After completion of all public improvements, and at least 60 days before the final acceptance of the subdivision, the developer must submit plans showing the actual location and elevation of all valves, manholes, stubs, services, sewer and water mains, storm sewer with rim and invert elevations, elevation of overflow routes in critical locations, street lights and wiring, storm sewers, centerline of streets, ditches, overflow routes, detention/retention basins (including notations of any deviations from design) and other facilities as the Chief Subdivision Engineer requires. These plans must be printed on 24 inch by 36 inch paper and clearly labeled “as-built” and provided in a digital form (on CD or other approved media) utilizing the latest version of AutoCAD, or other software approved by the Chief Subdivision Engineer. The plans must bear the signature and seal of a state registered professional engineer. Submittal of these plans is a prerequisite to final acceptance of the improvements and to final release of the subdivision guarantee.
(Ord. passed 7-8-1970; Res. 09-167, passed 6-18-2009)
(A) The developer is solely responsible for maintenance and upkeep of all public areas, common areas, easements and improvements until final acceptance by the Chief Subdivision Engineer and Road District Commissioner.
(B) Final acceptance of the dedication of an open space or other public area, including rights-of-way, may not occur until after improvements are acknowledged and accepted by the Chief Subdivision Engineer and the Road District Commissioner and proof of responsibility for the maintenance of all community improvements is submitted to the Chief Subdivision Engineer.
(C) A subdivision warranty must be provided in exchange for final acceptance, at which time the subdivision guarantee may be released upon written notice from the Chief Subdivision Engineer to the County Clerk.
(Ord. passed 7-8-1970; Res. 09-167, passed 6-18-2009)
(A) The developer must post a subdivision warranty with the Road District Commissioner after final acceptance of the public improvements. The warranty amount must equal at least 10% of the initial subdivision guarantee for the improvements. Subdivision warranties must be in the format provided in the Will County Developers’ Handbook.
(B) The subdivision warranty must cover a period of at least two years.
(C) Subdivision warranties must be in the form of cash escrow, a letter of credit from a local bank or local savings and loan association, or other financial security approved by the county and applicable road authority.
(D) Subdivision warranties are not required for improvements not contained in and specified under the original subdivision guarantee.
(E) The subdivision warranty may be used to replace any faulty materials or workmanship and warrant the integrity of the improvements during the life of the warranty.
(F) At least 18 months after final acceptance of the improvements, the developer must request an inspection of the improvements by the Chief Subdivision Engineer and Road District Commissioner. Before release of the warranty, the developer must perform any warranted work. The work must be completed and inspected by Chief Subdivision Engineer and Road District Commissioner at least 30 days before the warranty expires.
(Ord. passed 7-8-1970; Res. 09-167, passed 6-18-2009)
(A) Before starting any work covered by approved improvement plans and construction specifications, written authorization to start the work must be obtained from the Chief Subdivision Engineer. The written authorization must be in the form of a site development permit (application form available from Chief Subdivision Engineer) for the subdivision.
(B) The site development permit must cover required public improvements, including right-of-way, drainage improvements, floodplain/wetland requirements and the like.
(C) The site development fee must be calculated based on the area within the right-of-way, the portion of the subdivision to be utilized for stormwater management purposes, 100-year overflow routes and any floodplain/wetland area to be enhanced as a part of the subdivision.
(D) Authorization to begin work will be given upon receipt of all necessary permits from other regulatory agencies, including all culvert permits required when proposed new or changed subdivision streets intersect any existing street.
(E) The Chief Subdivision Engineer and the appropriate Road District Commissioner must be notified three working days before any work commences so that appropriate inspectors may be present.
(F) Inspection fees for public improvements must be paid by the developer before construction of the improvements commence.
(G) Any work without proper inspection will not be acknowledged.
(H) No funds may be released from the subdivision guarantee unless the improvements covered by the subdivision guarantee have been inspected by the Chief Subdivision Engineer and the Road District Commissioner.
(I) During the course of construction, inspection of the work must be made by the design engineer employed by the developer to ensure compliance with the approved improvements plans and construction specifications.
(J) The design engineer must provide weekly field reports to the Chief Subdivision Engineer in a form as provided in the Will County Developers’ Handbook. These inspection reports must be signed and sealed by a registered professional engineer. The Chief Subdivision Engineer is authorized to issue a stop work order if weekly field reports are not submitted. Any delegation of construction observation duties must be approved by the Chief Subdivision Engineer.
(K) Construction of all improvements (with the exception of the final surface course of asphalt on dedicated streets) required by this chapter must be completed within two years of the date of final plat approval unless good cause can be shown for granting an extension of time.
Phasing of large subdivisions is encouraged so that projects can be completed within two years. Completion of a subdivision includes required sidewalks.
Phasing of large subdivisions is encouraged so that projects can be completed within two years. Completion of a subdivision includes required sidewalks.
(L) Building permits may not be issued until all required improvements are completed and operable, with the exception of the final surface course of bituminous asphalt if a two-layer construction is used. The final surface course of asphalt must be completed before acceptance of the subdivision.
(M) Until final acceptance of improvements by the Road District Commissioner, the developer is solely responsible for:
(1) Maintaining all improvements;
(2) Keeping all public ways, sewers and drains free from soil, debris and trash;
(3) Installing and maintaining appropriate erosion control measures; and
(4) Providing for snow removal on all streets within the subdivision.
(N) The developer is required to provide snow removal on all streets within the subdivision until acceptance of improvements by the Road District Commissioner. However, if the developer does not promptly remove snow, the Road District Commissioner may clear the snow and submit the invoice for this work to the developer for payment. If the developer does not pay this invoice, the subdivision guarantee may be utilized to pay the costs.
(O) The final lift of bituminous asphalt (surface) must be installed within three years from the date final plat approval or when individual buildings are completed on 80% of the lots in the subdivision, whichever comes first. When the lift of asphalt is placed before 80% of the lots are built out, the subdivision warranty will not expire until two years after the completion of 80% of the lots.
(P) Material testing for all public improvements must comply with State Department of Transportation Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction. Load tickets and core samples may be required by the Chief Subdivision Engineer and/or the Road District Commissioner.
(Ord. passed 7-8-1970; Res. 09-167, passed 6-18-2009)
(A) Establishment. If a property owners association is assigned responsibility for the maintenance and control of streets, drainage easements/facilities, open space, recreational facilities or other common areas and facilities within a subdivision, that association must have legal authority to maintain and exercise control over the common areas and facilities, including the power to compel contributions from residents or property owners to cover their proportionate share of the costs associated with the maintenance of the common areas and facilities.
(B) Documentation.
(1) Documents providing for the establishment of a property owners association must be submitted to the Chief Subdivision Engineer before approval and recordation of a final plat. The documents establishing the association must be in a form as provided in the Will County Developers’ Handbook.
(2) The county’s review is limited to ensuring that the property owners association has clear legal authority to maintain and exercise control over the common areas and facilities, including the power to compel contributions from residents and property owners to cover their proportionate share of the costs associated with the maintenance of the common areas and facilities.
(Ord. passed 7-8-1970; Res. 09-167, passed 6-18-2009)