial Avenue; thence south on South Commercial Avenue to South Anthony Avenue; thence northwesterly on South Anthony Avenue to East 93rd Street; thence west on East 93rd Street to South Manistee Avenue; thence south on South Manistee Avenue to East 95th Street; thence west on East 95th Street to South Colfax Avenue; thence south on South Colfax Avenue to East 96th Street; thence west on East 96th Street to South Hoxie Avenue; thence south on South Hoxie Avenue to East 99th Street; thence west on East 99th Street to South Luella Avenue; thence south on South Luella Avenue to East 102nd Street; thence west on East 102nd Street to a line 1200 feet northeasterly from and parallel to the northeasterly right-of-way line of the Chicago and Western Indiana Railroad; thence southeasterly on said line 1,200 feet northeasterly from and parallel to the northeasterly right-of-way line of the Chicago and Western Indiana Railroad to South Paxton Avenue; thence south on South Paxton Avenue to East 103rd Street; thence west on East 103rd Street to the New York Central and St. Louis Railroad; thence northwesterly on the New York Central and St. Louis Railroad to South Stony Island Avenue extension; thence south on South Stony Island Avenue extension to East 103rd Street; thence west on East 103rd Street to the former Chicago Rock Island and Pacific Railroad; thence southwesterly on the former Chicago Rock Island and Pacific Railroad to East 111th Street; thence west on East 111th Street to South Langley Avenue; thence south on South Langley Avenue to East 114th Street; thence west on East 114th Street to South St. Lawrence Avenue; thence south on South St. Lawrence Avenue to East 115th Street; thence west on East 115th Street to South Cottage Grove Avenue; thence southwesterly on South Cottage Grove Avenue to East 124th Street; thence southerly on East 124th Street to South Cottage Grove Avenue; thence southeasterly on South Cottage Grove Avenue and South Cottage Grove Avenue extended to East 130th Street; thence east on East 130th Street to the Penn Central Railroad; thence southeasterly on the Penn Central Railroad to the City Limit Line (East 138th Street extended); thence east on City Limit Line (East 138th Street extended) and East 138th Street to the Illinois and Indiana State Line; thence north on the Illinois and Indiana State Line and South State Line Road to the shore of Lake Michigan; thence northerly following the shore of Lake Michigan to the place of beginning.
(25) All that portion of the city bounded as follows:
West 55th Street on the north (including only locations adjacent to the south side of that street).
South Central Avenue on the west (including only locations adjacent to the east side of that avenue).
West 63rd Street on the south (including only locations adjacent to the north side of that street).
South Cicero Avenue on the east (including only locations adjacent to the west side of that avenue).
(26) All that portion of the city bounded as follows: Beginning at the intersection of South St. Louis Avenue and West Marquette Road; thence north on South St. Louis Avenue to West 63rd Street; thence east on West 63rd Street to South Kedzie Avenue; thence north on South Kedzie Avenue to West 59th Street; thence west on West 59th Street to the centerline of the Grand Trunk Western Railroad; thence north on the centerline of the Grand Trunk Western Railroad to West 47th Street; thence west on West 47th Street to South Avers Avenue; thence north on South Avers Avenue to West 46th Street; thence west on West 46th Street to South Pulaski Road; thence south on South Pulaski Road to West 47th Street; thence west on West 47th Street to the centerline of the Belt Railway of Chicago; thence north on the centerline of the Belt Railway of Chicago to the Adlai E. Stevenson Expressway (I-55); thence northeasterly on the Adlai E. Stevenson Expressway (I-55) to the centerline of The Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railroad; thence south on the centerline of The Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railroad to West Pershing Road; thence east on West Pershing Road to South Albany Avenue; thence north on South Albany Avenue to West 38th Place; thence east on West 38th Place to South Sacramento Avenue; thence north on South Sacramento Avenue to West 38th Street; thence east on West 38th Street to South California Avenue; thence north on South California Avenue to centerline of the Illinois Central Gulf Railroad; thence east on the centerline of the Illinois Central Gulf Railroad to South Maplewood Avenue extended; thence south on South Maplewood Avenue extended and South Maplewood Avenue to West 38th Street; thence east on West 38th Street to South Campbell Avenue; thence south on South Campbell Avenue to West 42nd Street; thence west on West 42nd Street to South Richmond Street; thence north and northwest on South Richmond Street to South Archer Avenue; thence southwesterly on South Archer Avenue to South Sacramento Avenue; thence north on South Sacramento Avenue to West 42nd Street; thence west on West 42nd Street to South Albany Avenue; thence south and southeasterly on South Albany Avenue to South Archer Avenue; thence northeasterly on South Archer Avenue to South Whipple Street; thence southeasterly and south on South Whipple Street to West Pope John Paul II Drive; thence east on West Pope John Paul II Drive to South Mozart Street; thence south on South Mozart Street to West 47th Street; thence west on West 47th Street to South Richmond Street; thence south on South Richmond Street to West 48th Place; thence east on West 48th Place to South California Avenue; thence south on South California Avenue to the centerline of the Grand Trunk Western Railroad; thence east on the centerline of the Grand Trunk Western Railroad to South Western Boulevard; thence north on South Western Boulevard to West 49th Street; thence east on West 49th Street to the centerline of the right-of-way of Conrail; thence south on the centerline of the right-of- way of Conrail to West 51st Street; thence west on West 51st Street to the centerline of the right-of-way of the Baltimore and Ohio Chicago Terminal Railroad; thence south on the centerline of the right-of-way of the Baltimore and Ohio Chicago Terminal Railroad to West 52nd Street; thence west on West 52nd Street to South Western Boulevard; thence south on South Western Boulevard to West 55th Street; thence west on West 55th Street to South California Avenue; thence south on South California Avenue to West Marquette Road; thence west on West Marquette Road to the place of beginning.
