General Provisions
150.01 Building permit for porches or additions
150.02 Housing numbering
150.03 Annexing territory
150.04 Town map
Mobile or Manufactured Housing
150.15 Permit requirement
150.16 One home per lot
150.17 Enclosure around the base of home
150.18 Utility services
150.19 Nonconforming housing
150.20 Mobile or manufactured housing park
Encroachment Structures
150.35 Permit requirement
150.36 Definition
150.37 Permit fee
150.38 Application for permit
150.39 Removal of encroachment structure
Dwellings Per Town Lot
150.50 Definition
150.51 One dwelling per lot
150.52 Grandfather clause
150.53 Variances
Fair housing, see Ch. 93
Property maintenance, see Ch. 92
Zoning, see Ch. 151