Police Pension
   32.001   Establishment of plan and fund
   32.002   Chief Administrative Officer
   32.003   Trustees
   32.004   Investment
   32.005   Acceptance of gifts for fund
   32.006   Service requirements
   32.007   Retirement benefits
   32.008   Vested benefits
   32.009   Disability
   32.010   Funding
   32.011   Refunds
   32.012   Survivor benefits
   32.013   Insurance policies
   32.014   Payments into fund
   32.015   Actuarial and administrative expenses
   32.016   Payments not subject to certain legal processes
   32.017   Fund may be modified
   32.018   Borough Water Authority pension plan
Municipal Employees Retirement System
   32.030   Borough elects to join municipal employees retirement system
   32.031   Optional membership for elected officials; compulsory membership for per diem employees; persons paid on fee basis ineligible for membership
   32.032   Prior service credits toward municipal annuity and member’s annuity
   32.033   Payment for prior service
   32.034   Municipal employees’ retirement law, as amended, incorporated by reference
   32.035   Provisions of § 20.1 of Municipal Employees Retirement Law extended to borough members
   32.036   Amendments
Fiscal Affairs
   32.050   Independent auditor to audit accounts
   32.051   Annual appointment of independent auditor
Recovery of Attorney Fees
   32.065   Definitions
   32.066   Schedule of attorney fees
   32.067   Assessment of attorney fees
   32.068   Payment of attorney fees
   32.069   Enforcement
   32.070   Amendments
   Fee schedule, see § 110.01
   Professional Service contracts, see Ch. 114