(27) All that portion of the city bounded as follows: Beginning at the intersection of South Troy Street and West Columbus Avenue; thence north on South Troy Street to West 77th Street; thence west on West 77th Street to South Kedzie Avenue; thence north on South Kedzie Avenue to West Marquette Road; thence east on West Marquette Road to South California Avenue; thence north on South California Avenue to West 59th Street; thence east on West 59th Street to South Seeley Avenue; thence north on South Seeley Avenue to West Garfield Boulevard; thence east on West Garfield Boulevard to South Ashland Avenue; thence south on South Ashland Avenue to West 71st Street; thence west on West 71st Street to South Wood Street; thence north on South Wood Street to West 70th Street; thence west on West 70th Street to South Wolcott Avenue; thence south on South Wolcott Avenue to West 74th Street; thence west on West 74th Street to South Damen Avenue; thence south on South Damen Avenue to the right-of-way of the Belt Railway of Chicago; thence west on the right-of-way of the Belt Railway of Chicago to West Columbus Avenue; thence southwesterly on West Columbus Avenue to the place of beginning.
(28) All locations adjacent to the southeast corner of East Garfield Boulevard and South Indiana Avenue.
(29) All locations adjacent to either side of South Central Park Avenue, between West Cermak Road and West 25th Street.
All locations adjacent to either side of West 26th Street, between South Christiana Avenue and the city limits, plus either side of each intersecting street for a distance of 125 feet from West 26th Street.
All locations adjacent to the south side of West Cermak Road, between South Christiana Avenue and South Pulaski Road, plus all locations adjacent to either side of each intersecting street for a distance of 125 feet south from West Cermak Road.
All locations adjacent to either side of West Cermak Road, between South Pulaski Road and the city limits, plus all locations adjacent to either side of each intersecting street for a distance of 125 feet from West Cermak Road.
All locations adjacent to the west side of South Pulaski Road, between West 19th Street and West Cermak Road.
All locations adjacent to either side of South Pulaski Road, between West Cermak Road and West 33rd Street.
All locations adjacent to either side of West 31st Street, between South Trumbull Avenue and the city limits.
All locations adjacent to either side of South Lawndale Avenue, between West 25th Street and West 32nd Street.
All locations adjacent to either side of South Cicero Avenue, between West 39th Street and West 45th Street.
(30) All that portion of the city bounded as follows: Beginning at the intersection of South Laramie Avenue and West Roosevelt Road; thence north on South Laramie Avenue to West Harrison Street; thence east on West Harrison Street to South Lavergne Avenue; thence north on South Lavergne Avenue to West Jackson Boulevard; thence east on West Jackson Boulevard to South Kostner Avenue; thence south on South Kostner Avenue to West Gladys Avenue; thence east on West Gladys Avenue to South Kildare Avenue; thence south on South Kildare Avenue to West Van Buren Street; thence east on West Van Buren Street to South Hamlin Avenue; thence south on South Hamlin Avenue to West Congress Parkway; thence east on West Congress Parkway to South Kedzie Avenue; thence south on South Kedzie Avenue to West Harrison Street; thence east on West Harrison Street to South Sacramento Boulevard; thence south on South Sacramento Boulevard, South Sacramento Drive and South Marshall Boulevard to West Cermak Road; thence west on West Cermak Road to South Trumbull Avenue; thence northwesterly on South Trumbull Avenue to West Cermak Road; thence southwesterly and west on West Cermak Road to South Pulaski Road; thence north on South Pulaski Road to the centerline of the right-of-way of the Chicago Transit Authority; thence west on the centerline of the right-of-way of the Chicago Transit Authority to South Karlov Avenue; thence south on South Karlov Avenue to West 21st Street; thence west on West 21st Street to South Keeler Avenue; thence north on South Keeler Avenue to West 16th Street; thence west on West 16th Street to the City Limit Line (Belt Railway of Chicago); thence north on the City Limit Line (Belt Railway of Chicago) to West Roosevelt Road (City Limit Line); thence west on West Roosevelt Road (City Limit Line) to the place of beginning.
