(A)   A TIA shall be required as part of any application for a major subdivision, site plan, or general development plat where:
      (1)   The Planning and Development Director determines that the proposed development will generate at least 50 new peak hour trips; or
      (2)   The applicant is requesting or is required to provide more than one access point or curb cut.
   (B)   Exemptions to the TIA requirement. The requirement for a TIA may be exempted for projects located in the area of the Central Business District where off-street parking is not required by the city’s Zoning Ordinance.
   (C)   Preparation of the TIA. The TIA shall be prepared and sealed by an engineer registered in the State of South Carolina specializing in traffic/transportation and with experience in preparing TIAs. The applicant or developer shall provide the TIA to SCDOT for review in cases where the TIA includes evaluation of streets owned by SCDOT.
   (D)   Mitigation measures. In the event that the TIA identifies areas where the Level of Service (LOS) is reduced below a LOS C, the applicant shall identify mitigation measures that will be constructed to ensure an adequate LOS. A LOS D may be acceptable on state-owned streets if approved by SCDOT. Mitigation measures that may be used include the following:
      (1)   Improvements in connectivity internal to the site or between sites including improvement and easements.
      (2)   New road connections to improve connectivity.
      (3)   Access controls.
      (4)   Median islands.
      (5)   Intersection signalization.
      (6)   Addition of turn lanes.
      (7)   Pedestrian and transit infrastructure such as sidewalks, crosswalks or bus stops.
      (8)   Pavement widening.
      (9)   New road construction, either off-site or internal to the site, that provides connectivity in the impacted area.
   (E)   Phased implementation. In the event that the project is constructed in phases, construction of necessary traffic improvements shall be completed within the phase in which the mitigation measure is identified. Approvals required for plats or site plans for project phases subsequent to a phase which a traffic improvement is required may be approved only if an improvement guarantee is approved by City Council.
(Ord. 2024-012, passed 6-11-24)