General Provisions
172.001 Presence of master or journeyman at job site
172.002 Examination
172.003 Display of licenses
172.004 Transfer of licenses
172.005 Expiration and renewal of licenses
172.006 Suspension or revocation of licenses
172.007 Reciprocity of licenses
Contractors and Masters
172.020 License required
172.021 Licenses for out-of-state contractors
172.022 License fee
172.023 Master to notify Electrical Board of change in employment
172.024 Contractors not secure permit holders for others
172.035 License required
172.036 License fee
Electrical Code
172.050 Short title
172.051 Fees
172.052 Adoption of Electrical Code
Electrical Inspector
172.070 Department of Electrical Inspection created
172.071 Appointment
172.072 Qualifications
172.073 Oath
172.074 Certificate of insurance
172.075 Compensation
172.076 Removal from office
172.077 Engaging in the business of electrician prohibited
172.078 Assistants
172.079 Right of access to buildings to turn off current
172.080 List of approved appliances
172.081 Use of independent contractor
Permits and Inspections
172.095 Permit required
172.096 Permit application; fraudulent applications
172.097 Persons eligible for permits
172.098 Permit issuance
172.099 Temporary permits
172.100 Additional work under permits
172.101 Transfer of permits
172.102 Permit expiration
172.103 Refund of permit fees
172.104 Permit revocation
172.105 Notification of incomplete installation required
172.106 Inspections and reinspections
172.107 Posting notices of inspection
172.108 Tampering with inspection notices
172.109 Permanent equipment not to be installed before roof is covered
172.110 Records
172.111 Homeowner permits
Board of Electrical Examiners and Review
172.125 Board created
172.126 Members
172.127 Functions
172.128 Rules and regulations concerning electrical work
172.129 Meetings to conduct examinations
172.130 Appeals from decision of Electrical Inspector
A licensed journeyman electrician or a licensed master electrician shall be present at all times when electrical construction is in progress.
(Prior Code, § 9-131) (Ord. 597, passed 11-7-1977; Ord. 770, passed 8-27-1984; Ord. 892, passed 7-20-1990)
(A) Except as otherwise provided in this chapter, no master or journeyman electrician’s license shall be issued to any person who does not pass an examination given by the Board of Electrical Examiners and Review.
(B) All applications for examinations shall be in writing. The examination shall consist of an oral or written examination as the board shall determine and such other practical tests in examination at the discretion of the Board. Stenographic notes shall be taken of all oral examinations.
(C) A person who fails to pass such examination shall not be eligible for examination in any reciprocating municipality for at least three months.
(D) Due notice shall be given by the Board of Electrical Examiners and Review to all applicants for licenses of the examination date.
(Prior Code, § 9-132) (Ord. 597, passed 11-7-1977; Ord. 770, passed 8-27-1984; Ord. 892, passed 7-20-1990)
Licenses issued pursuant to the provisions of this subchapter shall expire on December 31 of each year and shall be renewed upon application by the licensee, together with the payment of the required fee. After March 1 of each year, all licenses not renewed shall be considered cancelled and shall not be renewed, except upon approval of the Board of Electrical Examiners and Review.
(Prior Code, § 9-135) (Ord. 597, passed 11-7-1977; Ord. 770, passed 8-27-1984)