158.01 Scope of Provisions | 158.06 Housing Appeals Board |
158.02 Conflicting Provisions | 158.07 Minimum Structure Standards for All Rental Dwellings |
158.03 Definitions | 158.08 Responsibilities of Owners Relating to theMaintenance and Occupancy of Premises |
158.04 Certificate of Rental Permit | 158.09 Responsibilities of Occupants Relating to the Maintenance and Occupancy of Premises |
158.05 Inspection and Enforcement | 158.10 Penalty |
The provisions of this chapter (which may be known and cited as the Rental Housing Code for the City of Carroll, Iowa) apply to all rental dwellings within the City limits used or intended to be used for human occupancy, except that these provisions are not applicable to temporary housing as defined in this chapter.
In any case where a provision of this chapter is found to be in conflict with a provision of any zoning, building, fire, safety, or health ordinance or code of the City, the provision which establishes the higher standard for the promotion and protection of the health and safety of the people shall prevail.
Whenever the words “dwelling,” “dwelling unit,” “rooming house,” “rooming unit,” or “premises” are used in this chapter, they shall be construed as though they were followed by the words “or any part thereof.” The word “building” includes the word “structure” and the word “lot” includes the word “plot.” The following terms are also defined for use in this chapter:
1. “Acceptable” or “approved” means in substantial compliance with the provisions of this chapter.
2. “Accessory structure” means a detached structure which is not used, or intended to be used, for living or sleeping by human occupants.
3. “Adjoining grade” means the elevation of the ground which extends three (3) feet from the perimeter of the dwelling.
4. “Appurtenance” means that which is directly or indirectly connected or accessory to a thing.
5. “Attic” means any story situated wholly or partly within the roof or so designed, arranged or built to be used for business, storage, or habitation.
6. “Basement” means a story having a part but not more than one-half of its height above grade, which may or not be considered habitable space. A basement is counted as a story for the purpose of height regulations.
7. “Bath” means a bathtub or shower stall connected with both hot and cold water lines.
8. “Central heating system” means a single system supplying heat to one or more dwelling units or more than one rooming unit.
9. “Code Enforcement Officer” means the official of the City appointed to administer this chapter and any duly authorized representatives.
10. “Communal” means used or shared by, or intended to be used or shared by, the occupant of two or more rooming units or two or more dwelling units.
11. “Condominium” means a dwelling unit which is in compliance or conformance with the requirements of Chapter 499B of the Code of Iowa, as amended.
12. “Cooperative” means a dwelling unit which is in compliance or conformance with the requirements of Chapter 499B of the Code of Iowa, as amended.
13. “Court” means an open unoccupied space, other than a yard, on the same lot with a dwelling. A court not extending to the street or front or rear yard is an inner court. A court extending to the street or front yard or rear yard is an outer court.
14. “Dining room” means a habitable room used or intended to be used for the purpose of eating, but not for cooking or the preparation of meals.
15. “Duplex” means any habitable structure containing two single dwelling units.
16. “Dwelling” means any building, structure, or mobile home, except temporary housing, which is wholly or partly used or intended to be used for living or sleeping by human occupants and includes any appurtenances attached thereto.
17. “Dwelling, efficiency” – see efficiency dwelling
18. “Dwelling, multiple” - see “multiple dwelling.”
19. “Dwelling, single-family” - see “single-family dwelling.”
20. “Dwelling unit” means any habitable room or group of adjoining habitable rooms, located within a dwelling and forming a single unit with facilities which are used or intended to be used for living, sleeping, cooking and eating of meals.
21. “Efficiency dwelling” means a dwelling unit with a sleeping area open to the living area, with no intervening door.
22. “Egress” means an arrangement of exit routes to provide a means of exit from buildings and/or premises.
23. “Exit” means a continuous and unobstructed means of egress to a public way and includes intervening doors, doorways, corridors, windows, exterior-exit balconies, ramps, stairways, smoke-proof enclosures, horizontal exits, exit passageways, exit courts, walkways, sidewalks, and yards.
