(a)   Subject to trade secret provisions, employees and their designated representatives, may request, and the employer or employers shall provide, information relating to hazardous and/or toxic chemicals which the employer is required to maintain and release pursuant to this chapter.
   (b)   No employer shall discharge or cause to be discharged or otherwise disciplined, or in any manner discriminate against any employee or for the reason or reasons that such person has exercised any right, made any claim or filed any complaint or suit pursuant to this chapter.
   (c)   Any employee or designated representative who believes that a violation of this chapter exists may request an investigation by giving written notice to the Fire Department of such violation, which shall be signed by the employee or designated representative. The name of any employee or designated representative filing such a request shall remain confidential. Notice of the filing of a complaint shall be given to the employer. The Fire Department shall investigate within three working days from date of receipt of any such complaint the substance of the complaint and shall respond in writing to the complainant and employer concerning the findings of the investigation as soon as possible after completion of the investigation.
(Ord. 11-85. Passed 1-14-85; Ord. 152-86. Passed 7-14-86.)