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Albuquerque Overview
Albuquerque Code of Ordinances
Charter of the City of Albuquerque
Administrative Instructions
Albuquerque Table of Resolutions
Albuquerque Code of Resolutions
Integrated Development Code
Personnel Rules and Regulations
4-3(C)(1)   Community Center or Library
If Table 4-2-1 specifies that this use is allowed in the R-A, R-1, R-T, or MX-T zone districts, it shall be subject to the same size limits applicable to religious institutions in that zone district, pursuant to Subsection 14-16-4-3(C)(8)(b) or 14-16-4-3(C)(8)(c).
4-3(C)(2)   Elementary or Middle School
If Table 4-2-1 specifies that this use is allowed in the R-A, R-1, R-T, or MX-T zone districts, it shall be subject to the same size limits applicable to religious institutions in that zone district, pursuant to Subsection 14-16-4-3(C)(8)(b) or 14-16-4-3(C)(8)(c).
4-3(C)(3)   High School
If Table 4-2-1 specifies that this use is allowed in the R-A, R-1, R-T, or MX-T zone districts, it shall be subject to the same size limits applicable to religious institutions in that zone district, pursuant to Subsection 14-16-4-3(C)(8)(b) or 14-16-4-3(C)(8)(c).
4-3(C)(4)   Hospital
In the MX-M zone district, this use is limited to no more than 20 overnight beds and, if located within 330 feet of any Residential zone district, shall require a Conditional Use approval, pursuant to Subsection 14-16-6-6(A).
4-3(C)(5)   Museum
In any Residential or MX-T zone district, this use shall not exceed 10,000 square feet of gross floor area.
4-3(C)(6)   Overnight Shelter 52   53   54
4-3(C)(6)(a)   This use is prohibited within 1,500 feet in any direction of a lot containing any other overnight shelter.
4-3(C)(6)(b)   This use shall be conducted within fully enclosed portions of a building.
4-3(C)(6)(c)   In the MX-M zone district, this use shall not exceed 25,000 square feet.
4-3(C)(7)   Parks and Open Space
4-3(C)(7)(a)   NR-PO-A or Other Zone District with a City-owned or City-operated Park
   1.   Parks and recreational facilities, including associated community buildings, lighting, parking areas, trails, play areas, playgrounds, exercise stations, basketball courts, restrooms, drinking water facilities, picnic shelters, storage sheds and enclosures, and any other structures or improvements approved by the City Parks and Recreation Department are allowed.
   2.   Parks are prohibited in certain areas within the Airport Protection Overlay Zone, pursuant to Section 14-16-3-3.
4-3(C)(7)(b)   NR-PO-B or Other Zone District with City-owned or City-operated Major Public Open Space
Areas designated as Major Public Open Space must comply with standards in the Rank 2 Major Public Open Space Facility Plan for the following types of facilities:
   1.   Open Space Preserve
   2.   Protected Undeveloped Open Space
   3.   Open Space Facilities
   4.   Open Space Trails
   5.   Special Use Area
4-3(C)(7)(c)   NR-PO-C or Other Zone District with Parks or Open Spaces not Owned or Operated by the City
   1.   Parks, multi-use trails, play areas, playgrounds, exercise stations, basketball courts, restrooms, drinking water facilities, picnic shelters, storage sheds/enclosures, and other facilities generally included in parks (collectively referred to as "recreational facilities" for the purposes of this Subsection 14-16-4-3(C)(7)(c) that are designed for routine use by the public (rather than organized sports) and designated to accommodate no more than 25 persons per acre of site area at any one time are allowed.
   2.   Ball fields, fields for organized sports, nighttime lighting facilities, spectator bleachers or seating, parking areas for more than 25 cars, and any facility or improvement intended to be used by a group of more than 25 people at any one time require a Conditional Use Approval pursuant to Subsection 14-16-6-6(A).
   3.   Other facilities included in an approved Site Plan for the property are allowed provided that the property owner complies with any conditions attached to that approval.