24. “Extermination” means the control and elimination of insects, rodents, or other pests by eliminating their harborage places; by removing or making inaccessible materials that may serve as their food; by poisoning, spraying, fumigating, trapping; or by any other recognized and legal pest elimination method approved by the Code Enforcement Officer.
25. “Family” means one or more persons occupying a dwelling and living as a single housekeeping unit. Each individual or group of individuals to whom rent is charged as a single unit shall be considered to be a separate family.
26. “Garbage” means animal or vegetable waste resulting from the handling, preparation, cooking, or consumption of food and also means combustible waste material. “Garbage” also includes paper, rags, cartons, boxes, wood, excelsior, rubber, leather, tree branches, yard trimmings, and other combustible materials.
27. “Habitable room” means a room or enclosed floor space, having a minimum of seventy (70) square feet of total floor area within a dwelling unit or rooming unit used or intended to be used for living, sleeping, cooking, or eating purposes, excluding bathrooms, toilet rooms, pantries, laundries, foyers, communicating corridors, closets, storage spaces, and stairways.
28. “Historical” means any property designated by the Carroll County Historic Preservation Commission as a Historical Site or any property on the National Register of Historical Places.
29. “Infestation” means the presence, within or around a dwelling, of any insects, rodents, or other pests, in such quantities as would be considered unsanitary.
30. “Kitchen” means a habitable room used or intended to be used for cooking or the preparation of meals.
31. “Kitchenette” means a food preparation area not less than forty (40) square feet in area.
32. “Kitchen sink” means a basin for washing utensils used for cooking, eating, and drinking, located in a kitchen and connected to both hot and cold water lines and properly connected to a drainage system.
33. “Lavatory” means a hand-washing basin which is connected to both hot and cold water lines, and properly connected to a drainage system, which is separate and distinct from a kitchen sink.
34. “Living room” means a habitable room within a dwelling unit which is used, or intended to be used, primarily for general living purposes.
35. “Mobile home” means any vehicle without motive power used or so manufactured or constructed as to permit its being used as a conveyance upon the public streets and highways and so designed, constructed, or reconstructed as will permit the vehicle to be used as a place for human habitation by one or more persons.
36. “Multiple dwelling” means any dwelling containing three or more dwelling units.
37. “Occupant” means any person, including owner or operator, living in, sleeping in, and/or cooking in, or having actual possession of a dwelling unit or a rooming unit.
38. “Operator” means any person who rents to another or who has custody or control of a building, or parts thereof, in which dwelling units or rooming units are let or who has custody or control of the premises.
39. “Owner” means any person who has custody and/or control of any dwelling, dwelling unit or rooming unit by virtue of a contractual interest in or legal or equitable title to the dwelling, dwelling unit or rooming unit. “Owner” also means any person who has custody and/or control of any dwelling, dwelling unit or rooming unit as guardian.
40. “Permit” - see “rental permit.”
41. “Placard” means any display document showing that the unit for which it is issued has been determined to be unfit for human habitation.
42. “Plumbing” means and includes any or all of the following supplied facilities and equipment: water pipes, garbage disposal units, waste pipes, toilets, sinks, lavatories, bathtubs, shower baths, water heating devices, catch basins, drains, vents, and any other similar supplied fixtures together with all connections to water and sewer.
43. “Premises” means a lot, plot, or parcel of land including a building and/or accessory structure thereon.
44. “Privacy” means the existence of conditions which will permit a person or persons to carry out an activity commenced without interruption or interference by unwanted persons.
45. “Properly installed, connected, constructed, or repaired” means as required by this or any other building, plumbing, mechanical or electrical code of the City, including work to be done in a workmanlike manner.
46. “Public way” means any parcel of land, unobstructed from the ground to the sky, more than ten feet in width, appropriated to the free passage of the general public.
47. “Refuse” means waste materials (except human waste) including garbage, rubbish, ashes, and dead animals.
48. “Refuse container” means a watertight container that is constructed of metal, or other durable material impervious to rodents, that is capable of being serviced without creating unsanitary conditions.
49. “Rental permit” means a document, issued periodically, which grants the owner or operator the option of letting a unit for rental purposes and showing that the unit for which it is issued was in compliance with the applicable provisions of this chapter at the time of issuance.
