(a) The City Council may from time to time define areas, in the interest of preserving public health and safety or avoiding traffic congestion, in which no pedicabs shall be operated. The City Clerk shall maintain for public inspection and copying a file of all ordinances defining such areas. In addition, any ordinance defining such areas shall be codified as an amendment to this section.
(b) No pedicab shall be operated Monday through Friday, except on holidays as defined in Section 9-4-010, between 7:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m. and between 4:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. on public ways under the jurisdiction of the city in the area bounded in the north and west by Chicago River, on the east by Lake Michigan, and on the south by Ida B. Wells Drive.
(c) No pedicab shall be operated on Michigan Avenue and State Street from Ida B. Wells Drive to Oak Street.
(d) No pedicab shall be operated on public ways under the jurisdiction of the City in the area bounded on the north by Roosevelt Road, on the west by Indiana Avenue, on the south by 21st Street (extended east to Jean Baptiste Pointe Du Sable Lake Shore Drive), and on the east by Columbus Drive and Jean Baptiste Pointe Du Sable Lake Shore Drive.
(e) No pedicabs shall be operated between 6:00 p.m. and 9:00 a.m. on public ways under the jurisdiction of the City in the area bounded on the north by Ohio Street, on the west by Lake Shore Drive, on the east by Lake Michigan, and on the south by the Chicago River.
(Added Coun. J. 4-30-14, p. 80633, § 5; Amend Coun. J. 11-20-19, p. 9510, Art. I, § 7; Amend Coun. J. 9-21-22, p. 52000, § 1; Amend Coun. J. 10-4-23, p. 3674, § 1; Amend Coun. J. 10-9-24, p. 18732, § 1)
(a) The driver of a bus shall not stop such vehicle upon any street at any place for the purpose of loading or unloading passengers other than at a designated bus stop, bus stand, passenger loading zone, or bus terminal except in case of an emergency or as permitted in subsection (d) of this section.
(b) The driver of a bus shall enter a bus stop or passenger loading zone on a public way only in such a manner that the bus when stopped to load or unload passengers shall be in a position with the right front wheel of such bus not further than 18 inches from the curb, or 30 inches from the curb if the bus is lift- equipped, and the bus approximately parallel to the curb so as not to unduly impede the movement of other vehicular traffic.
(c) When any lane is designated and appropriately indicated by signs and markings for shared use by buses and bicycles, a driver of a bus shall yield to a bicycle proceeding in the same direction until it is safe to overtake such bicycle.
(d) Subject to any restriction established pursuant to subsection (f), the driver of a bus may stop such vehicle at any intersection of any street on which it has authority to operate between the hours of Midnight and 5:00 a.m. for the purpose of loading or unloading passengers.
(e) Except in case of an emergency or as approved pursuant to subsection (f) of this section, a driver of an intercity bus shall not stop or park any intercity bus on Canal Street, between Adams Street and Jackson Boulevard for the purpose of loading or unloading of passengers, luggage or other goods. For the purpose of this section, “intercity bus” means any bus used for transportation of persons between the City of Chicago and locations outside of the Chicago-Naperville-Joliet, IL-IN-WI Metropolitan Statistical Area (M.S.A.) (as defined by the Director of the United States Office of Management and Budget), but shall not include buses of the Chicago Transit Authority or another component of the Regional Transportation Authority, including, but not limited to, the suburban bus commonly known as “Pace”. The prohibition in this subsection shall not apply to intercity buses or shuttle buses that are exclusively used to transfer passengers to trains operated by the National Railroad Passenger Corporation, commonly known as “Amtrak” and/or the Northeast Illinois Rail Corporation, commonly known as “Metra” at Chicago Union Station.
(f) No owner or operator of any intercity bus shall use any designated bus stop, bus stand, or passenger loading/unloading zone, or any other location, for loading or unloading of passengers, luggage or other goods without first obtaining the approval of the Commissioner. Application for such approval shall be made upon a form provided by the Commissioner, and shall contain the name and address of the applicant, the location of the proposed bus stop, bus stand, or passenger loading/unloading zone, or other location where such loading or unloading of passengers, luggage or other goods shall take place, the time of day and the length of time any such bus shall stand in the proposed bus stop, bus stand, or passenger loading/unloading zone, or other location, and the number of buses that shall leave from and come to the proposed bus stop, bus stand, or passenger loading/unloading zone, or other location per day. Such application shall be signed by the applicant.
