General Provisions
156.101 Purpose and intent
156.102 Authority
156.103 Jurisdiction and applicability
156.104 Severability
156.105 Conflicting provisions
156.106 Continued violations
156.107 Interpretation
156.108 Conflicts of interest
156.109 Rules of procedure
156.110 Oath of office
156.111 Extraterritorial representation
156.112 Advisory boards
156.113 Repeal of previous ordinance and effective date
156.201 Zoning Enforcement Officer
156.202 Development approvals and determinations
156.203 Enforcement
156.204 Development agreements
156.205 Legal nonconformities
156.206 Vested rights and permit choice
156.207 Legislative decision and amendments
156.208 Procedures and notice requirements
156.209 Protest petitions
156.210 Withdrawal of application
156.211 Effect of denial on subsequent petitions
156.212 Minor changes
156.213 Quasi-judicial procedures
156.214 Special use permits
156.215 Variances
156.216 Fees
156.217 Planning Board
156.218 Zoning Board of Adjustment
156.219 Historic Preservation Commission
Zoning Districts
156.301 Official Zoning Map
156.302 Zoning districts – intent and dimensional requirements
156.303 Permitted uses
General Development Standards
156.401 Principal structures
156.402 Minimum frontage
156.403 Exceptions to height and setback regulations
156.404 Visibility at intersections
156.405 Off-street parking
156.406 Off-street loading space
156.407 Signs
156.408 Addressing – reserved
156.409 Access – reserved
156.410 Exterior lighting – reserved
156.411 Buffering and screening
156.412 Landscaping – reserved
156.413 Utilities – reserved
156.414 Fences
156.415 Stormwater protection
Development Standards for Specific Uses
156.501 Accessory dwelling units
156.502 Permitted uses
156.503 Adult uses
156.504 Asphalt and concrete plants
156.505 Bed and breakfasts – reserved
156.506 Cemeteries – reserved
156.507 Child day care/nursery school facilities
156.508 Electronic gaming operations
156.509 Extraction of earth products – reserved
156.510 Family care home
156.511 Helicopter landing pads
156.512 Junkyards, motor vehicle graveyards, and salvage yards
156.513 Kennels
156.514 Manufactured home parks
156.515 Manufactured homes on individual lots
156.516 Mini-storage units – reserved
156.517 Mixed use residential
156.518 Modular units – reserved
156.519 Motor vehicle body shop – reserved
156.520 Multi-family dwellings
156.521 Planned unit development
156.522 Precious metals dealer – reserved
156.523 Public utilities
156.524 RV park and campground standards
156.525 Service stations with fuel sales
156.526 Single and multi-tenant retail buildings greater than 30,000 square feet
156.527 Solar energy systems
156.528 Wireless telecommunications facilities or complexes
156.529 Breweries, brewpubs, distilleries, microbreweries, and tap or tasting rooms
156.530 Storage services
156.531 Rooming and boarding houses
Overlay Districts
156.601 Airport Overlay
156.602 Flood Damage Prevention Overlay
156.603 Gateway Overlay – reserved
156.604 Historic District Overlay
156.605 US HWY 421 Overlay – reserved
156.606 Watershed Protection Overlay
156.701 Definitions
These regulations are necessary and are adopted to promote the public health, safety, morals, convenience, comfort, amenities, prosperity, and general welfare of persons and landowners within the planning and development jurisdiction of the Town of Wilkesboro. These regulations and standards are intended to:
(A) Implement community land-use plans and standards.
(B) Preserve and protect property values and peaceful enjoyment.
(C) Facilitate the adequate and efficient provision of community services such as transportation, water and sewer utilities, parks, schools, and other public necessities.
(D) Preserve and protect land, air, water, and other natural resources.
(E) Ensure protection from fire, flood, and other dangers.
(Res. 2022-23, passed 8-1-2022)