Parks situated in the interior of blocks must have direct and public access to surrounding streets by an easement at least ten feet wide and be covered by a maintenance agreement for the easement. Lots adjacent to easements must be at least ten feet wider than the otherwise required minimum lot width.
(Ord. passed 7-8-1970; Res. 09-167, passed 6-18-2009)
All unpaved street right-of-way must be graded and seeded or sodded in accordance with the County Soil Erosion and Sedimentation Control Ordinance. Grassed areas having slopes greater than 20% or five to one slopes or steeper must be stabilized with sod, mat or blanket in combination with seeding or approved equivalent. Seeding, sodding, matting and blankets must be in accordance with IDOT’s Standard Specifications for Road & Bridge Construction. Provisions must be made to assure the growth of all required landscaping.
(Ord. passed 7-8-1970; Res. 09-167, passed 6-18-2009)
(A) Parkway or front yard trees are required along all streets at a rate of one tree per 40 feet of street frontage, provided that no lot is required to have more than four parkway or street trees and all lots must have at least two parkway or front yard trees.
(B) Existing trees or newly planted trees may be used to satisfy parkway and front yard tree requirements.

(C) No trees may be planted in the parkway unless written approval has been received from the Road District Commissioner. Trees that are planted in the parkway must be planted in accordance with the specifications of the Road District Commissioner.
(D) When trees are not allowed to be placed in the parkway, required trees must be placed in the front yard of the subject lot.
(Ord. passed 7-8-1970; Res. 09-167, passed 6-18-2009)
(A) Landscape screening must be provided in accordance with all applicable county ordinances.
(B) In cases where lots have frontage along both an interior street and another street (double-frontage) or abut a nonresidential use or zoning classification, a landscaped earthen berm or fence must be constructed to the following standards.
(1) Landscaping berms must be constructed with slopes not to exceed a three to one gradient, with side slopes designed and planted to prevent erosion and with a rounded surface a minimum of three feet in height and five feet in width at the highest point of the berm, extending the length of the berm. Berm slopes must be protected with sod, seed, shrubs or other form of natural ground cover.

(2) A detailed landscape/berm plan must be submitted to show that adequate vegetative plantings have been provided to create a screen.
(3) No screening may interfere with drainage patterns or intersection visibility requirements. See § 154.125(C).
(Ord. passed 7-8-1970; Res. 09-167, passed 6-18-2009)