(a) All unpaved roads used during in-channel material removal operations shall be adequately watered to keep soil moist at all times, in order to control fugitive dust.
(b) Upon cessation of use, operational areas and haul roads that are not required for future use of the site shall be ripped and prepared to prevent compaction and allow for revegetation.
(c) In-channel haul roads shall be located along the toe of the streambank, in order to provide additional bank stabilization and to minimize disturbance of the low-flow channel. In areas where the low-flow channel is immediately adjacent to the toe of the streambank, inchannel haul roads shall be designed to protect the low flow channel. This design shall be submitted to the TAC for review and comment. Each operation may have no more than two (2) haul roads at one time that cross the low-flow channel. Construction of the haul roads shall not result in excavation of the toe of the streambank, and shall be designed to avoid existing or restored riparian habitat.
(d) No new haul roads shall be constructed through established native riparian vegetation. Haul roads shall be realigned or redesigned to avoid established habitat.
(e) Haul roads shall comply with all applicable requirements and conditions of approval. (as amended by Ord. 1518, eff. February 13, 2020)