50. “Roomer” means an occupant of a rooming house or rooming unit and shall also mean an occupant of a dwelling who is not a member of the family occupying the dwelling except for guests and/or domestic employees.
51. “Rooming house” means any dwelling, or that part of any dwelling, containing one or more rooming units, including, but not limited to hotels and motels, in which space is let by the owner or operator to one or more persons. Occupants of units specifically designated as dwelling units within a rooming house shall not be included in the roomer count. An owner-occupied, single-family dwelling, condominium, or cooperative containing a family plus one or two roomers shall be excluded from this definition and be treated as a owner-occupied, single-family dwelling.
52. “Rooming unit” means any habitable room or group of adjoining habitable rooms located within a dwelling and forming a single unit with facilities which are used, or intended to be used, primarily for living and sleeping. A rooming unit shall have bath and toilet facilities available for exclusive use by the occupant or for communal use in accordance with subsections 158.07(15) through (22) and, in addition, may have kitchen and dining facilities available for use by the occupant therein.
53. “Rubbish” means inorganic waste material consisting of combustible and/or noncombustible materials.
54. “Single-family dwelling” means a structure containing one dwelling unit.
55. “Supplied Facility” means equipment, appliance or system paid for, furnished by, provided by, or under the control of the owner or operator.
56. “Temporary housing” means any tent, trailer, motor home, or other structure used for human shelter which is designed to be transportable and which is not attached to the ground, to another structure, or to any utilities system on the same premises for more than thirty (30) days.
57. “Toilet” means a water closet, with a bowl and trap made in one piece, which is of such shape and form and which holds a sufficient quantity of water so that no fecal matter will collect on the surface of the bowl and which is equipped with a flushing rim or flushing rims.
1. Rental Permit Required. It is a violation of this chapter for any person to let to another for rent any dwelling unit or rooming unit (except a dwelling or rooming unit located within an owner-occupied, single-family dwelling, condominium, or cooperative containing no more than two dwelling or rooming units), unless the owner or operator holds a valid rental permit. A rental permit is valid from the date of issuance until March 31st of the following year. Renewals of rental permits shall be made annually between January 2nd and March 31st
. For existing rental properties in existence prior to the adoption of this chapter, rental permit applications shall be considered timely filed if they are received by the City on or before March 31, 2021 and such permits will be valid until March 31, 2023. The document shall be transferable from one owner or operator to another at any time prior to its expiration, termination or revocation. The owner or operator shall notify the Code Enforcement Officer of any changes of interest or ownership in the property within thirty (30) days of any conveyance or transfer of interest affecting the property and provide the name and address of all persons who have acquired an interest therein. In the event that the Code Enforcement Officer has not been notified of such conveyance or transfer within the designated period of time, the rental permit shall be transferred from one owner or operator to another only upon payment of a fee which shall be assessed the new owner or operator, the amount of which shall be set by resolution of the Council. The rental permit shall state the date of issuance, the address of the structure to which it is applicable, and its expiration date. The rental permit shall also include the maximum number of occupants. All dwellings and dwelling units and rooming units being let for rent and occupancy without a valid permit or application for the same on file with the City and fees paid may be ordered vacated.
2. Application. The owner or operator shall file an application for a rental permit, accompanied by the appropriate fees as established by resolution of the Council, with the Code Enforcement Officer on an application form provided by the Code Enforcement Officer. All applications shall be filed and a rental permit obtained before being let for rent or occupancy. Failure to file an application for a rental permit shall constitute a municipal infraction. The owner or operator shall, within thirty (30) days of application, schedule and allow an inspection of the unit by the Code Enforcement Officer, if such an inspection is due under the provisions of Section 158.05 of this chapter, and failure to do so may be judicially enforced and constitutes a municipal infraction. All fees for inspections and/or permits shall be paid prior to the scheduled inspection.
3. Issuance. When all pertinent provisions of this chapter have been complied with by the owner or operator, the Code Enforcement Officer shall issue a rental permit.
4. Extension. A rental permit shall be valid through the expiration date contained thereon. However, extensions shall be granted to cover any time period between the stated expiration date and the period of time permitted by the Code Enforcement Officer to remedy any violations cited subsequent to an inspection authorized or requested pursuant to the provisions of this chapter, provided a rental permit application is on file with fees paid.
