(a)    Each employer shall ensure that each container of hazardous or toxic chemicals in the work place is labeled, tagged or marked with a label or other form of written warning which shall contain the following information:
      (1)    Identity of the hazardous chemical(s) contained therein; and
      (2)    Appropriate hazard warnings which clearly and plainly designate in writing or by symbol the nature of the hazard.
   (b)   The employer may use signs, placards, process sheets, batch tickets, operating procedures, or other such written materials in lieu of affixing labels to individual stationary process containers, as long as the alternative method identifies the containers to which it is applicable and conveys the information required by subsection (a) hereof, to be on a label. The written materials shall be readily accessible to the employees in their work area throughout each work shift.
   (c)   The employer is not required to label portable containers into which hazardous chemicals are transferred from labeled containers, and which are intended only for the immediate use of the employee who performs the transfer.
   (d)   Where containers or process equipment contain hazardous chemicals and contents which change frequently or where labels would be obscured or destroyed by heat, spillage or other factors, the employer may post signs or placards to convey the required information.
(Ord. 11-85. Passed 1-14-85.)
   (e)   Employers who introduce hazardous or toxic chemicals into the work place of another employer (for example, third-party independent contractors performing on-site work for another employer at the latter employer's work place) shall label any such hazardous or toxic chemicals in accordance with the requirements of this section and shall additionally notify the employer of the presence of the hazardous or toxic chemicals in the work place.
(Ord. 152-86. Passed 7-14-86.)