It shall be unlawful for any person to cast, throw, deposit, or place any stink ball, fire ball, or bomb, described in Section 7-28-630 hereof, or to cast, deposit or place any substance described in Section 7-28-640 hereof, from, upon, or to any public way or public place in the city, or at, upon, or within any public conveyance, or upon the floor or within any restaurant, theater, hall, assembly room or public building, or at, upon, or within any automobile or other vehicle within the city.
Any person violating any provision of this section shall be fined not less than $50.00 nor more than $200.00 for each offense.
(Prior code § 99-55)
ARTICLE V. RAT CONTROL (7-28-660 et seq.)
Inspectors from the department of buildings and the department of streets and sanitation shall have authority to inspect the interior and exterior of buildings, other structures, or parcels on which a building has been demolished or is being constructed to determine evidence of rat harborage, rat infestation and the existence of new breaks or leaks in the rat-stoppage, and when any evidence is found indicating the presence of rats or openings through which rats may enter such buildings or structures, to report such evidence to the appropriate commissioner, who shall serve the owner, agent, or occupant of such building, structure or, parcel with written notice to abate the conditions found.
(Prior code § 99-61.2; Amend Coun. J. 11-16-94, p. 61204; Amend Coun. J. 5-20-98, p. 68997)
It shall be unlawful for the owner, occupant, contractor, public utility company, plumber, or any other person, to remove the rat-stoppage from any building or structure for any purpose and fail to restore the same in satisfactory condition, or to make any new openings that are not closed or sealed against the entrance of rats.
(Prior code § 99-61.5)
Whenever conditions inside or under any building or structure provide such extensive harborage for rats that the building commissioner deems it necessary to eliminate such harborage he may require the owner or occupant in charge of any such building or structure to install suitable cement floors in basements, or to require such owner or occupant to correct such rat harborage as may be necessary in order to facilitate the eradication of rats.
(Prior code § 99-61.6)