1. Authority. The Code Enforcement Officer is authorized to administer and enforce the provisions of the Rental Housing Code and to make inspections to determine the conditions of all dwellings, dwelling units, rooming units, structures, and premises located within the City, in order that the Code Enforcement Officer may perform the duty of safeguarding the health, safety, and welfare of the occupants of dwellings and of the general public under the provisions of this chapter.
2. Inspection of Rental Units. Inspection of rental units shall be conducted upon request, on a complaint basis, and/or through a program of regular rental inspections which program shall not be conducted more frequently than yearly or less frequently than the set schedule indicated below:
Single family dwelling | Every 3 years |
Duplex | Every 3 years |
Owner-occupied plus more than 2 dwelling units | Every 3 years |
Multiple dwelling units | Every 3 years |
Rooming houses | Every 3 years |
As an incentive to encourage property owners to maintain their properties, if on the first inspection a Single family dwelling has only one deficient item, a duplex or a triplex building has only one deficient item in the entire building, or a four plex or larger building has only one deficient item in no more than 25% of the units, then the frequently of regular reinspection shall be set as indicated in the schedule below and the annual rental housing permit fee shall be 60% of the normal rate annually for the next 5 years:
Single family dwelling | Every 5 years |
Duplex | Every 5 years |
Owner-occupied plus more than 2 dwelling units | Every 5 years |
Multiple dwelling units | Every 5 years |
Rooming houses | Every 5 years |
If a unit becomes vacant and it has been at least 20 months from the last inspection of that unit an owner may, but the owner is not required to, request the City complete a regular inspection while the unit is vacant to avoid future disruption of the tenant.
3. Access by Owner or Operator. Every occupant of a dwelling, dwelling unit, or rooming unit shall give, upon proper notice, the owner or operator thereof, or any authorized agent or employee, access to any part of such dwelling, dwelling unit, rooming unit, or premises at all reasonable times for the purpose of effecting such maintenance, making such repairs, or making such alterations as are necessary to effect compliance with, or any lawful notice or order issued pursuant to the provisions of Sections 158.07 through 158.09.
4. Access by the Code Enforcement Officer. Whenever authorized to make an inspection or whenever the Code Enforcement Officer has reasonable cause to believe that there exists any condition in violation of any provisions of this chapter or in response to a complaint that an alleged violation may exist, the Code Enforcement Officer may enter such unit or premises during reasonable times to inspect and perform any action authorized by this chapter. If such unit or premises is tenant-occupied, the Code Enforcement Officer shall also notify the owner or other persons having charge or control of the building or premises of the requested entry. The Code Enforcement Officer shall at such times present official identification and explain why entry is sought; and if entry is refused, the Code Enforcement Officer shall request that the inspection be conducted at a reasonable time, suitable to the owner or occupant. If the request for future entry is refused, the Code Enforcement Officer shall at that time, or at a later time, explain to the owner and/or occupant that said owner and/or occupant may refuse, without penalty, entry without a search warrant, and the Code Enforcement Officer may apply to the Iowa District Court for an administrative search warrant pursuant to Section 1.12, Carroll Code of Ordinances and Section 88.14 Iowa Code.
5. Administrative Search Warrant. If consent to inspect a building is withheld by any person having the lawful right to exclude, the Code Enforcement Officer may apply to the Iowa District Court in and for Carroll County for an administrative search warrant of the building. No owner or occupant or any other person having charge, care, or control of any dwelling, dwelling unit, rooming unit, structure, or premises shall fail or neglect, after presentation of an administrative search warrant, to properly permit entry therein by the Code Enforcement Officer for the purpose of inspection and examination pursuant to this chapter.
