§ 156.030 PURPOSE.
   The documents to be submitted are intended to provide the Planning Commission with sufficient information and data to assure compliance with all applicable codes and specifications and ensure that the proposed subdivision meets the design and improvement standards contained in this chapter.
(Ord., passed 10-13-92; Am. Ord. 07-019, passed 8-14-07; Am. Ord. 10-036, passed 8-24-10; Am. Ord. 2024-012, passed 6-11-24)
   Sketch plans shall be clearly and legibly drawn to a scale not less than one inch equal to 100 feet. Plan sheets must not be smaller than 8.5 inches x 11 inches or larger than 24 inches x 36 inches. A line legend will be included in the plan. The sketch plan shall contain at least the following data, legibly drawn to scale, but not necessarily showing precise dimensions:
   (A)   Proposed name of subdivision, which shall not duplicate or approximate the name of any other subdivision, or the name of the city.
   (B)   Name and address of subdivider and/or owner/applicant.
   (C)   North arrow, scale and date, including revision dates.
   (D)   Tract boundaries, tax map survey number(s) and acreage.
   (E)   Significant topographical features, including location of water courses.
   (F)   Location and names of existing streets in vicinity of tract.
   (G)   Approximate location of proposed street pattern and sidewalks.
   (H)   Existing and proposed land use and zoning.
   (I)   Time schedule if proposed for development in phases.
   (J)   Proposed lot layout, average size and number of lots.
   (K)   Vicinity or location map, showing the relationship between the proposed subdivision and the surrounding areas, specifically identifying shopping centers, churches, schools, parks, and the like.
(Ord., passed 10-13-92; Am. Ord. 07-019, passed 8-14-07; Am. Ord. 10-036, passed 8-24-10; Am. Ord. 2024-012, passed 6-11-24) Penalty, see § 156.99
   Preliminary plats shall be clearly and legibly drawn to a scale not less than one inch equal to 100 feet. Plat sheets must not be smaller than 11 inches x 17 inches or larger than 24 inches x 36 inches. A line legend will be included in the plat. If a preliminary plat requires more than one sheet, a key diagram showing relative location of the several sections shall be drawn on each sheet. In addition to the information called for by § 156.031, preliminary plats shall contain or be accompanied by the following information:
   (A)   Correct courses and distances to the nearest established street lines or official monument which accurately describe the location of the plat and are accurately tied to the primary control points of the subdivision development.
   (B)   Contour lines at vertical intervals of at least two feet for land with an average natural slope of 4% or less and at intervals of at least five feet for land with an average natural slope exceeding 4%. The location and elevation of the benchmark to which contour elevations refer shall be shown.
   (C)   All existing municipal boundaries, property lines, rights-of-way, easements, railroads, sewer lines, fire hydrants, utility transmission lines, culverts, bridges, storm drainage ditches, water courses, building, special flood hazard areas as determined by the Federal Insurance Rate Maps for the city, wooded areas, and all other significant man-made or natural features within the proposed subdivision development and within 50 feet outside the boundaries of the proposed subdivision development.
   (D)   Construction plans and specifications for streets to include the layout and cross sections of streets.
   (E)   Lot lines, lot dimensions, lot and block numbers, and minimum building setback lines along street rights-of-way and rear and side property lines.
   (F)   Construction plans and specifications for sanitary sewers, storm sewers, water, and gas lines, showing connections to existing systems or proposals for developing new water supply, storm water, and sewerage disposal systems.
   (G)   Plans for the protection of soils on the site from wash, erosion and other drainage during the course of the construction period.
   (H)   Easements and rights-of-way, including location, dimension, and purposes.
   (I)   Contour changes to be made by grading.
   (J)   Parks, school sites, and other areas designated for public use if any, with any conditions governing their use.
   (K)   Development schedule for infrastructure, roads, and buffer yards.
   (L)   Title, name, address, telephone number, and signature of the South Carolina registered engineer and surveyor responsible for preparation of the plans with plan preparation date, including revision dates.
   (M)   The type of mail delivery approved by the US Postal Service, and if Cluster Mailbox Units (CBUs) are required, the location of the CBUs.
   (N)   A traffic impact analysis that complies with requirements of § 156.034.
(Ord., passed 10-13-92; Am. Ord. 07-019, passed 8-14-07; Am. Ord. 10-036, passed 8-24-10; Am. Ord. 2018-002, passed 3-13-18; Am. Ord. 2024-012, passed 6-11-24) Penalty, see § 156.999
   (A)   A final plat shall contain or be accompanied by the following:
      (1)   Name of the development under the title of “Final Plat”.
      (2)   Name, address and telephone number of subdivider and/or owner/applicant.
      (3)   Name, address and telephone number of the person responsible for the development’s design, design of any public improvements, and any surveys.
      (4)   North arrow, scale and date, including revision dates.
      (5)   Tract boundaries, tax map survey number(s) and acreage.
      (6)   Correct courses and distances to the nearest established street lines or official monument which accurately describe the location of the plat and are accurately tied to the primary control points of the development.
      (7)   The location of special flood hazard areas as determined by the Federal Insurance Rate Maps for the city.
      (8)   Lot lines, lot dimensions, lot and block numbers, layout of streets, street names, and street addresses approved per Kershaw County E911 Addressing Office.
      (9)   Other easements and rights-of-way, including location, dimension, and purpose.
      (10)   As-built drawings of sanitary sewer system with grade, pipe sizes, points of discharge, and pipe invert elevations.
      (11)   As-built drawings of storm water sewer system with grade, pipe size and location of outlets, and pipe invert elevations.
      (12)   As-built drawings of water system with pipe sizes and location of hydrants and valves.