(31) All that portion of the city bounded as follows: Beginning at the intersection of South Western Avenue and West Polk Street; thence east on West Polk Street to West Ogden Avenue; thence southwest on West Ogden Avenue to South Leavitt Street; thence generally south on South Leavitt Street and the public way adjacent to the east property line of the Cook County Juvenile Court Building to West 13th Street; thence east on West 13th Street to South Hoyne Avenue; thence south on South Hoyne Avenue and South Hoyne Avenue extended to West 15th Street; thence west on West 15th Street and West 15th Street extended to South Western Avenue; thence north on South Western Avenue to the point of beginning.
(32) All that portion of the city bounded as follows: Beginning at the intersection of West Quincy Street and South Laramie Avenue; thence north on South Laramie Avenue to West Kinzie Street; thence east on West Kinzie Street to North Lavergne Avenue; thence north on North Lavergne Avenue to West Ferdinand Street; thence east on West Ferdinand Street to North Lamon Avenue; thence north on North Lamon Avenue to West Chicago Avenue; thence east on West Chicago Avenue to North Pulaski Road; thence south on North Pulaski Road to West Ohio Street; thence east on West Ohio Street to North Kedzie Avenue; thence south on North Kedzie Avenue to the north frontage roadway of West Franklin Boulevard; thence west on the north frontage roadway of West Franklin Boulevard to North Sawyer Avenue; thence south on North Sawyer Avenue to the south frontage roadway of West Franklin Boulevard; thence east on the south frontage roadway of West Franklin Boulevard to North Kedzie Avenue; thence south on North Kedzie Avenue to West Washington Boulevard; thence east on West Washington Boulevard to North Campbell Avenue; thence south on North Campbell Avenue to West Madison Street; thence west on West Madison Street to South Campbell Avenue; thence south on South Campbell Avenue to West Monroe Street; thence west on West Monroe Street to the centerline of the right of Conrail; thence south on the centerline of the right of way of Conrail to West Polk Street; thence east on West Polk Street to South Western Avenue, thence south on South Western Avenue to West 16th Street; thence west on West 16th Street to South California Boulevard; thence north on South California Boulevard to West Ogden Avenue; thence southwesterly on West Ogden Avenue to South Sacramento Drive; thence northerly on South Sacramento Drive and South Sacramento Boulevard to West Harrison Street; thence west on West Harrison Street to South Kedzie Avenue; thence north on South Kedzie Avenue to West Congress Parkway; thence west on West Congress Parkway to South Hamlin Boulevard; thence north on South Hamlin Boulevard to West Van Buren Street; thence west on West Van Buren Street to South Kildare Avenue; thence north on South Kildare Avenue to West Gladys Avenue; thence west on West Gladys Avenue to South Kostner Avenue; thence north on South Kostner Avenue to West Jackson Boulevard; thence west to West Jackson Boulevard to South Leamington Avenue; thence north on South Leamington Avenue to West Quincy Street; thence west on West Quincy Street to the place of beginning.
(33) All locations adjacent to the west side of North Milwaukee Avenue, between 2958 north and 3200 north.
All locations adjacent to the east side of North Milwaukee Avenue, between 2963 north and 3201 north.
All locations adjacent to the north side of West Diversey Avenue, between 3600 west and 4000 west.
All locations adjacent to the south side of West Diversey Avenue, between 3601 west and 4001 west.
(34) All that portion of the city bounded as follows: Beginning at the intersection of West Grand Avenue and North Lorel Avenue; thence north on North Lorel Avenue to West Palmer Street; thence east on West Palmer Street to North Lavergne Avenue; thence north on North Lavergne Avenue to West Fullerton Avenue; thence east on West Fullerton Avenue to North Lamon Avenue; thence north on North Lamon Avenue to West Nelson Street; thence west on West Nelson Street to North Lavergne Avenue; thence north on North Lavergne Avenue to West Barry Avenue; thence east on West Barry Avenue to North Knox Avenue; thence north on North Knox Avenue to West Belmont Avenue; thence east on West Belmont Avenue to the centerline of the right-of-way of the Chicago and Northwestern Railroad; thence south on the centerline of the right-of- way of the Chicago and Northwestern Railroad to West Barry Avenue; thence east on West Barry Avenue to North Kenneth Avenue; thence north on North Kenneth Avenue to West Belmont Avenue; thence east on West Belmont Avenue to North Tripp Avenue; thence south on North Tripp Avenue to North Kearsarge Avenue; thence southeast on North Kearsarge Avenue to West Oakdale Avenue; thence east on West Oakdale Avenue to North Pulaski Road; thence south on North Pulaski Road to West Diversey Avenue; thence east on West Diversey Avenue to North Avers Avenue; thence south on North Avers Avenue to West Wrightwood Avenue; thence west on West Wrightwood Avenue to North Springfield Avenue; thence south on North Springfield Avenue to West Fullerton Avenue; thence east on West Fullerton Avenue to North Drake Avenue; thence south on North Drake Avenue to West Shakespeare Avenue; thence west on West Shakespeare Avenue to North Central Park Avenue; thence north on North Central Park Avenue to West Palmer Street; thence west on West Palmer Street to North Hamlin Avenue; thence south on North Hamlin Avenue to West Armitage Avenue; thence west on West Armitage Avenue to the centerline of the right-of-way of the Northwest Illinois Rail Corporation (METRA); thence southeast on the centerline of the right-of-way of the Northwest Illinois Rail Corporation (METRA) to West Hirsch Street; thence west on West Hirsch Street to North Monticello Avenue; thence southeast and south on North Monticello Avenue to West Grand Avenue; thence northwest on West Grand Avenue to West Hirsch Street; thence west on West Hirsch Street to North Keeler Avenue; thence south on North Keeler Avenue to West Kamerling Avenue; thence west on West Kamerling Avenue to North Kildare Avenue; thence north on Kildare Avenue to West Grand Avenue; thence northwesterly, northerly, northwest and west on West Grand Avenue to the place of beginning.
