Public Bidding Requirement.
   No contract or purchase made on behalf of the Municipality exceeding the amount established by the laws of the State of Ohio for public contracts or purchases shall be made except with the lowest responsible bidder as determined by Council after advertisement for not less than two nor more than four consecutive weeks in a newspaper of general circulation within the Municipality; provided, that Council may establish, by ordinance, a more restrictive limitation than set by State law and such additional requirements it may deem proper to insure competitive contracts and purchases.
Waiver of Requirement.
   The Council may authorize expenditures exceeding the State limitation without public advertising in the following specific cases; acquisition of real estate; discharge of noncontractual claims against the Municipality; for personal services; for joint use of facilities with other political subdivisions; and for the products or services of public utilities; provided, that Council may authorize a purchase or contract involving an expenditure of more than the State limitation without advertising for bids if it determines and declares by an affirmative vote of not less than five (5) members that an emergency exists, that to delay such contract or purchases would result in loss or hardship to the Municipality or its inhabitants, and sets forth the nature of the emergency in its resolution or ordinance.
(Amended May 8, 1990)