Applicants requesting approval of an exempt subdivision, as defined by this chapter, shall submit to the Planning and Development Director three copies of said exempt plat, drawn to the requirements of the Minimum Standards Manual for the Practice of Land Surveying in South Carolina, together with an executed application form, and the prescribed fee. The Planning and Development Director shall advise the applicant of compliance or non-compliance with such standards. When found to be in compliance, the Planning and Development Director shall approve the plat and then the plat shall be submitted to the Planning Commission as a matter of information and shall indicate such fact by signature of the Planning and Development Director upon each copy of the plat for recording, together with the following statement:
"This plat is exempt from the requirements of the Land Development Regulations."
(Ord., passed 10-13-92; Am. Ord. 10-036, passed 8-24-10; Am. Ord. 2024-012, passed 6-11-24)