16-19.4   Profanity and Other Offenses.
   No person shall, in the Common, Public Garden or other public grounds of the city, annoy another person; or utter profane, threatening, abusive, obscene or indecent language or loud outcry; or do any obscene or indecent act; or have possession of, drink or be under the influence of, intoxicating liquor; or play any game of chance or have possession of any instrument of gambling; or dig up, cut, break, deface, defile, ill-use, handle, take or remove any turf, flower, plant, bush, tree, rock, sign, fence, structure or other thing or part thereof belonging to the city; or cut, break or remove the ice in or from a pond; or drive an animal, or suffer an animal in his or her charge to feed or go at large, except dogs on the Common; or propel any vehicle, except a vehicle pushed or drawn by hand and designed to convey children; or throw a stone or other missile; or injure or have possession of a fish, bird or wild animal; or injure or disturb a bird’s nest or eggs; or set a trap or snare; or drop or place and suffer to remain paper or other refuse, except in receptacles designated therefor.
(CBC 1975 Ord. T14 § 342; CBC 1985 16-19.4)
Editor’s note:
   The water works system and the sewer works system of the Department of Public Works were abolished and the duties transferred to the Boston Water and Sewer Commission by Ch. 436 of the Acts of 1977.
16-20.1   Use of Water.
   No person shall, without permission of the Commissioner of Public Works, make an opening in or connection with, or turn on or off or draw off water from, a water pipe or reservoir owned by the city; or, except in accordance with a written permit from the Commissioner or in case of fire in the neighborhood, allow water to be taken from his or her premises, or use water for any purpose other than that for which he or she pays; or unscrew or open a hydrant attached to the water pipes of the city; or, except in accordance with the regulations of the Commissioner, discharge water through a hand-hose. Nor shall any person interfere with the registering apparatus of a water meter put in by the city, or damage or injure such meter.
(CBC 1975 Ord. T14 § 343; CBC 1985 16-20.1)
16-21.1   Ward Meetings.
   No persons not included in a call for a meeting held under a permit granted by the Assistant Commissioner of Real Property and no person, when objection is made by the majority of the applicants for such permit present at the meeting or by the presiding Officer at such meeting, shall mark a ballot, or vote, or remain, at such meeting.
(CBC 1975 Ord. T14 § 344; CBC 1985 16-21.1)
16-21.2   Voter Lists.
   No person, other than the Assistant Commissioner of Real Property or some person by him or her duly authorized, shall carry away or interfere with a copy of a list of voters posted or hung up in a ward-room.
(CBC 1975 Ord. T14 § 345; CBC 1985 16-21.2)
16-21.3   Decorations.
   No person shall put up any decoration in or on Faneuil Hall unless authorized thereto by an order of the Boston City Council; nor shall any person so authorized drive any nail or screw into the building or any part thereof in putting up any decoration.
(CBC 1975 Ord. T14 § 346; CBC 1985 16-21.3)