6. Violation Notice. Whenever the Code Enforcement Officer determines, upon the basis of an inspection or other reliable information, a premises has one or more violations of this chapter, the Code Enforcement Officer shall give to the owner (and the tenant if a violation relates to Section 158.09) of the premises a written notice in substantially the following form:
ORDER TO REPAIR, CORRECT AND COMPLY To: _________________________________, Owner (and Tenant if applicable) Re: _________________________________, Location in Violation You are hereby notified that the Code Enforcement Officer has determined the above premises has the following violations of the City of Carroll Rental Housing Code: Code Section Description of Violation Location of Violation _________ ___________________________ ______________ _________ ___________________________ ______________ _________ ___________________________ ______________ You are hereby ordered to repair, correct and comply with the requirements of the Rental Housing Code within thirty (30) days of your receipt of this order. Failure to comply with this order (or as it may be modified on appeal) will result in a denial or revocation of your rental permit and an order to vacate the premises. You are advised that this order may be appealed by filing a written notice of appeal, containing the reasons for the appeal, with the Housing Appeals Board, City Hall, Carroll, Iowa, within seven (7) days of your receipt hereof. The appeal may dispute the above code violations or request additional time allowed for compliance or both. In addition, you may request that the Board grant a variance in the application of the Housing Code to your particular circumstances. Failure to file a timely appeal results in waiver of your right to have this order modified. You are further advised that your failure to comply with this order (or as it may be modified on appeal) constitutes a municipal infraction per Chapter 4 of the City Code. |
The order set out in this subsection shall be served upon the owner personally, upon a member of the owner’s family (if that person is of suitable age and discretion and informed of the contents thereof) personally, upon the owner by registered or certified mail with return receipt requested to the owner’s last known address (per County Assessor’s records); or upon the failure of all above methods, and by posting a copy thereof in a conspicuous place in or about the dwelling affected by the order. The owner (and the tenant if a violation relates to Section 158.09 of this chapter) may appeal the order by filing a written notice of appeal with the Housing Appeals Board within seven (7) days of the service of the order. The issues on appeal are restricted to disputes regarding the cited violations, requests for additional time for compliance, and requests for variances. The Code Enforcement Officer shall, after expiration of the time given in the order to repair, correct and comply (or as it may be modified on appeal), reinspect the premises as appropriate. The owner’s or tenant’s failure to comply with the order shall constitute a municipal infraction as defined in Chapter 4 of this Code of Ordinances.
7. Denial or Revocation of Rental Permit; Order to Vacate. Whenever the Code Enforcement Officer determines that the order to correct, repair and comply (or as it may be modified on appeal) has not been complied with, the Code Enforcement Officer shall deny or revoke the rental permit for the premises and order the premises vacated. The denial or revocation and order shall be effective thirty (30) days after receipt by the owner and tenant of the premises of a written notice of the denial or revocation of the rental permit and order to vacate in substantially the following form:
NOTICE OF DENIAL OR REVOCATION OF RENTAL PERMIT AND ORDER TO VACATE To: __________________________________________, Owner __________________________________________, Tenant Re: __________________________________________, Location in Violation You are hereby notified that the Rental Housing Code Enforcement Officer has determined that the Order to Repair, Correct and Comply dated __________ affecting the above premises has not been complied with and the following violations of the Rental Housing Code still exist: Code Section Description of Violation Location of Violation _________ ___________________________ ______________ _________ ___________________________ ______________ _________ ___________________________ ______________ You are hereby notified that, effective thirty (30) days after receipt of this notice and order, the rental permit covering the above premises is revoked (or the application for a rental permit is denied) and you are ordered to have the above premises vacated within such period of time. You are advised that the revocation or denial of the rental permit and order to vacate the premises may be appealed by filing a written notice of appeal, containing the reasons for the appeal, with the Housing Appeals Board, City Hall, Carroll, Iowa, within seven (7) days of your receipt of this notice and order. Your appeal is solely limited to the issue of whether the previous Order to Repair, Correct and Comply (or as it may have been modified on a previous appeal) has been complied with and may not address matters concerning such order which were subject to previous appeal rights. However, tenants may, by filing a timely appeal, also request additional time to move. You are further advised that this order to vacate may be judicially enforced and that the occupancy or sufferance of occupancy of the affected premises after the expiration of the thirty (30) day period provided herein without a valid rental permit constitutes a municipal infraction per Chapter 4 of the City Code. |
