In any building operation which would require the driving of vehicles or equipment upon or across any public sidewalk abutting the premises, the applicant shall obtain from the commissioner a certificate of prior inspection which shall state the condition of the sidewalk before construction is started. The commissioner is hereby authorized to charge a fee of $10.00 for each such prior inspection, to estimate probable damage that might be caused to such public sidewalk by the driving of vehicles or equipment thereon, and to require a deposit by the applicant of moneys sufficient to restore said sidewalk to a condition as good as it was before construction was started.
When the commissioner receives satisfactory proof that the affected sidewalk has been restored to a condition equally as good as before the permitted work, he shall certify this fact to the city comptroller. The comptroller shall thereupon direct the city treasurer to refund the amount deposited in connection with the permit.
(Added Coun. J. 12-4-02, p. 99026, § 7.1)
The commissioner of streets and sanitation is hereby authorized and directed to accept, on behalf of the city, all bills of sale presented to him by any person doing business in the city conveying, assigning, or transferring to the said city the ownership of any electric light poles and telegraph poles having streetlighting equipment of the city, which the said commissioner of streets and sanitation shall deem necessary or desirable for the use of the said city.
The commissioner of streets and sanitation shall, upon the acceptance of any such electric light poles, telephone poles or telegraph poles, cause all previous marks of ownership to be removed, and shall immediately thereafter remark same indicating the city's ownership of said poles.
(Prior code § 34-22)