As enacted by a November 11, 1980 Resolution
1. Incorporated: general powers.
2. Boundaries.
2A. 1982 Chestertown Annexation No. 1.
2B. 1987 Chestertown Annexation No. 1.
2C. 1987 Annexation No. 2.
2D. 1988 Annexation No. 2.
2E. 1994 Annexation No. 1.
2F. 1994 Annexation No. 2.
2G. 2002 Annexation Resolution No. 1.
3. Mayor and Councilmen.
4. Oath of Office.
5. Mayor: Duties.
6. Acting Mayor.
7. Removal from office.
8. Vacancies.
9. Meetings.
10. Procedure.
11. Rules and order of business; journal.
12. Ordinances.
13. Referendum.
14. File of ordinances.
15. Salary.
16. General Powers.
17. Specific Powers.
18. Exercise of Powers.
19. Enforcement and the General Penalty.
Registration, Nominations, and Elections
20. Qualifications of Voters.
21. Districting and Apportionment.
22. Board of supervisors of elections.
23. Same – Removal of members.
24. Same – Duties.
25. Notice of registration days and elections.
26. Appeal from action of board of supervisors of elections.
27. Candidates.
28. Election of Mayor and Councilmen.
29. Conduct of elections generally.
30. Absentee Voting.
31. Special Elections.
32. Vote Count.
33. Ballots.
34. Regulation and control by council.
35. Penalties.
36. Fiscal Year.
37. Budget.
38. Same – Adoption.
39. Appropriations.
40. Transfer of funds.
41. Over-expenditures forbidden.
42. Appropriations lapse after one year.
43. Checks.
44. Taxable property.
45. Budget authorizes levy.
46. Notice of tax levy.
47. When taxes are overdue.
48. Sale of tax – delinquent property.
49. Fees.
50. Audit.
51. Tax anticipation borrowing.
52. Borrowing on Notes.
53. Payment of Indebtedness.
54. Borrowing.
55. Issuance of revenue bonds.
56. Previous issues.
57. Purchasing and contracts.
58. Authority to Employ Town Personnel.
59. Town Manager.
60. Town Attorney.
Public Ways and Sidewalks
61. Definition of public ways.
62. Control of public ways.
63. Powers of the town as regards the public ways.
64. Powers of town as to sidewalks.
Waters and Sewers
65. Powers of town.
66. Placing structures in public ways.
67. Obstructions.
68. Entering on county public ways.
69. Connections.
70. Same – Charge.
71. Changes in plumbing, etc., to prevent waste or improper use.
72. Private systems.
73. Extensions beyond boundaries.
74. Right of entry.
75. Pollution of water supply.
76. Charges.
Special Assessments
77. Power of town to levy special assessments.
78. Procedure.
Town Property
79. Acquisition, possession, and disposal.
80. Condemnation.
81. Town buildings.
82. Protection of town property.
General Provisions
83. Official bonds.
84. Defense.
85. Prior rights and obligations.
86. Violations and penalties.
87. Effect of charter on existing ordinances.
88. Separability.
89. "Town" construed to mean "city".
Urban Renewal Authority for Slum Clearance
Urban Renewal Authority for Slum Clearance
A1–101. Definitions.
A1–102. Powers.
A1–103. Additional Powers.
A1–104. Establishment of Urban Renewel [Renewal] Agency.
A1–105. Powers Withheld from the Agency.
A1–106. Initiation of Project.
A1–107. Preparation and Approval of Plan for Urban Renewal Project.
A1–108. Disposal of Property in Urban Renewal Area.
A1–109. Eminent Domain.
A1–110. Encouragement of Private Enterprise.
A1–111. General Obligation Bonds.
A1–112. Revenue Bonds.
A1–113. Short Title.
A1–114. Authority to Amend or Repeal.
The inhabitants of the Town of Chestertown, in Kent County, State of Maryland, within the corporate limits legally established from time to time are hereby constituted a body corporate by the name of "The Town of Chestertown", with all the privileges of the body corporate, by that name to sue and be sued, to plead and be impleaded in any court of law or equity, to have and use a common seal and to have perpetual succession, unless the charter and the corporate existence are legally abrogated.