(35) All locations adjacent to each side of the intersection of North Leavitt Street and West Belmont Avenue.
(36) All locations adjacent to either side of West 103rd Street, between South State Street and South Racine Avenue.
All locations adjacent to either side of West 107th Street, between South State Street and South Carpenter Street.
All locations adjacent to either side of West 115th Street, between South State Street and South Hale Avenue.
All locations adjacent to either side of West 119th Street, between South State Street and South Vincennes Avenue.
All locations adjacent to either side of South Wentworth Avenue, between West 103rd Street and West 122nd Street.
In addition, the number of advertising benches along South Halsted Street, from the 9900 block south to 12900 south may not exceed four at any intersection.
(37) All locations adjacent to both sides of West Devon Avenue, between North Hermitage Avenue and North Ravenswood Avenue.
All locations adjacent to the south side of West Devon Avenue, between North Broadway and North Ravenswood Avenue.
All locations adjacent to the west side of North Clark Street, between West Foster Avenue and West Edgewater Avenue.
All locations adjacent to the east side of North Clark Street, between West Hood Avenue and West Devon Avenue.
All locations adjacent to the west side of North Broadway, between West Norwood Avenue and West Devon Avenue.
All locations adjacent to both sides of North Lincoln Avenue, between West Foster Avenue and West Bryn Mawr Avenue.
All locations adjacent to the intersection of North Lincoln Avenue and West Peterson Avenue.
(38) All that portion of the city bounded as follows:
Beginning at the intersection of East Cermak Road and South Indiana Avenue; thence north on South Indiana Avenue to East Cullerton Street; thence west on East Cullerton Street to South Michigan Avenue; thence north on South Michigan Avenue to East 8th Street; thence west on East 8th Street to South Holden Court; thence north on South Holden Court to East Harrison Street; thence west on East Harrison Street to South State Street; thence north on South State Street to Ida B. Wells Drive; thence west on Ida B. Wells Drive to South Plymouth Court; thence north on South Plymouth Court to West Van Buren Street; thence west on West Van Buren Street to South LaSalle Street; thence south on South LaSalle Street to West Harrison Street; thence west on West Harrison Street to the centerline of the South Branch of the Chicago River; thence southerly on the centerline of the South Branch of the Chicago River to West Roosevelt Road; thence west on West Roosevelt Road to South Racine Avenue; thence north on South Racine Avenue to West Cabrini Street; thence west on West Cabrini Street to South Ada Street; thence south on South Ada Street to West Taylor Street; thence west on West Taylor Street to South Loomis Street; thence south on South Loomis Street to West Fillmore Street; thence west on West Fillmore Street to South Laflin Street; thence north on South Laflin Street to West Taylor Street; thence west on West Taylor Street to South Marshfield Avenue; thence north on South Marshfield Avenue to West Polk Street; thence west on West Polk Street to South Paulina Street; thence north on South Paulina Street and South Paulina Street extended to the centerline of the Dwight D. Eisenhower Expressway (I-290); thence east on the centerline of the Dwight D. Eisenhower Expressway (I-290) to the centerline of the John F. Kennedy Expressway (I-90); thence north on the centerline of the John F. Kennedy Expressway (I-90) to West Madison Street; thence east on West Madison Street to South Desplaines Street; thence south on South Desplaines Street to West Monroe Street; thence east on West Monroe Street extended to South Clinton Street; thence north on South Clinton Street to West Madison Street; thence east on West Madison Street to the centerline of the South Branch of the Chicago River; thence northerly on the centerline of the South Branch of the Chicago River and the North Branch of the Chicago River to West Chicago Avenue; thence east on West Chicago Avenue to North LaSalle Drive; thence north on North LaSalle Drive to West North Avenue; thence east on West North Avenue and West North Boulevard to North State Parkway; thence south on North State Parkway to East Burton Place; thence east on East Burton Place to North Astor Street; thence south on North Astor Street to East Schiller Street; thence west on East Schiller Street to North Astor Street; thence south on North Astor Street to East Goethe Street; thence east on East Goethe Street and East Goethe Street extended to the shore of Lake Michigan; thence southerly following the shore of Lake Michigan to East Cermak Road extended; thence west on East Cermak Road extended and East Cermak Road to the place of beginning.
