(A)   Major streets are those having inter-city or regional importance, including all state marked routes and strategic regional arterial (SRA) routes. Major streets must be properly integrated with the existing and proposed system of major streets and highways.
   (B)   Secondary streets include all county highways. Secondary streets must be properly related to special traffic-generating facilities such as schools, churches, shopping and employment centers; to population densities; and to the major streets into which they feed.
   (C)   Collector streets “collect” traffic from intersecting local and access streets and move this traffic in the most direct route to major or secondary streets. Collector streets, thus, form the intermediate link between local/access streets and major and secondary streets in the roadway network. They serve both a mobility and access function. Township roads are collector streets.
   (D)   Local streets and access streets provide direct street access to lots within subdivisions. Local and access streets must be laid out to:
      (1)   Conform as much as possible to topography;
      (2)   Discourage use by through traffic;
      (3)   Permit efficient drainage and sewer systems; and
      (4)   Require the minimum amount of street needed to provide convenient and safe access to abutting property.
(Ord. passed 7-8-1970; Res. 09-167, passed 6-18-2009)