(a) Interpretation of Definitions. The terms defined in this chapter shall have, throughout the Street and Sidewalk Area Code, the meanings stated. Where words used herein are defined in other regulations (including the Public Utility Code, Zoning Ordinance, and the Land Planning and Development Regulations) they shall have the meaning as is therein defined. Where words are not otherwise defined they shall carry their customary meanings as defined in Webster's Standard Dictionary. Words used in the singular include the plural; and the plural the singular. Words used in the present tense include the future tense. The word "shall" is intended to be mandatory. The word "may" is directive and to be complied with unless waived.
(b) General Definitions.
"DEAD END STREET" means a street, or portion thereof, which is not a through street; a street, or portion thereof, having only one intersection with a through street; a street or series of streets upon which all traffic must pass through one specific intersection in order to gain access to a higher order street.
"PEDESTRIAN WAY" means a path of travel limited to pedestrian traffic.
"STREET" means: 1. Any path of vehicular travel serving more than four (4) dwelling units, or more than two non-residential fee simple lots. 2. An avenue, highway, road, thoroughfare, boulevard, parkway, alley or other way proposed for vehicular traffic. 3. The land between the established or proposed street right of way lines whether improved or unimproved, and may comprise pavement, shoulders, gutters, sidewalks, division strips or other areas within the street lines. 4. Any existing State, County, Township or Municipal street or way shown upon a plat heretofore duly approved, filed and recorded in the office of the Recorder.
"THROUGH STREET" means a street, or portion thereof, between two intersections and along which travel in both directions would provide access to a higher order street, or streets, without passing through a common intersection.
(Ord. 1327. Passed 5-9-91.)
These regulations, rules and standards for public and private streets; public and private sidewalks and other pedestrian ways; and other construction or improvement work within dedicated street rights of way including the planting and care of trees therein, and on other public lands; and further including procedures to be followed in the application and administration of these regulation, and the penalties for any violation thereof, shall be known, cited and referred to as the Street and Sidewalk Area Code (codified as Title One of this Part Nine - Streets, Utilities and Public Service Code).
(Ord. 1327. Passed 5-9-91.)
The general purpose of these regulations shall be to guide and regulate the planning, design, construction and maintenance of street and sidewalk areas, and other improvements and resources as are provided for herein, in order to protect the public health, safety, convenience, and general welfare of the Municipality.
(Ord. 1327. Passed 5-9-91.)
It is intended that the provisions of these regulations shall be to achieve the following objectives.
(a) Provide an appropriate and accessible system of streets and sidewalks in the community.
(b) Insure adequate and economical provisions for streets and sidewalks in order to conserve the public funds.
(c) Provide for the development and expansion of the street and sidewalk systems to support current service requirements and desirable community growth.
(d) Provide safe and convenient traffic circulation for both vehicular and pedestrian traffic.
(e) Protect and preserve public facilities and improvements within public rights of way, easements and other public land.
(f) Protect and preserve the natural beauty and resources of the Chardon Forestry District (Ord. 1174; 08-11-88) and provide for the control, supervision and maintenance thereof.
(Ord. 1327. Passed 5-9-91.)
(a) When a conflict arises herein between a general requirement and a specific requirement, the specific requirements shall prevail.
(Ord. 1327. Passed 5-9-91.)
The improvements required by these regulations (including but not limited to, streets and sidewalks) are herein deemed the minimum improvements necessary in the public interest to provide. essential services and protect the public health, safety and general welfare. Said improvements shall be provided and installed by the developer, at his expense, in accordance with all applicable Municipal requirements and regulations.
(Ord. 1327. Passed 5-9-91.)