(39) All that portion of the city bounded as follows: Beginning at the intersection of West Diversey Parkway and North Racine Avenue; thence north on North Racine Avenue to West Melrose Street; thence west on West Melrose Street to North Greenview Avenue; thence south on North Greenview Avenue to West Belmont Avenue; thence west on West Belmont Avenue to North Ashland Avenue; thence north on North Ashland Avenue to West Grace Street; thence east on West Grace Street to North Greenview Avenue; thence north on North Greenview Avenue to West Byron Street; thence east on West Byron Street to North Clark Street; thence northwesterly on North Clark Street to West Irving Park Road; thence east on West Irving Park Road to North Sheridan Road; thence south on North Sheridan Road and North Sheffield Avenue to West Grace Street; thence east on West Grace Street to North Wilton Avenue; thence south on North Wilton Avenue to West Waveland Avenue; thence east on West Waveland Avenue to North Halsted Street; thence north on North Halsted Street to North Broadway; thence southeasterly on North Broadway to West Addison Street; thence west on West Addison Street to North Halsted Street; thence south on North Halsted Street to West Cornelia Avenue; thence east and northeasterly on West Cornelia Avenue and West Cornelia Avenue extended to the shore of Lake Michigan; thence southerly following the shore of Lake Michigan to West Diversey Parkway extended east; thence west on West Diversey Parkway extended and West Diversey Parkway to the place of beginning.
(40) All locations adjacent to:
The southeast corner of West Wilson Avenue and North Malden Street.
The southeast corner of West Wilson Avenue and North Magnolia Avenue.
The northwest corner of North Broadway and West Montrose Avenue.
The northwest corner of North Broadway and West Buena Avenue.
The southeast corner of West Leland Avenue and North Broadway.
The northeast corner of North Broadway and West Montrose Avenue.
The northwest corner of West Irving Park Road and North Marine Drive.
The southeast corner of North Sheridan Road and West Leland Avenue.
(41) All that portion of the city bounded as follows: Beginning at the intersection of West Belmont Avenue and the centerline of the north branch of the Chicago River; thence northerly on the centerline of the north branch of the Chicago River to West Wilson Avenue; thence east on West Wilson Avenue to North Western Avenue; thence north on North Western Avenue to West Gunnison Street; thence west on West Gunnison Street to North Rockwell Street; thence north on North Rockwell Street to West Winnemac Avenue; thence east on West Winnemac Avenue to North Western Avenue; thence north on North Western Avenue to West Foster Avenue; thence east on West Foster Avenue to North Winchester Avenue; thence south on North Winchester Avenue to West Winona Street; thence east on West Winona Street to North Wolcott Avenue; thence north on North Wolcott Avenue to West Foster Avenue; thence east on West Foster Avenue to North Ashland Avenue; thence south on North Ashland Avenue to West Lawrence Avenue; thence east on West Lawrence Avenue to North Dover Street; thence south on North Dover Street to West Montrose Avenue; thence west on West Montrose Avenue to North Clark Street; thence southerly on North Clark Street to West Byron Street; thence west on West Byron Street to North Greenview Avenue; thence south on North Greenview Avenue to West Grace Street; thence west on West Grace Street to North Ravenswood Avenue; thence south on North Ravenswood Avenue to West Addison Street; thence west on West Addison Street to North Western Avenue; thence south on North Western Avenue to West Belmont Avenue; thence west on West Belmont Avenue to the place of beginning.
(42) All that portion of the city bounded as follows: Beginning at the intersection of West Leland Avenue and North Racine Avenue; thence north on North Racine Avenue to West Lawrence Avenue; thence west on West Lawrence Avenue to North Magnolia Avenue; thence north on North Magnolia Avenue to West Argyle Street; thence west on West Argyle Street to North Glenwood Avenue; thence north on North Glenwood Avenue to West Winnemac Avenue; thence east on West Winnemac Avenue to North Broadway; thence north on North Broadway to West Winona Street; thence west on West Winona Street to North Glenwood Avenue; thence north on North Glenwood Avenue to West Foster Avenue; thence west on West Foster Avenue to North Clark Street; thence north on North Clark Street to West Victoria Street; thence east on West Victoria Street to North Ridge Avenue; thence northwesterly on North Ridge Avenue to North Clark Street; thence north on North Clark Street to West Hood Avenue; thence east on West Hood Avenue to North Glenwood Avenue; thence south on North Glenwood Avenue to West Norwood Street; thence east on West Norwood Street to North Broadway; thence north on North Broadway to West Granville Avenue; thence east on West Granville Avenue to the shore of Lake Michigan; thence southerly following the shore of Lake Michigan to West Lawrence Drive extended easterly; thence westerly and west on West Lawrence Drive and West Lawrence Avenue to North Clarendon Avenue; thence south on North Clarendon Avenue to West Lakeside Place; thence west on West Lakeside Place to North Sheridan Road; thence north on North Sheridan Road to West Ainslie Street; thence west on West Ainslie Street to the centerline of the Chicago Transit Authority; thence south on the centerline of the Chicago Transit Authority to West Leland Avenue; thence west on West Leland Avenue to the place of beginning.
