A licensed journeyman electrician or a licensed master electrician shall be present at all times when electrical construction is in progress.
(Prior Code, § 9-131) (Ord. 597, passed 11-7-1977; Ord. 770, passed 8-27-1984; Ord. 892, passed 7-20-1990)
(A) Except as otherwise provided in this chapter, no master or journeyman electrician’s license shall be issued to any person who does not pass an examination given by the Board of Electrical Examiners and Review.
(B) All applications for examinations shall be in writing. The examination shall consist of an oral or written examination as the board shall determine and such other practical tests in examination at the discretion of the Board. Stenographic notes shall be taken of all oral examinations.
(C) A person who fails to pass such examination shall not be eligible for examination in any reciprocating municipality for at least three months.
(D) Due notice shall be given by the Board of Electrical Examiners and Review to all applicants for licenses of the examination date.
(Prior Code, § 9-132) (Ord. 597, passed 11-7-1977; Ord. 770, passed 8-27-1984; Ord. 892, passed 7-20-1990)
Licenses issued pursuant to the provisions of this subchapter shall expire on December 31 of each year and shall be renewed upon application by the licensee, together with the payment of the required fee. After March 1 of each year, all licenses not renewed shall be considered cancelled and shall not be renewed, except upon approval of the Board of Electrical Examiners and Review.
(Prior Code, § 9-135) (Ord. 597, passed 11-7-1977; Ord. 770, passed 8-27-1984)
Any electrical contractor’s, master’s or journeyman electrician’s license may, after a hearing, be suspended or revoked by the Board having issued such license upon evidence presented that the person, firm or corporation holding such license willfully or by reason of incompetence repeatedly violates any rules and regulations relating to the inspection, maintenance, alteration or repair of electrical wiring, devices, appliances or equipment.
(Prior Code, § 9-136) (Ord. 597, passed 11-7-1977; Ord. 770, passed 8-27-1984; Ord. 892, passed 7-20-1990)