Sec. 10-4.419.1.   Hazardous materials storage.
   Prior to handling threshold quantities of hazardous materials (fifty-five (55) gallons, five hundred (500) pounds, or two hundred (200) cubic feet of compressed gas) or generating any amount of hazardous waste on site, a Hazardous Materials Business Plan must be completed and submitted to Yolo County Environmental Health by the operator through the California Environmental Reporting System (CERS). In addition, prior to above ground storage tanks (AST) or containers with cumulative storage capacity greater than one thousand three hundred twenty (1,320) gallons of petroleum products being present at the facility, a Spill Prevention Countermeasure Contingency (SPCC) Plan must be prepared, implemented, and retained on site.
(Ord. 1518, eff. February 13, 2020)