General Provisions
96.01 Trees and shrubs
96.02 Tree specifications
96.03 City control of trees; expenses
96.04 [Reserved]
96.05 [Reserved]
96.06 Sidewalk repair and construction
96.07 Remonstrance
96.08 Appeal
96.09 Owner's liability to city
96.10 Sidewalk width and grade
96.11 Subgrade
96.12 Sidewalk forms
96.13 Expansion joints
96.14 Concrete; ingredients
Public Benches
96.15 Purpose; authorization to install benches
96.16 Conformance to standards and specifications
96.17 Placement and location of benches
96.18 Periodic inspection; maintenance
96.19 Construction specifications
96.20 Display of advertising matter or signs
96.21 Application to install and maintain benches; licensing
96.22 One permittee; permit nontransferable; insurance requirements
96.23 Administration; duties of Clerk-Treasurer
Right-of-Way Use Permit
96.30 Definitions
96.31 Activities requiring a right-of-way use permit
96.32 Unlawful activities within the right-of-way
96.33 Permit application
96.34 Permit fees
96.35 Board to establish rules and regulations
96.36 Emergencies
96.37 Notifications
Snow Emergencies
96.40 Emergency snow procedures
96.41 Emergency snow routes
96.42 Emergency weather classifications
96.43 Interfering with emergency personnel
96.44 Depositing snow on streets or roadways
96.45 Depositing snow on fire protection equipment
96.99 Penalty