A sketch plan shall be clearly and legibly drawn to a scale not less than one inch equal to 100 feet. Plan sheets must not be smaller than 8.5" x 11" or larger than 24" x 36". A line legend will be included in the plan. The sketch plan shall contain at least the following data, legibly drawn to scale, but not necessarily showing precise dimensions:
   (A)   Proposed name of subdivision, which shall not duplicate or approximate the name of any other subdivision, or the name of the city.
   (B)   Name and address of subdivider and/or owner/applicant.
   (C)   North arrow, scale and date, including revision dates.
   (D)   Tract boundaries, tax map survey number(s), and acreage.
   (E)   Significant topographical features, including location of water courses.
   (F)   Location and names of existing streets in vicinity of tract.
   (G)   Approximate location of proposed street pattern and sidewalks.
   (H)   Existing and proposed land use and zoning.
   (I)   Time schedule if proposed for development in phases.
   (J)   Proposed lot layout, average size and number of lots.
   (K)   Vicinity or location map, showing the relationship between the proposed subdivision and the surrounding areas, specifically identifying shopping centers, churches, schools, parks, and the like.
   (L)   Traffic impact. In order to minimize any adverse effects of additional traffic associated with developments, the following shall apply:
      (1)   Prior to submitting a sketch plan for a development in excess of 50 residential units or 50 commercial/industrial parking spaces, the developer must submit to the Review Committee the following preliminary traffic data:
         (a)   Number of average daily trips based on the procedures of the Institute of Transportation Engineers - Trip Generation Manual.
         (b)   If available, the traffic counts performed by SC DOT for any road within one mile of the entrances of the proposed development.
         (c)   The preliminary traffic data will be reviewed with the local SC DOT officials.
      (2)   After reviewing the preliminary traffic data, the Planning Commission may require that the developer provide a traffic impact study and/or construct off-site improvements as required by the traffic study or as specified herein.
      (3)   Whether or not a traffic impact study is required by the Planning Commission, the developer will be required to construct the following off-site improvements at the entrances to the development in accord with SC DOT specifications and details:
         (a)   Developments of 50 to 100 residential units or 50 to 100 commercial/industrial parking spaces will be required to provide an acceleration or a deceleration lane.
         (b)   Developments of 100 to 200 residential units or 100 to 200 commercial/industrial parking spaces will be required to provide a left turn lane.
         (c)   However, the Planning Commission may waive the requirements for off-site improvements if:
            1.   The development is located on a frontage road or a four lane road that will support existing and proposed traffic volumes.
            2.   The improvements at the entrance are not allowed by SC DOT.
            3.   The developer provides a traffic impact study that indicates that no mitigation measures are necessary.
            4.   The main entrance is located/designed to accommodate the majority of the traffic, then the off-site improvements may not be required for the secondary entrance.
      (4)   The Planning Commission reserves the right to require a traffic impact study for any development, based on its density, location, existing traffic concerns of adjacent roadways, and other factors that may create traffic problems. Developments that create more than 100 peak hour trips may require a traffic impact study. A level of service of "C" shall be a goal for any solution to mitigate potential traffic problems identified by the traffic impact study. Because of existing or unusual conditions, the Planning Commission may allow other appropriate level of service.
      (5)   The traffic impact study shall be prepared and sealed by an engineer registered in the State of South Carolina specializing in traffic/transportation and with experience in preparing traffic impact studies.
(Ord., passed 10-13-92; Am. Ord. 07-019, passed 8-14-07; Am. Ord. 10-036, passed 8-24-10) Penalty, see § 156.99