No person shall, without the consent of the Mayor, post up, or affix in any manner, or paint, print or write, or cause to be painted, printed or written, a notice, advertisement or bill, upon a curbstone, sidewalk, tree, telegraph-pole, lamp-post or hydrant, in a street or public place, or upon a walk, fence or building belonging to the city.
(CBC 1975 Ord. T14 § 350; CBC 1985 16-23.3) Penalty, see Subsection 16-32.6
No person keeping a shop for the purchase, sale or barter of junk, old metals or second-hand articles shall purchase any of the aforesaid articles or have his or her shop open for the transaction of business, except between sunrise and 9:00 p.m. of any week day except Saturday, on which day such shop may be kept open, and such articles purchased, from sunrise until 10:00 p.m.; and no such person or junk collector shall, directly or indirectly, either purchase or receive by way of barter or exchange any junk, old metals or second-hand articles from a minor or apprentice, knowing or having reason to believe him or her to be such.
(CBC 1975 Ord. T14 § 352; CBC 1985 16-24.1)
Whoever sells, or distributes, or imports, or loans, or possesses with the intent to sell, or exhibits, prints or publishes for the purpose of selling or distributing a book, pamphlet, ballad, printed paper, phonographic record, print, picture, figure, image or description which depicts or describes:
(A) Patently offensive representations or descriptions of ultimate sexual acts, normal or perverted, actual or simulated; or
(B) Patently offensive representations or descriptions of masturbation, excretory functions, lewd exhibition of the genitals, shall be subject to a fine of $50 for each day on which such violation occurs or during which such violation continues.
(CBC 1975 Ord. T14 § 353; CBC 1985 16-25.1)
Editor’s note:
This Section was passed in 1973, under the guidelines established in Miller v. California, 441 U.S. 925, 37 L. Ed 2d 419, (June 21, 1973).
(A) No person shall make, or cause to be made, any unreasonable or excessive noise in the city, by whatever means or from whatever means or from whatever source.
(B) For the purpose of this Section, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
dBa. A-weighted sound level in decibels, as measured by a general purpose sound level meter complying with the provisions of the American National Standards Institute, “Specifications for Sound Level Meters (ANSI S1.4 1971)”, properly calibrated, and operated on the “A” weighting network.
LOUD AMPLIFICATION DEVICE OR SIMILAR EQUIPMENT. A radio, television, phonograph, stereo, record player, tape player, cassette player, compact disc player, loud speaker or sound amplifier which is operated in such a manner that it creates unreasonable or excessive noise.
(1) Noise measured in excess of 50 dBa between the hours of 11:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m., or in excess of 70 dBa at all other hours; or
(2) In the absence of an applicable noise level standard or regulation of the Air Pollution Control Commission, any noise plainly audible at a distance of 300 feet or, in the case of loud amplification devices or similar equipment, noise plainly audible at a distance of 100 feet from its source by a person of normal hearing.
(CBC 1985 16-26.1; Ord. 714 § 354; Ord. 1991 c. 4 § 1) Penalty, see Subsection 16-32.6