The Commissioner shall approve or deny the application no later than 30 days after the application was filed. The Commissioner’s review of the application shall take place in consultation with the local alderperson, and shall take into consideration administrative efficiency and available resources, public safety, and orderly traffic flow, and a permit shall be subject to such conditions and restrictions that the Commissioner may impose in the Commissioner’s sole discretion, including, without limitation, those addressing day/time availability of any such location(s), number of daily arrivals/departures to/from any such location(s), and advance notification requirements by the applicant. If the Commissioner denies the application, it shall be based upon a determination that the loading/unloading of passengers, luggage or other goods at that time, or in that particular designated bus stop, bus stand, or passenger loading/unloading zone, or other location presents an unreasonable threat to the health, safety and welfare of the public or impedes the safe and efficient flow of traffic or imposes an unreasonable burden on available resources. If the Commissioner denies the application, the Commissioner shall send by e-mail or U.S. mail a notification to the applicant in writing specifying the reasons for the decision. Any applicant may seek review of the decision of the Commissioner denying such application in the manner provided by law. The loading or unloading of an intercity bus in violation of this subsection (f) shall subject the violator to a fine of no less than $2,000 and no more than $10,000. Each instance of unauthorized loading or unloading shall constitute a separate violation. The provisions of this subsection shall not apply to any bus used in conducting a “sightseeing tour” as that term is defined in Section 9-114-010 of this Code.
(g) Pursuant to Code Section 2-102-030(l), the Commissioner is authorized to issue any rules or policies necessary or useful to implement and enforce this section.
(h) Any motor vehicle used in violation of subsection (f) of this section shall be subject to seizure and impoundment pursuant to this section. In addition to any other applicable penalty, the owner of record of such motor vehicle shall be subject to an administrative penalty of $3,000 plus any towing and storage fees applicable under Section 9-92-080.
(i) Whenever a police officer who is present at the time of an alleged violation of subsection (f) has probable cause to believe that a vehicle is subject to seizure and impoundment pursuant to this section, the police officer shall provide for the towing of the vehicle to a facility controlled by the City or its agents. Before or at the time the vehicle is towed, the police officer shall notify any person identifying themselves as the owner of the vehicle at the time of the alleged violation or the person who is found to be in control of the vehicle at the time of the alleged violation, if there is such person, of the fact of the seizure and of the vehicle owner’s right to request a vehicle impoundment hearing to be conducted under Section 2-14-132 of this Code by serving such person with a copy of the vehicle impoundment seizure report.
(j) Section 2-14-132 shall apply whenever a motor vehicle is seized and impounded pursuant to this section.
(Added Coun. J. 7-12-90, p. 18634; Amend Coun. J. 4-12-91, p. 31763; Amend Coun. J. 6-11-08, p. 29568, § 1; Amend Coun. J. 1-18-12, p. 19118, § 4; Amend Coun. J. 6-5-13, p. 54983, § 1; Amend Coun. J. 11-15-23, p. 6542, Art. IV, § 4; Amend Coun. J. 12-13-23, p. 7344, § 1)
(a) The driver of any taxicab shall not stop such vehicle upon any business street at any place other than a taxicab stand, except for the expeditious loading or unloading of passengers or when necessary to avoid conflict with other traffic or in compliance with the directions of a police officer, traffic control aide or traffic sign or signal; provided, however, that this section shall not apply when the taxicab is unoccupied, not for hire and otherwise lawfully parked.
(b) No driver, involved in the expeditious loading or unloading of passengers shall be charged with a violation of any parking ordinance contained in this code, unless such driver fails to move his vehicle after having been directed by a police officer or traffic control aide to do so.
(Added Coun. J. 7-12-90, p. 18634; Amend Coun. J. 11-15-00, p. 46957, § 2)
(a) A person operating a motorcycle or motor-driven cycle shall ride only upon the permanent and regular seat attached thereto, and such operator shall not carry any other person unless the cycle is designed to carry more than one person, in which event a passenger may ride upon the permanent and regular seat if designed for two persons or upon another seat firmly attached to the rear or side of the cycle.
(b) A person operating a motorcycle shall ride upon such motorcycle only while sitting astride the seat, facing forward, with one leg on each side of the motorcycle.
(c) A person operating a motorcycle shall keep at least one hand on a handlebar grip at all times the motorcycle is in motion.
(Added Coun. J. 7-12-90, p. 18634; Amend Coun. J. 4-21-21, p. 29728, § 5)
Every motor vehicle of the second division operated on the public way in the course of a business consisting of any construction work requiring a permit under the building provisions of this Code or under the fire provisions of this Code, and every piece of mobile equipment so operated, and every trailer, cart and piece of equipment towed on the public way in the course of such a business, shall have displayed on its side the name of the business. The name shall be in letters no less than two inches high and one-half inch wide. Nothing in this section shall apply to any motor vehicle on which is affixed the insignia required under Section 18c-4701 of the Illinois Commercial Transportation Law, as amended. Any person who violates any provision of this section shall be subject to a fine of $100.00 for each violation. Whenever any vehicle or piece of equipment is operated in violation of the provisions of this section, the owner or the driver of the vehicle shall be deemed liable, and either may be prosecuted, for the violation.
(Added Coun. J. 9-15-93, p. 37920)
(a) The operation of neighborhood electric vehicles shall be permitted only upon streets and alleys which are subject to a speed limit of 30 miles per hour or less and which are under the sole jurisdiction of the city.