The corporate limits of Chestertown shall be as follows:
Beginning for the same at a point in the center of the bridge where the public road from Chestertown to Tolchester crosses Radcliffe Creek. Said beginning point being the same as described in Section 47, titled "Boundaries," as set down in the code of Public Laws of Kent County, 1959 edition;
Thence, leaving said beginning point so fixed, and binding on the first line of the aforementioned Section 47, titled "Boundaries," North 81° 49' 18" East 3,663.12 feet to a stone marking the northerly corner of the Leasehold lands of Washington College, and the end of the second line (South 73° 13' West 43.60 feet) as described in a 1955 resolution to enlarge the corporate boundaries of Chestertown;
Then, leaving said northerly corner of the Leasehold lands of Washington College and binding on the first and second corporate boundaries as described in the Municipal Corporation Charter adopted February 1, 1965, the following two (2) courses and distances; North 64° 56' 21" East 43.60 feet to the easterly side of Maryland Route 213 and North 25° 12' 32" West 623.20 feet to the southerly side of Morgnec State Road, as called for in the aforementioned Municipal Corporation Charter adopted February 1, 1965;
Then, leaving said point and the southerly side of Morgnec Road and binding on the easternmost side of the aforementioned Maryland Route 213, North 25° 12' 32" West 1,475.75 feet to a point on the southerly side of Scheeler Road;
Thence, leaving said point and said Maryland Route 213 and binding on the southerly side of the aforementioned Scheeler Road, the following courses and distances, North 45° 07' 40" East 212.89 feet to a point of curve;
Thence, with the arc of a curve to the right having a chord of North 48° 18' 40" East 194.14 feet to a point;
Thence, North 51° 29' 40" East 129.87 feet to a point;
Thence, North 52° 14' 40" East 189.47 feet to a point;
Thence, North 52° 08' 40" East 332.69 feet to a point in the westernmost side of Center Road;
Thence, leaving said point and binding on the end of Center Road, North 52° 52' 43" East 51.10 feet to a concrete monument found;
Thence, still continuing with the southerly side of Scheeler Road, North 52° 08' 40" East 1,139.56 feet to a concrete monument found in the westernmost outline of the lands of William J. Bringman;
Thence, leaving said monument and binding on the aforesaid westernmost outline of the lands of William J. Bringman, South 25° 17' 50" East 1,960.71 feet to a point on the southerly side of Morgnec Road (now known as Maryland Route 291);
Then, leaving said point and binding on the aforesaid southerly side of Morgnec Road, North 63° 13' 20" East 480.81 feet to a point;
Thence, leaving said point and said road and binding on the corporate lines as described in the aforementioned Municipal Corporation Charter adopted February 1, 1965, and described as by and with the Byron Lot, Schauber and Phillips lands and the Chestertown Brick Company lands, South 26° 52' 40" East 213.90 feet to a concrete monument; South 27° 20' 40" East 823.10 feet to a concrete monument and South 28° 32' 40" East 944.40 feet to a concrete monument on the northernmost outline of the lands of Loux Brothers Enterprises (see E.H.P. 56/60);
Thence, leaving said monument and binding on the division line between the lands of the Chestertown Brick Company, Inc. (see E.H.P. 13/391 and E.H.P. 13/381), and the aforementioned Loux Brothers Enterprises lands, the following three (3) courses and distances: North 62° 49' 07" East 559.50 feet to a concrete monument found; South 26° 48' 55" East 556.45 feet to a concrete monument found; and South 63° 33' 55" East 1759.20 feet to the mean high water line of the Chester River; passing in transit a concrete monument found 1000.00 feet from the beginning thereof;
Thence, leaving said point and binding by and with the mean high water line of the aforesaid Chester River in a southwesterly direction to the end of the third line as described in Section 47, titled "Boundaries," in the Code of Public Laws of Kent County;
Thence, by and with the fourth line of said Section 47 along the line between the Peerless Fertilizer Company and the Atlantic Refining Company to the centerline of the road leading from Chestertown to Pomona;
Thence, by and with the fifth line of the often mentioned Section 47, titled "Boundaries," in a straight line to intersect the division line between the lands of Gillespie & Son, Inc. (see E.H.P. 33/262), and the lands of Kent Research & Manufacturing, Inc.[;]
Thence, leaving said point of intersection and binding on the outline of the lands of the aforementioned Kent Research & Manufacturing, Inc., five (5) courses and distances to another division line between Gillespie & Son, Inc. (see E.H.P. 30/837) and the lands of Kent Research & Manufacturing, Inc.;
Thence, leaving said point and binding on the aforesaid division line to intersect the aforementioned fifth line of Section 47, titled "Boundaries";
Then, leaving said point of intersection and binding on the aforesaid fifth line to the place of beginning. (See note (1))