7-28-470 Refuse on roof or in areaway.
   It shall be unlawful for any person to place, throw, deposit, or cause to be placed, thrown, or deposited, any substance, papers, refuse, or other article, or any material, on the roof of any building, or in any light or air shaft, court, or areaway that will cause the dissemination of dust or odors, or be productive of a nuisance or a menace to the health, comfort, or safety of any person or of the community. No person in possession or control of any building shall permit or allow the deposit or accumulation on the roof of said building or in any light or air shaft, court, or areaway, of any waste material, refuse, or other object or thing that will cause a nuisance or be injurious to the health, comfort, or safety of any person or of the community.
(Prior code § 99-39)