(43) All that portion of the city bounded as follows: Beginning at the intersection of West Pratt Boulevard and North Ridge Boulevard; thence northerly on North Ridge Boulevard to West Touhy Avenue; thence west to North Oakley Avenue; thence northerly to West Birchwood Street; thence west to North Western Avenue; thence northerly to West Howard Street (City Limit Line); thence east on West Howard Street and following the City Limit Line to the shore of Lake Michigan; thence southerly following the shore of Lake Michigan to West Sheridan Road; thence west on West Sheridan Road to West Devon Avenue; thence west on West Devon Avenue to North Greenview Avenue; thence north on North Greenview Avenue to West Albion Avenue; thence west on West Albion Avenue to North Ravenswood Avenue; thence north on North Ravenswood Avenue to vacated West Columbia Avenue extended east; thence west on vacated West Columbia Avenue extended and vacated West Columbia Avenue to North Ridge Boulevard; thence north on North Ridge Boulevard to the place of beginning.
(c) In addition to the locations prohibited in subsection (b) of this section, based upon the consideration described in subsection (a) of this section, advertising benches are prohibited in the following locations.
(1) All locations adjacent to the following intersections on the specified corners:
Damen Avenue and Van Buren Street (northwest corner);
Damen Avenue and Congress Parkway (southeast corner);
Damen Avenue and Ogden Avenue (northwest and southeast corners);
Harrison Street and Ogden Avenue (northeast and southwest corners);
Harrison Street and Damen Avenue (southwest corner);
Harrison Street and Hoyne Avenue (northeast and southwest corners);
Harrison Street and Leavitt Street (southwest and northeast corners);
Harrison Street and Oakley Avenue (southwest corner);
Roosevelt Road and Oakley Avenue (southeast and southwest corners).
(2) All that portion of the city bounded as follows:
Lake Street on the north (both sides); Damen Avenue on the west (both sides); the Eisenhower Expressway on the south (both sides); and Halsted Street on the east (both sides).
(3) All locations adjacent to the intersection of West Madison Street and North Mason Avenue. All locations adjacent to the intersection of West North Avenue and North Mayfield Avenue. All locations adjacent to the intersection of West Madison Street and North Mayfield Avenue.
(4) beginning at the intersection of West Gunnison Street and North Austin Avenue; thence west on West Gunnison Street and the City Limit Line to North Nagle Avenue (City Limit Line); thence north and west following the City Limit Line to North Nashville Avenue to West Argyle Street; thence west on West Argyle Street to North Natoma Avenue; thence north on North Natoma Avenue to West Foster Avenue; thence east on West Foster Avenue to North Nagle Avenue; thence north on North Nagle Avenue and North Nagle Avenue extended to West Devon Avenue; thence east on West Devon Avenue to the centerline of the north branch of the Chicago River; thence southeasterly following the centerline of the north branch of the Chicago River to the easterly right-of-way line of the Northwest Illinois Rail Corporation (METRA); thence northwesterly on the easterly right- of-way line of the Northwest Illinois Rail Corporation (METRA) to North Ionia Avenue (City Limit Line); thence southeasterly on North Ionia Avenue and following the City Limit Line to North Central Avenue (City Limit Line) and North Central Avenue to North Hiawatha Avenue; thence southeasterly on North Hiawatha Avenue to North Navajo Avenue; thence southwesterly on North Navajo Avenue to West Devon Avenue; thence east on West Devon Avenue to North Hiawatha Avenue; thence southeasterly on North Hiawatha Avenue to North Lemai Avenue; thence southwesterly on North Lemai Avenue to North Caldwell Avenue; thence southeasterly on North Caldwell Avenue to West Peterson Avenue; thence east on West Peterson Avenue to North Cicero Avenue; thence south on North Cicero Avenue to West Lawrence Avenue; thence east on West Lawrence Avenue to North Kostner Avenue; thence south on North Kostner Avenue to North Elston Avenue; thence southeasterly on North Elston Avenue to West Montrose Avenue; thence west on West Montrose Avenue to North Knox Avenue; thence southeasterly on North Knox Avenue and North Knox Avenue extended to the centerline of the right-of-way of the Chicago and Northwestern Transportation Company; thence south on the centerline of the right-of-way of the Chicago and Northwestern Transportation Company to West Irving Park Road; thence west on West Irving Park Road to North Cicero Avenue; thence south on North Cicero Avenue to West Grace Street; thence west on West Grace Street to North Leclaire Avenue; thence south on North Leclaire Avenue to West Warwick Avenue; thence west on West Warwick Avenue to North Laramie Avenue; thence north on North Laramie Avenue to West Cullom Avenue; thence west on West Cullom Avenue to North Linder Avenue; thence north on North Linder Avenue to West Montrose Avenue; thence west on West Montrose Avenue to North Central Avenue; thence north on North Central Avenue to West Eastwood Avenue; thence west on West Eastwood Avenue to North Austin Avenue; thence north and northwesterly on North Austin Avenue to the place of beginning.
