All reports, analyses, and statements issued by the Office shall be posted on the Office’s website and open to public inspection, except to the extent that information contained therein has been redacted because it is exempted from disclosure by the Illinois Freedom of Information Act or any other applicable law.
(Added Coun. J. 10-16-19, p. 7101, § 1)
(a) The Director is authorized to obtain such information, data, records, reports, estimates, and statistics from any officer, employee, department, agency, contractor, subcontractor and licensee of the City, and every applicant for certification of eligibility for a City contract or program, as the Director determines is necessary for the performance of his powers and duties.
(b) Every officer, employee, department, agency, contractor, subcontractor and licensee of the City, and every applicant for certification of eligibility for a City contract or program, has a duty to cooperate with the Director’s reasonable requests made pursuant to subsection (a), unless such materials are subject to attorney-client privilege, attorney work product, and material prepared for litigation; provided, however, that any denial of such requests shall be made in writing and include the reasons for such denial.
(c) Each member of the Office shall have read-only access to all of the City’s budget, financial, procurement, and related systems in order to export data and run current and historical reports. Upon the request of a member of the City Council, the Director shall provide copies of any such reports within a reasonable time period from the request. With regard to any aldermanic request to review any data, the Director shall schedule a briefing to review the requested data. If the Director receives an aldermanic request to share any such data with an outside person or entity, the Director must first arrange for such person or entity to execute with the City a data-sharing agreement that is in form and substance approved by the Corporation Counsel.
(d) As soon as practicable, and upon request, the Director shall provide an alderman, city official or department head, any information used in the preparation of any analysis, report or statement authorized by this chapter.
(e) All aldermanic briefings related to Office reports shall be coordinated through the Chairman of the Committee on the Budget and Government Operations.
(Added Coun. J. 12-11-13, p. 72260, § 1; Amend Coun. J. 10-16-19, p. 7101, § 1; Amend Coun. J. 12-16-24, p. 22879, Art. VI, § 6)
In addition to the reports and analyses required under Section 2-53-030, the Director shall provide members of the City Council, through the Committee on the Budget and Government Operations, with a report containing the below information on or before July 30 of each year:
(a) an annual budget options report of potential cost saving reforms, new funding and revenue sources, and efficiencies;
(b) a summary of compliance with the City’s minority-owned and women-owned business enterprise programs, the disadvantaged business enterprise program, and other certification eligible business participation programs, including both utilization numbers and payments to certification eligible subcontractors, expressed as a percentage of the total costs of the applicable contract for the previous fiscal year;
(c) an overview of recent trends in municipal finance, with comparative studies and analysis, as appropriate; and
(d) an analysis of vacant positions carried over from one fiscal year to the next, overtime costs of the previous fiscal year compared to the appropriated funds for overtime, and any applicable workforce allocation studies.
(Added Coun. J. 12-16-24, p. 22879, Art. VI, § 7)
Editor’s note – Coun. J. 10-16-19, p. 7101, § 2, repealed former § 2-53-050, which pertained to establishment of council office of financial analysis oversight committee.