Employee and Public Right-to-Know
777.01   Application.
777.02   Exemptions.
777.03   Definitions.
777.04   Master List of toxic and hazardous substances.
777.05   Posting of notice; applicability; alternative complaint procedure.
777.06   Labels and other forms of written warning.
777.07   Employer filing requirements.
777.08   Material safety data sheets. (MSDS)
777.09   Employer training program.
777.10   Duties of the Fire Department.
777.11   Variances.
777.12   Remedies available to Law Director.
777.13   Conflict and invalidity.
777.14   Separability.
777.15   Trade secrets.
777.16   Employee rights.
777.17   Registration requirements. (Repealed)
777.18   Sunset provision.
777.19   Effective dates for compliance.
777.20   Voluntary compliance. (Repealed)
777.99   Penalty.