(A)   No building permit shall be issued for a shopping center; apartment or condominium complex; commercial, business, or industrial park, manufactured home park; or other multi-use or multi occupant project, unless the project is approved by the Planning Commission. In addition single tenant developments may also require Planning Commission approval of preliminary and/or final drawings as determined by the Zoning Administrator. The applicant will submit to the Zoning Administrator the following:
      (1)   A plat and/or site plan with date and scale, showing the actual shape and dimensions of the lot to be built upon; the size, height, and location on the lot of existing and proposed buildings and structures; the intended use of each building; the number of units the building is designed to accommodate; flood and wetland areas; proposed parking, driveways, and interior circulation pattern; building elevations; exterior materials and colors; and contiguous off-site development.
      (2)   Grading and storm water plan.
      (3)   Zoning compliance determination.
      (4)   All required permits of other state and local agencies.
   (B)   (1)   The Zoning Administrator shall transfer the application together with the above data to the Planning Commission for review. The Planning Commission shall evaluate the application and the following design and improvement criteria.
      (2)   Project design criteria.
         (a)   Ingress and egress to the project site shall be designed to maximize automotive, bicycle and pedestrian safety and facilitate traffic flow.
         (b)   Off-street parking, off street loading, refuse, and service areas shall be designed to minimize their visual and physical impact on neighboring property.
         (c)   Street right-of-way and pavement construction shall be adequate to accommodate the type and volume of traffic anticipated.
         (d)   The project shall be designed in harmony with its physical surroundings and in such a manner as to ensure land use compatibility.
         (e)   Where the project will create a need for off-site improvements, including improvements to streets, drainage systems, sidewalks, and curbs, the Planning Commission may require the installation of such improvements as a condition of approval.
         (f)   Other items as required by the Zoning Ordinance or Land Development Ordinance or City Policies or Procedures.
   (C)   Project approval.
      (1)   If, upon review of these standards, the project is determined to be in compliance, the Planning Commission shall approve the land development application. Upon approval of the drawings by the Building Official, Fire Official, Public Works, and other departments as required, a building permit will be issued.
      (2)   Any proposed changes to an approved project shall be resubmitted and reevaluated in light of the above.
(Ord. 07-019, passed 8-14-07; Am. Ord. 2016-015, passed 10-11-16)