   4.   Recreational facilities that are open for public use, including but not limited to play areas, playgrounds, and basketball courts, shall be built to City Parks and Recreation standards and subject to review and approval by City Parks and Recreation Department for compliance.
   5.   Recreational facilities that are not open for public use, including but not limited to play areas, playgrounds, and basketball courts, shall be built to any ADA standards applicable to private recreational facilities. Such facilities, particularly playgrounds, shall be enclosed with a wall or fence 5 feet or higher and accessed via a locked gate. Signage at the entrance of the recreational area shall indicate the entity with ownership and maintenance responsibilities, and lighting shall be provided so that the sign is visible after dark. The facility shall comply with the standards in Section 14-16-5-7 (Walls and Fences) and Section 14-16-5-8 (Outdoor and Site Lighting).
   6.   Dog parks shall be subject to regulations in Article 14-5 of ROA 1994 (Flood Hazard and Drainage Control).
   7.   Trails built in the NR-PO-C sub-zone may be paved or unpaved, except that multi-use trails must be paved. All trails shall be built to City standards as required by the Development Process Manual (DPM). The trails shall be maintained by the property owner or homeowners association. Signs shall be posted every ½ mile or at every intersection, whichever is closer, that indicate ownership and/or management and current contact information.
   8.   Parks, but not open space, are prohibited in certain areas within the Airport Protection Overlay Zone, pursuant to Section 14-16-3-3.
4-3(C)(7)(d)   NR-PO-D (BioPark)
Uses specified in the BioPark Master Plan as approved by the City Cultural Services Department are allowed.
4-3(C)(8)   Religious Institution
4-3(C)(8)(a)   Incidental activities, including but not limited to recreational activities, educational activities, overnight shelters, campgrounds, and safe outdoor spaces are allowed, provided that all of the following requirements are met.
   1.   All incidental activities must be operated by the religious institution.
   2.   All incidental activities must comply with all applicable State regulations and local regulations.
   3.   All incidental activites that are allowable uses listed in Table 4-2-1 must comply with the relevant use-specific standard for those allowable uses in Section 14-16-4-3, except as noted below.
      a.   If Table 4-2-1 specifies an allowable use as a Conditional Use in the relevant zone district, a Conditional Use Approval is not required.
      b.   If a use-specific standard in Section 14-16-4-3 specifies that a Conditonal Uses is required under a particular context, then a Conditional Use Approval pursuant to Subsection 14-16-6-6(A) is required.
      c.   For safe outdoor spaces, the following provisions do not apply:
         i.   The required distance separation from R-A, R-1, or R-T zone districts pursuant to Subsection 14-16-4-3(G)(9)(d).
         ii.   The Council District cap in Subsection 14-16-4-3(G)(9)(k).
4-3(C)(8)(b)   In the R-A, R-1, and R-T zone districts, this use is limited to facilities with a total of 40,000 square feet of gross floor area or less.
4-3(C)(8)(c)   In the MX-T zone district, this use is limited to facilities with a total of 60,000 square feet of gross floor area or less.



51 IDO Annual Update 2023 - Citywide Text Amendments - EPC REVIEW. EPC Recommended Condition #1. Revised editorially for clarity. "Indicate" in legal settings can connote a suggestion. [Spreadsheet Item #60]
52 IDO Annual Update 2023 - Citywide Text Amendments - EPC REVIEW. EPC Recommended Condition #5. EPC considered but did not recommend approval of proposed changes to allowances and use-specific standards for Overnight Shelters.[Spreadsheet Item #9]
53 2023 IDO Annual Update - Citywide Text Amendments - LUPZ REVIEW. LUPZ Amendment A9 [O-24-13]. Withdrawn 5/15/2024.
54 2023 IDO Annual Update - Citywide Text Amendments - COUNCIL REVIEW. Council Amendment B7 [O-24-13]. Failed 6/17/2024.