(a) All heavy equipment used for channel improvement projects shall be kept in good working order to reduce emissions and preclude the leakage of oils, fuels, and other substances that may adversely affect property, the environment, or human health and safety. Fueling and maintenance activities shall not occur within one-hundred (100) feet of the Channel Form Template boundary or active channel, whichever is wider. All procedures for handling, storage, and disposal of hazardous materials shall be described in a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan if required for the projects. Any long-term project (e.g., extensive erosion control, gravel removal) shall have a chemical spill prevention and emergency plan filed and approved by the appropriate local agency. The plan must include training of the equipment operator and workers in spill reporting and how to minimize environmental damage.
(b) Firms or individuals performing work within the channel shall immediately notify the Director and/or the Yolo County Office of Emergency Services of any events such as fires, explosions, spills, land or slope failures, or other conditions at the site which could pose a risk to property, the environment, or human health and safety outside the permitted area. Upon request by any County agency, the firm or individual shall provide a written report of any such event, within thirty (30) days, which shall include, but not be limited to, a description of the facts of the event, the corrective measures used, and the steps taken to prevent a recurrence of the incident. This condition does not supersede nor replace any requirement of any other government agency for reporting incidents.
(c) A Hazardous Materials Plan and the Spill Prevention Countermeasure Contingency Plan, if required, shall be filed with the Yolo County Environmental Health Division, prior to the commencement of work within the channel.
(d) Wastewater from in-channel projects shall not be directly discharged to Cache Creek. Measures such as berms, silt fences, sediment ponds, hay bales, and/or revegetation shall be used to control erosion. Agricultural tailwater shall be diverted to catchment basins prior to release to the creek.
(e) Sediment fines generated by processing of in-channel sand and gravel shall not be used for agricultural soil enhancement or creek revegetation projects. In-channel sediment fines shall only be used as backfill material in off-channel habitat restoration if it can be demonstrated that sediment quality is acceptable based on applicable regulations and standards.
(f) All internal combustion engine driven equipment and vehicles shall be kept tuned according to the manufacturer’s specifications and properly maintained to minimize the leakage of oils and fuels. No vehicles or equipment shall be left idling for a period of longer than ten (10) minutes.
(g) For bank repair projects using fill, appropriate leaching tests on fill materials shall be conducted to determine if it contains leachable constituents at concentrations of potential concern. If potential fill material is found to contain constituents at levels exceeding applicable thresholds, that fill materials shall not be used. (as amended by Ord. 1518, eff. February 13, 2020)