Purchasing Procedures
153.01   Definitions.
153.02   Specified amount.
153.03   Method of purchase.
153.04   Purchase requisition/ purchase order.
153.05   Available funds.
153.06   Approved requisition/purchase orders.
153.07   Criteria for purchases.
153.08   Limitation on purchases.
153.09   Receipt of supplies or services.
153.10   Honoring of invoices: inventory.
153.11   Emergency purchases.
153.12   Petty Cash Revolving Fund.
153.13   Forms.
153.14   Exceptions.
153.15   Scope of purchasing authority.
153.16   Notice of public bidding.
153.17   Advertising for bids; awarding contracts.
   Division of Purchases - see CHTR. Art. VIII Sec. 8.03.02
   Council approval of major expenditures - see CHTR. Art. XIII, Sec. 13.03
   Budget planning - see ADM. Ch. 155