The above notice and order shall be served upon the owner and tenant personally, upon a member of the owner’s and tenant’s family (if that person is of suitable age and discretion and informed of the contents thereof) personally, upon the owner and tenant by registered or certified mail, with return receipt requested, to the owner’s last known address per County Assessor’s records; or upon the failure of all above methods, by posting the copy thereof in a conspicuous place in or about the dwelling affected by the notice and order. In the instance where all of the cited violations are tenant violations under Section 158.09, the notice and order set out in this subsection shall be modified to delete reference to the revocation or denial of the rental permit for the premises and the owner may cause the premises to be re-occupied by the different tenants. The owner and/or tenant may appeal the notice and order by filing a written notice of appeal with the Housing Appeals Board within seven (7) days of this service of the notice. The issue on appeal is solely limited to the issue of whether the previous order to repair, correct and comply (or as it may have been modified on a previous appeal) has been complied with and may not address matters concerning such order which were subject to previous appeal rights. However, tenants may, by filing a timely appeal, also request additional time to move. The order to vacate may be judicially enforced and violation of the order to vacate and the occupancy or sufferance of occupancy of the affected premises after the expiration of the thirty-day period provided herein (or after such additional time as the Housing Appeals Board may have granted a tenant to move) without a valid rental permit constitutes a municipal infraction as defined in Chapter 4 of this Code of Ordinances.
8. Emergency Orders and Placarding. Whenever the Code Enforcement Officer, in the enforcement of this chapter, finds in or about a dwelling conditions which pose an immediate and serious threat to the health or safety of the occupants and/or the general public, the Code Enforcement Officer shall give to the owner and occupants of the premises a written order in substantially the following form:
EMERGENCY ORDER TO VACATE To: _________________________________________, Owner _________________________________________, Tenant Re: _________________________________________, Location in Violation You are hereby notified that the Code Enforcement Officer has determined that the above premises contain the following violations of the City of Carroll Rental Housing Code, which violations pose an immediate and serious threat to the health or safety of the occupants thereof and/or the general public: Code Section Description of Violation Location of Violation _________ ___________________________ ______________ _________ ___________________________ ______________ _________ ___________________________ ______________ You are hereby ordered to vacate the above premises within 48 hours of your receipt of this order. You are advised that if the condition cited above is corrected and repaired before the expiration of your time limit herein, you may contact the Code Enforcement Officer, who may confirm the repair of the condition and rescind this order. You are advised that this order may be appealed by filing a written notice of appeal containing the reasons for appeal with the Housing Appeals Board, City Hall, Carroll, Iowa, within twenty-four (24) hours of your receipt hereof. The appeal may dispute the above code violations but it may not request additional time for compliance, nor will the filing of an appeal act to delay the deadline for vacating the premises. You are further advised that this order to vacate may be judicially enforced and your failure to comply with this order (or as it may be modified on appeal) constitutes a municipal infraction per Chapter 4 of the City Code. |
The above notice and order shall be served upon the owner and tenant personally, or by phone, fax, or e-mail (due to the urgency of the emergency order) if immediate personal service cannot be accomplished after reasonable attempts and by posting the copy thereof in a conspicuous place in or about the dwelling affected by the notice and order. The owner may appeal the order by filing a written notice of appeal with the Housing Appeals Board within twenty-four (24) hours of the service of the order. The sole issue on appeal is the cited violation. Time to comply or vacate may not be an issue on an appeal of the order, nor will the filing of an appeal extend the number of days before the premises must be vacated. The Code Enforcement Officer, upon issuing an emergency order to vacate, shall post upon the dwelling a placard designating the dwelling as unfit for human habitation. No dwelling which has been placarded shall again be used for human habitation until a written approval is secured from and such placard is removed by the Code Enforcement Officer. The Code Enforcement Officer shall remove such placard whenever the violation upon which the placarding action was based has been eliminated. No person shall deface or remove the placard from any dwelling which was the subject of an emergency order to vacate and placarded as such. An emergency order to vacate may be judicially enforced and a violation of the emergency order to vacate and the occupancy or sufferance of occupancy of the affected premises after the expiration period provided in the order constitutes a municipal infraction as defined in Chapter 4 of this Code of Ordinances.