   (B)   Certification requirements. The following certificates shall be lettered or printed on the face of the final plat:
      (1)   Surveyor certification. The signature, seal and certification of a registered professional land surveyor to the effect that the final plat accurately reflects a survey made by him, that any changes from the description appearing in the last record transfer of land contained in the final plat are so indicated, that all monuments shown thereon actually exist or will be installed and their position is accurately shown, and that all dimensional and geodetic details are correct.
      (2)   Certification by Planning Commission.
         The subdivision plat shown hereon has been found to comply with the land development regulations of the City of Camden, South Carolina, and has been approved for recording in the office of the Register of Deeds of Kershaw County, South Carolina.
         Date                Planning and Development Director
      (3)   Certification by DHEC. The developer will be required to provide written approval from DHEC of water and sewer design.
   (C)   Improvement guarantee. Certification that all required improvements have been installed or financial guarantees, as required by this chapter shall be submitted to the Planning Commission along with the final plat. Approval of the final plat shall not be granted in the absence of such improvements or guarantees.
   (D)   A digital version of the final plat and accompanying documentation shall be submitted in addition to the hardcopy version. The digital version shall meet the following requirements:
      (1)   A completed digital drawing in Esri format (Shapefiles or Geodatabase) is preferred, and will expedite the approval process. AutoCAD format (DWG or DXF) can also be accepted. All files should be to scale.
      (2)   This digital format drawing shall be a replica of any data required and/or included on the submitted hard copy drawing/document.
      (3)   An Adobe-compatible PDF file of the drawing that will plot to scale must be submitted.
      (4)   This data must be provided on standard transfer media or by electronic transfer (CD-ROM, flash drive, or e-mail attachment). The submitted transfer media shall be labeled with the project name (subdivision name, or accepted job name, and the like), filing date, registered land surveyor or professional engineer’s name and any other established project identifier.
      (5)   All drawings will be constructed in the NAD83 State Plane South Carolina FIPS Code 3900. These coordinates must be established within sub-meter accuracy. The unit of measure to be used shall be International Foot.
(Ord., passed 10-13-92; Am. Ord. 07-019, passed 8-14-07; Am. Ord. 10-036, passed 8-24-10; Am. Ord. 2018-002, passed 3-13-18; Am. Ord. 2024-012, passed 6-11-24) Penalty, see § 156.999
   (A)   A TIA shall be required as part of any application for a major subdivision, site plan, or general development plat where:
      (1)   The Planning and Development Director determines that the proposed development will generate at least 50 new peak hour trips; or
      (2)   The applicant is requesting or is required to provide more than one access point or curb cut.
   (B)   Exemptions to the TIA requirement. The requirement for a TIA may be exempted for projects located in the area of the Central Business District where off-street parking is not required by the city’s Zoning Ordinance.
   (C)   Preparation of the TIA. The TIA shall be prepared and sealed by an engineer registered in the State of South Carolina specializing in traffic/transportation and with experience in preparing TIAs. The applicant or developer shall provide the TIA to SCDOT for review in cases where the TIA includes evaluation of streets owned by SCDOT.
   (D)   Mitigation measures. In the event that the TIA identifies areas where the Level of Service (LOS) is reduced below a LOS C, the applicant shall identify mitigation measures that will be constructed to ensure an adequate LOS. A LOS D may be acceptable on state-owned streets if approved by SCDOT. Mitigation measures that may be used include the following:
      (1)   Improvements in connectivity internal to the site or between sites including improvement and easements.
      (2)   New road connections to improve connectivity.
      (3)   Access controls.
      (4)   Median islands.
      (5)   Intersection signalization.
      (6)   Addition of turn lanes.
      (7)   Pedestrian and transit infrastructure such as sidewalks, crosswalks or bus stops.
      (8)   Pavement widening.
      (9)   New road construction, either off-site or internal to the site, that provides connectivity in the impacted area.
   (E)   Phased implementation. In the event that the project is constructed in phases, construction of necessary traffic improvements shall be completed within the phase in which the mitigation measure is identified. Approvals required for plats or site plans for project phases subsequent to a phase which a traffic improvement is required may be approved only if an improvement guarantee is approved by City Council.
(Ord. 2024-012, passed 6-11-24)
§ 156.035 VESTED RIGHTS.
   (A)   A vested right in a specific land development plan shall not attach until the final plat and necessary documentation has received final approval by the Planning Commission. All administrative appeals must be resolved in favor of the applicant before a vested right attaches. Upon approval, such vested right must attach prior to the issuance of a building permit and prior to the authorization to proceed with investment in infrastructure. Any subsequent changes to the proposed development plan must be approved by the Planning Commission.
   (B)   A vested right is established for two years after final approval of a preliminary plat. Such vested right shall receive five one-year extensions upon proper application by the landowner in each year that an extension is desired unless an amendment to the land development regulation has been adopted which prohibits approval.
   (C)   A vested site specific development plan is subject to later enacted laws adopted to protect public health, safety, and welfare, including, but not limited to, building, fire, plumbing, electrical, and mechanical codes and nonconforming structure and use regulations which do not provide for the grandfathering of the vested right. The issuance of a building permit vests the specific construction project authorized by the building permit to the standard codes enforced at the time of the issuance of the building permit.
   (D)   A vested site specific development plan will be subject to subsequent overlay zoning that imposes plan-related requirements but such zoning cannot affect allowable types, height as it affects density or intensity of uses, or density or intensity of uses which was previously approved.
   (E)   The Board of Zoning Appeals does not have the authority to grant a vested right and no such right shall accrue as a result of their decision. Variances do not create a vested right.
   (F)   A vested right is subject to revocation by the Planning Commission upon its determination, after notice and public hearing, that there was a material misrepresentation by the landowner or substantial noncompliance with the terms and conditions of the original or amended approval.
(Ord. 2024-012, passed 6-11-24)