(5) All locations adjacent to North Milwaukee Avenue, between West Diversey Avenue and North Sawyer Avenue.
All locations adjacent to West Fullerton Avenue, between North Hamlin Avenue and North Monticello Avenue.
(6) All that portion of the City bounded as follows: Beginning at the intersection of West Normandy Avenue and West Belmont Avenue; thence north on North Normandy Avenue to West Roscoe Street; thence east on West Roscoe Street to North Natoma Avenue; thence north on North Natoma Avenue to West Addison Street; thence west on West Addison Street to North Oak Park Avenue; thence north on North Oak Park Avenue to West Grace Street; thence west on West Grace Street to North Oriole Avenue; thence north on North Oriole Avenue to West Forest Preserve Avenue; thence southwest on West Forest Preserve Avenue to North Ottawa Avenue to West Irving Park Road (City Limit Line); thence east on West Irving Park Road, along the City Limit Line, to North Harlem Avenue (City Limit Line); thence north on North Harlem Avenue, along the City Limit Line, to West Forest Preserve Avenue (City Limit Line); thence northeast on West Forest Preserve Avenue, along the City Limit Line, to West Montrose Avenue (City Limit Line); thence east on West Montrose Avenue, along the City Limit Line, to North Narragansett Avenue (City Limit Line); thence north on North Narragansett Avenue, along the City Limit Line, to West Gunnison Street; thence east on West Gunnison Street to North Austin Avenue; thence southeast and south on North Austin Avenue to West Eastwood Avenue; thence east on West Eastwood Avenue to North Central Avenue; thence south on North Central Avenue to West Montrose Avenue; thence east on West Montrose Avenue to North Linder Avenue; thence south on North Linder Avenue to West Cullom Avenue; thence east on West Cullom Avenue to North Laramie Avenue; thence south on North Laramie Avenue to West Warwick Avenue; thence east on West Warwick Avenue to North Leclaire Avenue; thence north on North Leclaire Avenue to West Grace Street; thence east on West Grace Street to North Cicero Avenue; thence north on North Cicero Avenue to West Irving Park Road; thence east on West Irving Park Road to the Chicago and Northwestern Railroad; thence north on the Chicago and Northwestern Railroad to the southerly extension of North Knox Avenue; thence northwest on the southerly extension of North Knox Avenue and North Knox Avenue to West Montrose Avenue; thence east on West Montrose Avenue to the John F. Kennedy Expressway (I-90); thence southeast on the John F. Kennedy Expressway (I-90) to North Tripp Avenue extended; thence south on North Tripp Avenue extended and North Tripp Avenue to West Addison Street; thence west on West Addison Street to North Milwaukee Avenue; thence southeast on North Milwaukee Avenue to North Kildare Avenue; thence south on North Kildare Avenue to West Roscoe Street; thence west on West Roscoe Street to North Kenton Avenue; thence north on North Kenton Avenue to West Addison Street; thence west on West Addison Street to North Cicero Avenue; thence south on North Cicero Avenue to West School Street; thence west on West School Street to North Lockwood Avenue; thence south on North Lockwood Avenue to West Belmont Avenue; thence west on West Belmont Avenue to the place of beginning; excepting from the foregoing locations at the following intersections: North Harlem Avenue and West Irving Park Road; West Addison Street and North Lavergne Avenue; West Addison Street and North Central Avenue; West Addison Street and North Austin Avenue; excepting from the foregoing locations at the following intersections: Austin Boulevard and Gunnison Street; Austin Boulevard and Northwest Highway; Central Avenue and Giddings Street (southeast); Central Avenue and Lawrence Avenue (southeast); Central Avenue and Montrose Avenue (northwest); Central Avenue and Montrose Avenue (southeast); Cicero Avenue and Belle Plaine Avenue (northwest); Cicero Avenue and Belle Plaine Avenue (southeast); Cicero Avenue and Byron Street (northwest); Cicero Avenue and Grace Street (northwest); Gunnison Street and Nagle Avenue (northeast); Lawrence Avenue and Central Avenue (northeast); Milwaukee Avenue and Austin Boulevard; Milwaukee Avenue and Laramie Avenue; Milwaukee Avenue and Northwest Highway; Montrose Avenue and Cicero Avenue (northeast); Montrose Avenue and Lavergne Avenue (northeast); Montrose Avenue and Linder Avenue (southwest); Northwest Highway and Central Avenue; Cicero Avenue and (northwest) Waveland Avenue; Higgins Road and Melvina Avenue (southwest) (bus stop).
