1305.01 Inspector's powers and duties; inspections.
1305.02 Right of entry; interference with duties.
1305.03 National Electrical Code adopted; purpose and copies. (Repealed)
1305.04 Electrical provisions repealed from Regional Codes. (Repealed)
1305.05 Reports of accident or injury.
1305.06 Removal or alteration of notices.
1305.07 Permit fees. (Repealed)
1305.08 Permit required prior to installation; posting.
1305.09 Contractor's license required. family dwellings. (Repealed)
1305.10 License application; bond.
1305.11 License issuance and fee.
1305.12 License expiration and renewal.
1305.13 License suspension or revocation. (Repealed)
1305.14 Hearing of appeal.
1305.15 Permit for additions and alterations; unsafe conditions.
1305.16 Inspection prior to covering work.
1305.17 Final inspection; sealed switch.
1305.18 Service conduction and mast. (Repealed)
1305.19 Grounding. (Repealed)
1305.20 Exposed and concealed wiring. (Repealed)
1305.21 Ventilating fans. (Repealed)
1305.22 Locked switch lighting for multi-family dwellings. (Repealed)
1305.23 Rigid conduit required. (Repealed)
1305.24 Aluminum wire. (Repealed)
1305.25 Three-way switches. (Repealed)
1305.26 Far side clamps required. (Repealed)
1305.99 Penalty.
Electrical Inspector - see CHTR. § 8.06(b)
Power to license electricians - see Ohio R. C. 715.27(c)
Electrical fences prohibited - see GEN. OFF. 521.07
Licensing contractors - see BLDG. Ch. 1311
Electrical permit fees - see BLDG. 1313.04
The City Electrical Inspector or his deputies are hereby authorized to inspect and reinspect all overhead, underground and interior wires and apparatus conducting electric current for any purpose whatsoever within the City limits and to make such tests, as they may deem necessary, to ascertain the condition of the wires, conductors or appliances. The Electrical Inspector may remove or cause to be removed any existing obstruction, such as laths, plastering, boarding or partitions, which may hinder a full and complete inspection of wires, conductors or appliances. When the electrical conductors or apparatus are found to be unsafe to life or property, he shall notify the person owning or operating them to place the same in a safe or secure condition within a reasonable time, but not to exceed ten days. Any person failing or refusing to repair, change or remove the same within the time stipulated shall be subject to the penalty hereinafter provided. All electric light and power companies shall disconnect their service immediately upon notice from the Electrical Inspector to do so.
The Electrical Inspector is authorized to stop work on installations by any person who fails to pay any required fees up«n notice to do so.
(Ord. 4786-1975. Passed 5-12-75. )