(b) It shall be unlawful to operate a neighborhood electric vehicle upon any street in the city where the posted speed limit is more than 30 miles per hour. This subsection does not prohibit a neighborhood electric vehicle from crossing a street at an intersection where the street being crossed has a posted speed limit of not more than 45 miles per hour. A neighborhood electric vehicle shall not cross a street with a speed limit in excess of 45 miles per hour unless it is crossing at an intersection controlled by a traffic light or 4-way stop sign.
(c) No person shall operate a neighborhood electric vehicle that (i) does not conform to the requirements of Section 11-1426.1 of the Illinois Vehicle Code, codified at 625 ILCS 5/11-1426.1, as amended, for safety equipment and lighting; and (ii) does not have doors in place. When operated on a street or roadway, a neighborhood electric vehicle shall have its headlights and tail lamps lighted as required by Section 12-201 of the Illinois Vehicle Code, codified at 625 ILCS 5/12-201, as amended, and its doors closed.
(d) Drivers of neighborhood electric vehicles must be licensed to drive motor vehicles.
(e) If the Illinois Secretary of State issues registration plates for neighborhood electric vehicles, it shall be unlawful to operate or park on any public way a neighborhood electric vehicle that is not fitted with front and rear registration plates. The city clerk is authorized to issue a wheel tax license emblem for neighborhood electric vehicles in essentially the same form as the emblem issued to motor bicycles, motor tricycles, motor scooters or mopeds. Neighborhood electric vehicles must display wheel tax license emblems. Until such time as the Illinois Secretary of State issues registration plates for such vehicles, (i) the city is authorized to enforce any law applicable to neighborhood electric vehicles by using a vehicle identification number in lieu of a registration plate number; and (ii) for the purpose of enforcing the provisions of this Code applicable to neighborhood electric vehicles, including Sections 3-56-145, 4-232-080, 4-236-060, 9-56-020, 9-56-030, 9-64-220, 9-100-030, 9-100-050, 9-100-060 and 9-100-120, the terms "registration plate number", "license plate number", "license plate" or "state registration number" shall instead be read to mean "vehicle identification number".
(f) Except as otherwise provided in this section, neighborhood electric vehicles shall be subject to all of the requirements of this Code applicable to motor vehicles of the first division. Neighborhood electric vehicles shall be operated in accordance with the rules of the road applicable to other motor vehicles. No person shall operate a neighborhood electric vehicle on a sidewalk, on foot paths or on any other surface where motor vehicle operation is otherwise prohibited. It shall be unlawful to operate or to cause to be operated a neighborhood electric vehicle on the public ways of the city unless such vehicle is covered by a liability insurance policy as required by Section 7-601 of the Illinois Vehicle Code, codified at 625 ILCS 5/7-601, as amended.
(g) The department of police shall have the authority to impound a neighborhood electric vehicle for such violations of this Code which specify vehicle impoundment as a consequence of such violation. Before or at the time a neighborhood electric vehicle is impounded, the City shall notify any person identifying himself as the owner of the neighborhood electric vehicle at the time of the alleged violation or any person who is found to be in control of the neighborhood electric vehicle at the time of the alleged violation, if there is such person, of the fact of the impoundment and the neighborhood electric vehicle owner's right to request a preliminary hearing to be conducted under Section 2-14-132 of this Code by serving such person with a copy of the vehicle impoundment seizure report. Section 2-14-132 shall apply whenever a neighborhood electric vehicle is impounded pursuant to this section.
(h) The commissioner may designate portions of streets to be unsuitable for neighborhood electric vehicle operation and may prohibit such operation if, after considering the volume, speed and character of traffic on the street, the commissioner determines that public safety will be jeopardized by the operation of neighborhood electric vehicles on that street or portion thereof.
(i) It shall be unlawful to operate or cause to be operated any neighborhood electric vehicle on the public ways of the city, unless signs or decals permanently and conspicuously affixed to the rear of the vehicle and the dashboard of the vehicle stating "This Vehicle May Not Be Operated on Streets With Speed Limits in Excess of 30 m.p.h." The lettering of the sign or decal on the dashboard shall not be less than one-half inch in height. The sign on the rear window shall face the outside of the vehicle, and the lettering of the sign shall be in prominent type, not less than two inches in height, clearly visible to and readable by the public, and in a color that contrasts with the background color of the sign. No such sign shall be affixed more than 6 inches down from the top of the rear window.
(j) Any person who sells neighborhood electric vehicles in the city shall post the following durable sign in a conspicuous place near all vehicle-accessible exits from the premises where such vehicles are sold:
Neighborhood Electric Vehicles Shall Not Be Operated On Streets Subject To A Speed Limit Of More Than 30 Miles Per Hour
The lettering of the sign shall be in prominent type, not less than two inches in height, clearly visible to and readable by the public, and in a color that contrasts with the background color of the sign.
(l) The commissioner is authorized to adopt such rules and regulations as he may deem appropriate for the proper administration and enforcement of the provisions of this section.
(Added Coun. J. 2-11-09, p. 55024, § 1; Amend Coun. J. 7-22-20, p. 18957, § 6)