(A) Any person violating any provision of the Sections enumerated in Subsection 16-32.4 hereof shall be punished by a fine of $10 for each offense except that the following so-enumerated Sections shall carry the following penalties for violations thereof; and not only the person actually doing the prohibited thing, but also his or her employer and every other person concerned in so doing shall be punished by such fine.
(1) Subsection 16-1.14: $300;
(2) Subsection 16-1.17: $50;
(3) Subsection 16-1.19A: For the first violation in any 12-month period: $50, for the second violation within 12 months of a prior violation: $100 and for the third or subsequent violation within 12 months of a prior violation: $200;
(4) Subsection 16-2.5: $100;
(5) Subsection 16-2.7: $200;
(6) Subsection 16-4A: For the first violation in any 12-month period: $50, for the second or consequent violation: $200;
(7) Subsection 16-8.1: $300;
(8) Subsection 16-12.2A: $50, except that for the second violation within 12 months of a prior violation: $100, and, for the third or subsequent violation within 12 months of a prior violation: $200;
(9) Subsection 16-12.7: $15;
(10) Subsection 16-12.8: $25;
(11) Subsection 16-12.14: $50;
(12) Subsection 16-12.19: $15;
(13) Subsection 16-23.1: $300; and
(14) Subsection 16-23.3: $300.
(B) Any person under the age of 30 who violates any of the foregoing provisions may, on application to, and approval by, the Judge hearing a complaint with respect to such violation, or any Judge of the Court to which the notice under M.G.L. Chapter 40, Section 21D is returnable (as the case may be) in lieu of paying such fine, perform such public service reasonably related to the violation as the Judge shall require and upon completion of such public work, the fine shall be reduced by $5 for each such hour of service, to the extent of such fine.
(Ord. 1977 c. 16; CBC 1985 16-32.6; Ord. 1986 c. 1 § 4; Ord. 1986 c. 8 § 1; Ord. 1986 c. 10 § 2; Ord. 1988 c. 15 §§ 6, 7; Ord. 1988 c. 17 § 3; Ord. 1994 c. 2 § 1; Ord. 1994 c. 12 § 3; Ord. 1999 c. 6 § 1; Ord. 2003 c. 19 § 3; Ord. 2007 c. 7 § 3; Ord. 2008 c. 3; Ord. 2008 c. 4)
The Commissioner of Inspectional Services, and any designee, of said Commissioner, be, and hereby is, authorized pursuant to M.G.L. Chapter 40, Section 21D to enforce (in addition to those heretofore authorized to enforce) all of the Sections of the ordinances cited in Subsection 16-32.4; Boston Police Rule 401 (CBC St. Title 14, s 164); Subsection 16-12.3; Subsections 16-33.2 and 16-33.7.
(Ord. 1983 c. 22 § 1; Ord. 1983 c. 24 § 1; CBC 1985 16-32.7)
For the purpose of this Section, the following definition shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
SIGN. Any sign, structure, device, light, letter, word, clock, model, banner, pennant, insignia, trade flag or representation designed to be seen from outside a building and capable of, or, in fact, advertising or announcing a use conducted, or goods, products, services or facilities, except legal displays of flags, emblems or insignia of our nation or any political subdivision thereof, and except the following if not projecting over a parkway, other way under the control of the Parks and Recreation Commission, or public way:
(1) Temporary for sale or for rent signs located on the property advertised;
(2) Temporary display posters without independent structural support, in connection with political campaigns or with noncommercial civic, health, safety or welfare campaigns, unless not removed within 30 days following the conclusion of the campaign;
(3) Temporary displays of a patriotic, religious, charitable or civic nature;
(4) Historical or scenic markers approved by a recognized historical or conservation agency; and
(5) Signs not prohibited by any other code or ordinance that identify only the occupant of a house or the name and business of a professional person.
(Ord. 1982 c. 5 s 2; CBC 1985 16-33.1)
No owner or tenant of an estate within the city shall, in view of a parkway, other way under the control of the Parks and Recreation Commission or public way, erect, maintain or suffer to remain any sign, awning, canopy or marquee upon such estate unless such sign, awning, canopy or marquee bears a currently valid distinctive number issued with respect to such sign, awning, canopy or marquee by the Department empowered by this Section.
(Ord. 1982 c. 5 s 2; CBC 1985 16-33.2) Penalty, see Subsection 16-33.7
The Inspectional Services Department shall issue distinctive numbers to all signs, awnings, canopies or marquees complying with the applicable provisions of the Boston Zoning Code, subject to the allowances and exceptions therein contained, that do not project over a parkway, other way under the control of the Parks and Recreation Commission or public way. The Commissioner of Inspectional Services shall promulgate such regulations as reasonably necessary to ensure compliance with this Section including, but not limited to, number size requirements.
(Ord. 1982 c. 5 s 2; CBC 1985 16-33.3)