An investigation of any violation of Chapter 2-156 may not be initiated more than five years after the most recent act of alleged misconduct.
(Added Coun. J. 2-13-13, p. 46730, § 3; Amend Coun. J. 7-24-19, p. 2394, § 1)
Any employee or appointed officer of the city who violates any provision of this chapter shall be subject to discharge (or such other discipline as may be specified in an applicable collective bargaining agreement) in addition to any other penalty provided in this chapter.
(Prior code § 19-16; Added Coun. J. 10-4-89, p. 5726)
If any provision, clause, section, part or application of this chapter to any person or circumstance is declared invalid by any court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity shall not affect, impair or invalidate the remainder hereof or its application to any other person or circumstance. It is hereby declared to be the legislative intent of the city council that this chapter would have been adopted had such invalid provision, clause, section, part or application not been included herein. Nothing contained in this chapter is intended otherwise to alter or amend the rights or obligations of the city or any person affected by this ordinance.
(Prior code § 19-17; Added Coun. J. 10-4-89, p. 5726)
In addition to the rights and powers conferred by this amendatory ordinance of 2016, the inspector general and the office of inspector general shall assume, respectively, all rights and powers of the former legislative inspector general and the office of the legislative inspector general. All books, records, property and funds relating to the former office of the legislative inspector general and such rights and powers are transferred to the office of inspector general.
The inspector general shall succeed the former legislative inspector general in administering and investigating pending matters under the jurisdiction of the former legislative inspector general.
(Added Coun. J. 2-10-16, p. 19348, § 4)
"Office" means the Civilian Office of Police Accountability established in Chapter 2-78.
"Police Board" means the Police Board established in Chapter 2-84.
"Police Department" means the Chicago Department of Police established in Chapter 2-84.
"Public Safety Deputy" means the Deputy Inspector General for Public Safety established in this chapter.
"Superintendent" means the Superintendent of Police or the Superintendent's designee.
(Added Coun. J. 10-5-16, p. 34471, § 6)
There is hereby established within the Office of the Inspector General a section to be known as the Office of the Deputy Inspector General for Public Safety, which shall include the Public Safety Deputy and such assistants and other employees as may be required to implement the Public Safety Deputy's powers and duties as set forth in Sections 2-56-200 through 2-56-280. The Public Safety Deputy shall be appointed pursuant to Section 2-56-220, and may be removed from office only for cause pursuant to Section 2-56-280.
(Added Coun. J. 10-5-16, p. 34471, § 6)
The mission of the Office of the Deputy Inspector General for Public Safety is to initiate reviews and audits of the Police Department, the Office and the Police Board with the goal of enhancing the effectiveness of the Police Department, the Office and the Police Board; increasing public safety, protecting civil liberties and civil rights; and ensuring the accountability of the police force, thus building stronger police-community relations.
(Added Coun. J. 10-5-16, p. 34471, § 6)