General Provisions
50.01 Tampering with city property
50.02 Contamination of water supply
50.03 Water tap-on fees
50.04 Water rates
50.05 Applications and returned checks
50.06 Service fees
50.07 Discontinuing service
50.08 Restoration of services
50.09 Testing of meters
50.10 Metering tampering and/or unauthorized taps
50.11 Service interruption
50.12 Office and service hours
50.13 Title to water meters and connections
50.14 Reservation of rights to remove, test, and the like
50.15 Connections for sprinkler systems
50.16 Metering for sprinkler system
Cross-Connections, Backflow, and Back-Siphonage Control
50.30 Intent, purpose, and control
50.31 Responsibilities
50.32 Definitions
50.33 Regulations
Identity Theft Program
50.45 Purpose
50.46 Definitions
50.47 Identification of relevant red flags
50.48 Detection, prevention, and mitigation
50.49 Identify theft prevention
50.50 Additional legal requirements
50.51 Administration
50.99 Penalty
Building Regulations, see Ch. 150
Statutory reference:
Water and sewer authority, G.S. §§ 162A-1 through 162A-58