All multi-family residential development containing more than 25 dwelling units in any Residential zone district or in any Mixed-use zone district outside of UC-MS-PT areas shall comply with all of the standards in this Subsection 14-16-5-11(D), except that parking structures shall comply with the design standards in Subsection 14-16-5-5(G) (Parking Structure Design).
Primary pedestrian entrances to each primary building shall be emphasized and provide weather protection through variations in the façade, porticos, roof variations, recesses or projections, or other integral building forms.
Façades shall be designed to provide a sense of human scale. Building façades shall meet all of the following requirements or provide justification that the intent of this section is achieved by an alternative design approach.
A façade shall have windows as a prominent feature.
1. The ground floor of each street-facing façade shall contain a minimum of 20 percent of its surfaces in transparent windows and/or doors.
2. Windows on the upper floors shall be recessed or projected not less than 2 inches and/or shall be surrounded by a window casing or frame not less than 2 inches wide, except for portions of the façade that are storefront window systems or curtain walls. Workforce housing is exempt from this requirement.
3. Windows facing west shall use heat mitigation features.
Facades shall change in massing and form as specified below to visually break up the building. Each front and side façade shall meet all of the following requirements or provide justification that the intent of this section is achieved by an alternative design approach.
1. The façade shall have at least one element that is recessed or projected from the façade by at least 6 inches and that is 2 feet in width for every 30 feet of facade length.
2. Each street-facing façade shall be designed with more than one building finish material or color.
3. Art, such as murals or sculpture, that is privately-owned or coordinated through the City Public Arts Program, may count toward requirements in 1 or 2 above.
4. Balcony massing, material, or color shall vary to create visual interest. Solid balconies shall not obscure the street-level view of required transparent windows and/or doors.
5. For projects that use 75 percent or more of the ground floor as parking, these standards apply to the stories above the parking level.
Rooflines longer than 60 horizontal feet shall include at least one vertical or horizontal elevation change of at least 2 feet. Roofs with a pitch of less than 2:12 shall be screened by a parapet wall.
See Subsection 14-16-5-5(G)(3) (Building Design Standards).
134 | 134 IDO Annual Update 2023 – Citywide Text Amendments – EPC REVIEW. EPC Recommended Condition #1. Revised editorially for clarity and consistency with changes to subsequent Subsections. [Spreadsheet Item #60] |