*Title 10, Chapter 3 of the Yolo County Code shall be entitled “Cache Creek Area Plan In-Channel Maintenance Mining Ordinance,” and shall read in full as follows: (§ 3, Ord. 1376, eff. Aug. 14, 2008):
Article 1. Title, Authority, and Purpose
10-3.101 Title.
10-3.102 Authority.
10-3.103 Purpose.
Article 2. Definitions
10-3.201 Scope.
10-3.202 Act.
10-3.203 Commercial Mining.
10-3.204 Director.
10-3.205 Excavation.
10-3.206 In-Channel.
10-3.207 Material Removal.
10-3.208 Off-Channel.
10-3.209 Site Specific Plan.
10-3.210 Technical Advisory Committee.
Article 3. Scope and Exemptions
10-3.301 Scope of regulations.
10-3.302 Scope: Area defined.
10-3.303 Exemptions: Defined.
10-3.304 Exemptions.
Article 4. In-Channel Material Removal Standards
10-3.401 Access Roads.
10-3.402 Adherence to CCRMP/CCIP.
10-3.403 Agency Approvals.
10-3.404 Cultural Resources.
10-3.405 Design Guidelines.
10-3.406 Exceptions.
10-3.406.1 Habitat Conservation Plan Compliance.
10-3.407 Hazards and Hazardous Materials.
10-3.408 Hours of Operation.
10-3.409 Limitations on Removal of Material.
10-3.410 Location.
10-3.411. Noise.
10-3.412. Permit Life.
10-3.413. Processing Prohibition.
10-3.414. Re-grading.
10-3.414.1 Restoration.
10-3.415. Re-vegetation.
10-3.416. Seasonal Restrictions.
10-3.417. Setbacks.
10-3.418. Slopes.
10-3.419. Surveys.
Article 5. In-Channel Approval Process
10-3.501 Applications: Contents.
10-3.502 Applications: Waiver of Information.
10-3.503 Applications: Filing.
10-3.504 Applications: Review.
10-3.505 Findings for Permit Approval.
10-3.506 Decision.
10-3.507 Appeals.
Article 6. Amendments and Minor Modifications to Approved Flood Hazard Development Permits
10-3.601 Amendments and Minor Modifications: Purpose.
10-3.602 Amendments: Applications.
10-3.603 Amendments: Exceptions.
10-3.604 Minor Modifications.
10-3.605 Amendments and Modifications.
Article 7. Annual Reports
10-3.701 Cache Creek Monitoring Program.
10-3.702 Channel Improvement Projects.
Article 8. Fees
10-3.801 Fees: Applications.
Article 9. Confidentiality of Records
10-3.901 Confidentiality of Records.
Article 10. Inspections: Notices of Violations
10-3.1001 Inspections: Purpose.
10-3.1002 Inspections: Annual.
10-3.1003 Annual Inspections: Notification.
10-3.1004 Inspections: Designee.
10-3.1005 Violations: Notice.
10-3.1006 Violations: Order to Comply.
10-3.1007 Violations: Hearing.
10-3.1008 Violations: Revocation.
10-3.1009 Violations: Administrative Penalties.
10-3.1010 Violations: Public Nuisance.