No licensee shall charge, demand, collect or receive a greater, or less, or different compensation for the transportation of passengers or for any service in connection therewith, than the rates, fares and charges applicable to such transportation as specified in the license granted by the Boston City Council.
(CBC 1975 Ord. T14 § 359; CBC 1985 16-28.4)
No such motor vehicle shall be used or operated without a printed sign thereon stating the termini of the route, the fare to be charged and the license number, which sign shall be so printed and attached to the motor vehicle as to be plainly visible to persons on the street, or without a printed sign thereon showing the schedule of service filed and in effect at the time, which sign shall be so printed and attached to the said motor vehicle as to be plainly visible to passengers boarding such motor vehicle.
(CBC 1975 Ord. T14 § 360; CBC 1985 16-28.5)
The license issued for such motor vehicle shall designate the number of passengers, exclusive of the operator, the licensee is authorized to carry in said vehicle, and no person driving or in charge of said vehicle shall take on or suffer or permit any more persons to ride or to be carried thereon at any one time than the number designated in the license, or permit any person to stand inside or to stand or sit upon any running board, steps, fender, dash or hood thereof, or permit any person to ride on such motor vehicle outside the body thereof; provided, however, that in addition to the number of passengers which said motor vehicle by the terms of its license is permitted to carry, children under seven years of age may be carried therein, in arms, or seated on the laps of adult persons accompanying them, but no passenger with a child in arms or seated on the lap shall be permitted on any front seat of the vehicle.
(CBC 1975 Ord. T14 § 361; CBC 1985 16-28.6)
The schedule of operation filed by the licensee shall provide for the regular operation of a motor vehicle between the termini and over the route designated in the license. The licensee shall regularly operate a motor vehicle in substantial accordance with the schedule of operation filed and in effect at the time, except in cases of accident, breakdown or other controlling emergency, shall operate such motor vehicle to the terminus of the route before turning around, and shall not operate nor permit to be operated any such motor vehicle off or away from the route stated and fixed in the license for the operation of such motor vehicle except in case of controlling emergency. Nothing herein shall be construed to prohibit the operation, in addition to the service described in the schedule on file and in effect at the time, of special or extra trips over said route and between said termini during certain hours or on special occasions.
(CBC 1975 Ord. T 14 § 362; CBC 1985 16-28.7)
No person operating any motor vehicle so licensed shall refuse to carry any person offering himself or herself at any regular stopping place for carriage, unless the seats of such vehicle are fully occupied, or unless such person is in an intoxicated condition, or conducting himself or herself in a boisterous or disorderly manner, or is using profane language.
(CBC 1975 Ord. T14 § 363; CBC 1985 16-28.8)
No motor vehicle so licensed shall be operated from one-half hour after sunset until one-half hour before sunrise, with the top and curtain of said vehicle up, or while said vehicle is otherwise enclosed, unless there be sufficient light provided to adequately light the whole of the interior of said vehicle; and all motor vehicles so licensed with a seating capacity of more than seven passengers shall come to a full stop immediately before crossing the tracks of any railroad at grade.
(CBC 1975 Ord. T14 § 364; CBC 1985 16-28.9)
No person operating any motor vehicle so licensed shall collect fares, make change or take on or discharge passengers while such vehicle is in motion; nor shall he or she have a lighted cigarette, cigar or pipe in his or her possession while any passenger is being carried therein, nor drink any intoxicating beverage or use morphine, cocaine, opium or other harmful drug of any kind, or be under the influence thereof while engaged in operating such vehicle.
(CBC 1975 Ord. T14 § 365; CBC 1985 16-28.10)