175.001 Definitions
175.002 Authority of Department of Building and Engineering
175.003 Permit applications
175.004 Permit to plant certain trees
175.005 Plants in public ways generally
175.006 Cutting, mutilating and the like trees in public ways
175.007 Attaching wires, signs and the like to trees in public ways
175.008 Tree trimming by public utilities
175.009 Protection during excavation
175.010 Obstructions prohibited; trimming
175.011 Protection from stones, bricks, sand and the like
175.012 Maintenance of vacant lots in Central Business District
175.999 Penalty
For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
GROWTH. Includes any or all thereof unless the context otherwise requires.
SHRUBS. Under 15 feet in height, may include vines and plants.
TREES. Includes shrubs which grow higher than 15 feet.
(Prior Code, § 36-1)
The Department of Building and Engineering shall have complete charge and control over the planting, cutting, trimming and removal of trees and other growth upon all public highways and places, and the Department may promulgate and adopt rules and regulations for the control of same.
(Prior Code, § 36-2)