(A) Sidewalks must be at least four feet in width, unless a greater width is required by the Chief Subdivision Engineer or Road District Commissioner based on anticipated usage.
(B) Trails must comply with the minimum width and construction requirements of any applicable trail or bike plan on file with the County Land Use Department.
(Ord. passed 7-8-1970; Res. 09-167, passed 6-18-2009)
(A) All sidewalks must be air entrained (5-8% air content) portland cement concrete and minimum 3,500 psi. Sidewalk pavement must be at least five inches thick over five inches of grade CA-16 gravel or compacted CA-6 coarse aggregate, or as required by the applicable road authority. Sidewalks must be constructed in accordance with the IDOT Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction.
(B) All trails must comply with the construction standards of a comprehensive trail or bike plan on file with the County Land Use Department or with IDOT standards. Regional trails must be open to and accessible by the general public.
(Ord. passed 7-8-1970; Res. 09-167, passed 6-18-2009)
(A) Utility easements must be provided in the rear of all residential lots. The Chief Subdivision Engineer is also authorized to require easements along front and side lot lines.
(B) Utility easement must be at least ten feet in width and normally centered upon lot lines.
(Ord. passed 7-8-1970; Res. 09-167, passed 6-18-2009)
(A) Where a subdivision contains a watercourse, drainageway, channel, stream, creek, pond, embankment, floodplain or wetland, these features and any required buffer area (as described in the County Water Resource Ordinances for Unincorporated Will County) must be placed in an appropriate easement or deed restriction to preserve the stormwater management function of the drainage feature and protect the natural resource value of the drainage feature.
(B) The width of the drainage easement will be established by the Chief Subdivision Engineer based on the area of land drained by the watercourse and to allow access for construction and maintenance equipment.
(C) The 100-year flow path must be placed in an easement through the subdivision large enough to accommodate the 100-year flow and any required buffer area.
(D) Drainage easements with a minimum width of ten feet must be placed at the rear of all lots.
(E) All constructed stormwater management facilities must be placed in drainage easements. A minimum 15-foot wide access easement must be provided for maintenance. The width must be measured from the closest public right-of-way.
(Ord. passed 7-8-1970; Res. 09-167, passed 6-18-2009)
No obstructions, including, but not limited to sheds, pools, berms and planters, may be placed in any public utility or drainage easement in a manner that will block or divert the flow of surface drainage. Any fences built in or across a public utility or drainage easement must be either open to allow the flow of surface water, or have the bottom of the fence or obstruction above the ground level to allow the unobstructed flow of surface water.
(Ord. passed 7-8-1970; Res. 09-167, passed 6-18-2009)