A bona fide owner of a single-family residence which is, or will be on completion, his or her place of residence, for not less than two years; and no part of which is used for rental or commercial purposes, nor is now contemplated for such purpose, may do his or her own work, providing he or she applies for and secures a permit, pays the fee, does the work himself or herself in accordance with the provisions hereof, applies for inspections and receives approval of the work by the electrical inspection authority. Failure to comply with these requirements will subject the owner’s permit to cancellation.
(Prior Code, § 9-76) (Ord. 597, passed 11-7-1977; Ord. 770, passed 8-27-1984; Ord. 892, passed 7-23-1990)
The Board of Electrical Examiners and Review shall consist of the Electrical Inspector, a licensed journeyman electrician of at least four years’ experience, a representative of the Department of Municipal Service who holds a journeyman’s license for at least four years, a licensed electrical contractor having his or her own master license and a person connected with the electrical industry, but not actively engaged in the installation of electrical equipment. Members of the Board shall be appointed by the Mayor with the consent of the Council for terms of one year each.
(Prior Code, § 9-92) (Ord. 597, passed 11-7-1977; Ord. 770, passed 8-27-1984; Ord. 892, passed 7-23-1990)
The Board of Electrical Examiners and Review shall perform the following functions:
(A) Prescribe and conduct the examinations for master or journeymen electricians;
(B) Prepare license application blanks;
(C) Act as an arbitration board as specified in this chapter.
(Prior Code, § 9-93) (Ord. 597, passed 11-7-1977; Ord. 770, passed 8-27-1984; Ord. 892, passed 7-23-1990)
The Board is empowered and it shall be their duty to make such rules and regulations concerning electrical work in the city as may be required to properly provide for the situation therein. The rules and regulations so made shall be effective upon approval by the Mayor and City Council.
(Prior Code, § 9-93.1) (Ord. 770, passed 8-27-1984; Ord. 892, passed 7-23-1990)
The Board of Electrical Examiners and Review shall meet at least once a month or on call of the Chairperson to hold examinations for master or journeymen electrician.
(Prior Code, § 9-94) (Ord. 597, passed 11-7-1977; Ord. 770, passed 8-27-1984; Ord. 892, passed 7-23-1990)