Temporary T-turnarounds may be required at the end of streets that are intended for extension when a subsequent phase of subdivision is developed or when the abutting parcel is developed. The terminus of a T-turnaround must comply with the following minimum standards.
(A) The T must be at right angles to the main street.
(B) Each wing of the T must be at least 20 feet long, plus one-half the main street pavement width, measured from the center of the right-of-way. See the figure below.
(C) The right-of-way width must be at least as wide as the main street’s right-of-way.

(D) At the time that a street is connected or extended, temporary T-turnarounds must be removed by the road authority or by the developer proposing the connection or extension.
(Ord. passed 7-8-1970; Res. 09-167, passed 6-18-2009)
(A) Major streets.
(1) Right-of-way. The minimum right- of-way width of a major street is 150 feet, unless the Chief Subdivision Engineer or road authority requires a greater right-of-way width.
(2) Pavement. The Chief Subdivision Engineer or road authority is authorized to establish minimum pavement widths and design standards for major streets.
(B) Secondary streets.
(1) Right-of-way. The minimum right- of-way width of a secondary street is 120 feet.
(2) Pavement. The Chief Subdivision Engineer or road authority is authorized to establish minimum pavement widths and design standards for secondary streets.
(C) Collector streets.
(1) Right-of-way. The minimum right- of-way width of a collector street is 80 feet.
(2) Pavement. The minimum pavement width of a collector street or any street serving industrial or commercial development is 36 feet (excluding curb and gutter).
(D) Local streets.
(1) Right-of-way. The minimum right- of-way width of a local street is 66 feet.
(2) Pavement. The minimum pavement width of a local street in a subdivision with open drainage is 24 feet. The minimum pavement width for subdivisions with curb and gutter is 28 feet (excluding curb and gutter).
(Ord. passed 7-8-1970; Res. 09-167, passed 6-18-2009)
(A) Concrete curb and gutter must be provided along the outside edge of all street pavements in all nonresidential subdivisions and in all residential subdivisions where the average lot width at the front lot line is less than 120 feet; and/or where the degree of slope exceeds 5%.
(B) Curb and gutter must be Type B-6.12, in accordance with State Department of Transportation (IDOT) highway standards or standards acceptable to the appropriate Road District Commissioner. See the figure below.

(C) The back of curbs must be depressed or cut in accordance with IDOT standards, subject to the approval of the Chief Subdivision Engineer when the final location for access to the public roadway for driveways, sidewalks and other paths is determined.
(Ord. passed 7-8-1970; Res. 09-167, passed 6-18-2009)
(A) All existing public and/or dedicated streets abutting a subdivision must be improved to a standard established by the highway authority for the subject street.
(B) If the property abutting a county highway is to be subdivided or access is being requested to a county highway, the developer/owner must dedicate, at no cost to the county, sufficient land area to satisfy the county road’s right-of-way requirement, including corner clips required by the County Highway Department and/or applicable highway authorities.
(Ord. passed 7-8-1970; Res. 09-167, passed 6-18-2009)
Horizontal curves measured along street centerlines must comply with the following minimum radii.
(A) Major and secondary streets. The County Highway Engineer is authorized to establish the minimum radius of horizontal curves on major and secondary streets.
(B) Collector streets. Horizontal curves on collector streets must have minimum radius of 300 feet.
(C) Local streets. Horizontal curves on local streets must have minimum radius of 200 feet.
(D) Other streets. Horizontal curves on streets other than major, secondary, collector or local streets must have minimum radius of 150 feet.
(Ord. passed 7-8-1970; Res. 09-167, passed 6-18-2009)
(A) Asphalt pavement must comply with IDOT Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction for bituminous concrete binder and surface course superpave and any special provisions applicable to IDOT District 1 standard requirements.
(B) All subdivisions must have pavement designed to the soil conditions actually found on the site in accordance with current IDOT design policy.
(C) Collector and local streets must comply with the cross sections of Appendix A. On major streets, secondary streets, county highways and developments intended for industrial or commercial use, projected traffic data and special uses must be submitted to the Chief Subdivision Engineer for evaluation, who has the authority to require additional width and thickness of pavements.
(Ord. passed 7-8-1970; Res. 09-167, passed 6-18-2009)