General Provisions
174.001 Obstructions and encumbrances prohibited
174.002 Injury to streets, alleys, barricades and the like
174.003 Suspension of objects above street or sidewalk
174.004 Abandoned shopping carts
174.005 Work to be in accordance with approved plans and specifications
174.006 Supervision of work
174.007 Bond requirement for permits
174.008 Appeals from denial of permits
174.009 Suspension or revocation of permits
174.010 Sidewalk construction or repair generally
174.011 Sidewalks to be kept in good repair; recovery of damages sustained by city
174.012 Repair or construction of sidewalks at expense of abutting property owner
174.013 Permit for construction or repair of crosswalks or driveway aprons or for curb cuts
174.014 Repair of unsafe driveways and crosswalks
174.015 Paving of driveway aprons
Street Cuts and Excavations
174.030 Permit
174.031 Barricades and guards
174.032 Payment in advance of costs of street restoration
174.033 Additional construction regulations
Snow and Ice Removal
174.045 Required
174.046 Removal by City Engineer
174.047 Record of expenses
174.048 Collection of expenses
No person shall obstruct or encumber any public wharf, street, alley or any public space with any article or thing whatsoever.
(Prior Code, § 32-1) Penalty, see § 10.999
No unauthorized person shall move, alter, deface, injure or destroy any part or accessory of any street or alley or any sign or barricade erected or placed to protect, warn or guide the public.
(Prior Code, § 32-2) Penalty, see § 10.999