No person moving a building in a street under a permit therefor shall remove any shade-tree or branch thereof in a street, except in accordance with the permission of the Parks and Recreation Commission; or interfere with any fire-alarm telegraph wire, except in accordance with the permission of the Fire Commissioner; or interfere with any street lamp or lamp-post, except in accordance with the permission of the Commissioner of Public Works.
(CBC 1975 T 14 § 338; CBC 1985 16-17.2)
No person shall use a sidewalk for any purpose which subjects it to more than ordinary wear, or injures the material of which it is composed, unless such sidewalk is, by the owner of the abutting estate, constructed of granite or other stone, in a manner satisfactory to the Commissioner of Public Works, and kept in repair by such owner.
(CBC 1975 Ord. T14 § 339; CBC 1985 16-18.1)
No person shall, in or upon the Common, Public Garden or other public grounds of the city, walk, stand or sit upon the grass, or upon any land planted or prepared for planting or upon a fountain, monument or statue, or a bandstand, wall, fence or other structure, or within the basin of a pond otherwise than upon ice, or stand or lie upon a bench or sleep thereon, except that the Mayor may, from time to time, by proclamation and order permit walking, standing and lying upon the grassed land of the Common or designated part thereof, or the grassed land of any other public grounds or any other designated part thereof, except the Public Garden, for such days or parts of such days as he or she shall specify; and he or she may in like manner by proclamation and order permit sleeping on such days as he or she shall specify, on any of the benches and any of the grassed lands of the Common or other public grounds, except the Public Garden. Nothing contained in this Subsection or in Subsection 16-19.4 shall be held to prohibit the doing of any act in the reasonable performance of his or her work or employment by any person acting under the authority or direction of any Board or Officer in charge of any of the places described in this Subsection.
(CBC 1975 Ord. T14 § 340; Ord. 1977 c. 11; CBC 1985 16-19.1)