(7) All portions of the city bounded as follows: Beginning at the intersection of West Irving Park Road and North Clark Street; thence northerly on to the easterly side of North Clark Street to West Montrose Avenue; thence east on the south side of West Montrose Avenue to North Dover Street; thence north on the east side of North Dover Street to West Lawrence Avenue; thence west on the north side of West Lawrence Avenue to North Ashland Avenue; thence north on the east side of North Ashland Avenue to West Carmen Avenue; thence east on the south side of West Carmen Avenue to North Clark Street; thence north on the east side of North Clark Street to West Winona Street; thence east on the south side of West Winona Street to North Glenwood Avenue; thence north on the east side of North Glenwood Avenue to West Foster Avenue; thence east on the south side of West Foster Avenue to North Broadway; thence south on the west side of North Broadway to West Winnemac Avenue; thence west on the north side of West Winnemac Avenue to North Glenwood Avenue; thence south on the west side of North Glenwood Avenue to West Argyle Street; thence east on the south side of West Argyle Street to North Magnolia Avenue; thence south on the west side of North Magnolia Avenue to West Lawrence Avenue; thence east on the south side of West Lawrence Avenue to North Racine Avenue; thence south on the west side of North Racine Avenue to West Leland Avenue; thence east on the south side of West Leland Avenue to the Chicago Transit Authority elevated right-of-way; thence north on the eastern side of the Chicago Transit Authority elevated right-of-way to West Ainslie Street; thence east on the south side of West Ainslie Street to North Kenmore Avenue; thence north on the east side of North Kenmore Avenue to West Winona Street; thence east on the south side of West Winona Street to North Sheridan Road; thence south on the west side of North Sheridan Road to West Lawrence Avenue; thence east on West Lawrence Avenue and West Lawrence Drive to the Lake Michigan shoreline; thence southerly along the Lake Michigan shoreline to an extension of West Cornelia Avenue; thence westerly along the north side of the extension of West Cornelia Avenue to North Lake Shore Drive; thence southerly along both sides of North Lake Shore Drive to West Stratford Place; thence westerly along West Stratford Place to North Broadway; thence northerly along the east side of North Broadway to West Cornelia Avenue; thence west on the north side of West Cornelia Avenue to North Halsted Street; thence north on the east side of North Halsted Street to West Waveland Avenue; thence west along the north side of West Waveland Avenue to North Fremont Street; thence north along the east side of North Fremont Street to West Sheridan Road; thence west along to the Chicago Transit Authority elevated right- of-way; thence north on the eastern side of the Chicago Transit Authority elevated right-of-way to West Dakin Street; thence west on the north side of West Dakin Street to North Sheridan Road; thence on the east side of North Sheridan Road to West Irving Park Road; thence west on West Irving Park Road to the place of beginning.
(Added Coun. J. 2-6-91, p. 30370; Amend Coun. J. 3-15-91, pp. 31330, 31332, 31335, 31337, 31339, 31340, 31342, 31344, 31346, 31348, 31349; 4-12-91, pp. 32513, 32515, 32518, 32520, 32522, 32524, 32526; 8-3-94, pp. 54353, 54355, 54356, 54358, 54359, 54360, 54361, 54363, 54365, 54366 (2 ords.), 54368 (2 ords.), 54370, 54371, 54372, 54373, 54374, 54376, 54377, 54378, 54379, 54380, 54381, 54383, 54384, 54385, 54386, 54387, 54389; 9-13-95, p. 7076; Amend Coun. J. 3-11-98, p. 63544; Amend Coun. J. 3-7-01, p. 53640, § 1; Amend Coun. J. 1-16-02, p. 77550, § 1; Amend Coun. J. 2-27-02, p. 80269, § 1; Amend Coun. J. 11-5-03, p. 10800, § 1; Amend Coun. J. 11-19-08, p. 49407, § 1; Amend Coun. J. 12-14-16, p. 40063, § 1; Amend Coun. J. 11-20-19, p. 9510, Art. I, § 10)
(a) Except as provided otherwise in subsection (b), no bench shall be more than 50 inches high, nor more than 30 inches in depth, nor more than seven feet in length. The minimum weight for each bench, including the ends, legs, seatboard, bottomplate board and backrest, shall be 300 pounds. The bench's composition shall include two end legs which shall be a minimum of 24 inches high, made entirely of concrete, reinforced by steel bars throughout. The benches are further to be constructed broader without the use of nails of any sort. The bottomplate board, seatboard and backrest of every bench shall be composed of wood which is maintained in a smooth condition, free of splinters, jagged edges, rotted wood and other loose material. The seatboard shall be composed of 2 x 4's or 2 x 6's. The backrest shall be constructed of a minimum of one-half inch plywood and shall have its top corners rounded. The bottomplate shall not exceed ten inches in height or seven feet in length.
(b) The appropriate commissioner may permit benches that do not comply with all of the requirements of subsection (a) when the commissioner finds that the design of and materials used for the benches are safe and appropriate.
(c) It shall be the duty of the contractor to maintain each bench at all times in a safe condition, with no protruding bolts, screws, or other matter, with all fastening apparatuses to be recessed and not protruding beyond the surface of the bench.
(d) It shall be the duty of the contractor to maintain each bench and the area occupied by each bench in a clean and neat condition at all times.
(Added Coun. J. 12-19-90, p. 28705; Amend Coun. J. 11-14-18, p. 90308, Art. III, § 1)