Every driver of a vehicle shall exercise due care to avoid colliding with any pedestrian, or any person operating a bicycle or other device propelled by human or animal power, upon any roadway, and shall give warning by sounding the horn when necessary and shall exercise proper precautions upon observing any child or any confused or incapacitated person upon a roadway.
(Added Coun. J. 7-12-90, p. 18634; Amend Coun. J. 3-12-08, p. 22781, § 1)
It is unlawful for any person to drive or move, or for the owner to cause or knowingly permit to be driven or moved, on any roadway any vehicle or combination of vehicles which is in such unsafe condition as to endanger any person or property or which contains equipment prohibited by the traffic code or is not equipped with such lamps and other equipment in proper condition and adjustment as required in the traffic code, or which is equipped in any manner in violation of this Code.
(Added Coun. J. 7-12-90, p. 18634)
Except for a minor who possesses a valid instruction permit under 625 ILCS 5/6-107.1, and operates a vehicle in compliance with that section’s requirements, it shall be unlawful for any person under the age of 16 years to operate any vehicle on the streets of the City. Any person who violates this section shall be subject to a fine of not less than $5.00 nor more than $100.00 for each offense.
(Added Coun. J. 4-10-13, p. 51189, § 11; Amend Coun. J. 4-10-19, p. 99061, § 1)
(a) The driver of any motor vehicle when traveling upon a down grade shall not coast with the gears of such vehicle in neutral.
(b) The driver of a motor vehicle of the second division when traveling upon a down grade shall not coast with the clutch disengaged.
(Added Coun. J. 7-12-90, p. 18634)
(a) No person shall turn a vehicle from a direct course or move right or left upon a roadway unless and until such movement can be made with reasonable safety and then only after giving a clearly audible signal by sounding the horn if any pedestrian may be affected by such movement or after giving an appropriate visual signal in the manner hereinafter provided.
(b) A signal of intention to turn right or left shall be given continuously during not less than the last 100 feet traveled by the vehicle before turning.
(c) A turn signal shall be given to indicate an intention to change lanes or start from a parallel parked position.
(Added Coun. J. 7-12-90, p. 18634)